Leukocyte responses in disease Flashcards
What are the 5 leukocytes?
– Neutrophil
– Monocyte
– Lymphocyte
– Eosinophil
– Basophil
What is classified as leukopenia?
- < 15 WBC in a single LPF10x field
What is classified as leukocytosis?
- > 45 WBC in a single LPF10x field
What do mature neutrophils look like?
- nucleus divided into 3 - 5 lobes
- cytoplasm clear or pale pink
What do band neutrophils look like?
- U shaped nucleus
- Parallel sides
What are the roles of neutrophils?
- Vital role in defence against pathogens
– Kill or inactivate bacteria, yeasts, fungi or
– Eliminate infected or transformed cells
– Modulate the immune response - Also involved in regulation of haemopoiesis
How long does maturation of neutrophils take?
What is the blood transit time?
What is left shift?
Increased band neutrophils - regenerative
What are the causes of neutrophilia?
- Physiological response
– Emotional stress/fear
– Adrenalin (esp cats) - Acute inflammatory response
– infection, IMD, neoplasia, necrosis - Stress/corticosteroid induced
What causes neutrophil dysfunction?
- Immunodeficiency syndromes
- Diabetes mellitus
- Neoplasia
- FeLV
What causes neutropenia?
- Overwhelming demand/decreased survival
- Reduced or ineffective granulopoiesis
- Rare diseases
What causes overwhelming demand?
- Severe bacterial infection
- Esp Gram -ve
- Pyometra
- Peritonitis
- Pyothorax
What are the roles of eosinophils?
- Kill parasites
- Control hypersensitivity reactions
- Effector cells in allergic disease and
What causes eosionophilia
- Parasitic
- Allergic – Feline asthma, canine atopy, fleas, EGC,
atopy, food, hypersensitivity - Inflammatory
- Neoplastic
- Hypoadrenocorticism (dogs, inconsistent)
- Hypereosinophilic syndrome(cats)
What are the roles of basophils?
- Potentiate inflammatory/hypersensitivity
reactions - IgE + antigen -> basophil degranulation
- Histamine release -> hypersensitivity
reaction - Response in line with eosinophils
What is monocytosis a sign of?
- Often reflects chronic inflammation
– may or may not have concurrent neutrophilia (esp
cats) - Acute inflammatory response
- Tissue necrosis
- Immune mediated disease
– esp IMHA - Compensatory in neutropenia
What do B + T lymphocytes distinguish into?
B cells = plasma cell = immunoglobulins
T cells = 1. T helper cells
2. Cytotoxic T cells
3. T-regulatory cells
What causes lymphocytosis?
- Physiological
– Adrenalin induced splenic contraction - Prolonged immune stimulation
- Youth
- Lymphoproliferative disease
- Transient post vaccination
- Hypoadrenocorticism
What causes lymphopenia?
- Corticosteroids
- Viral disease (esp feline retroviruses)
- Loss of lymphocyte rich lymph
– chylothorax - Sepsis/endotoxaemia
- Lymphoma
- (Immunosuppressive drug therapy)