Module 4 - Energy Systems Flashcards
What are Carbohydrates and fat used for?
Carbohydrates are used for energy (glucose). Fats are used for energy after they are broken into fatty acids.
What is adipose tissue?
Also known as, subcutaneous fat, is a body tissue comprising of cells containing fat and oil. It is found chiefly below the skin and major organs.
What is the role of adipose tissue?
Adipose tissue helps to store energy in the form of fat, cushion internal organs, and insulate the body.
What is adipocytes?
Fat cells found in the adipose tissue
What are the physiological adaptions that can occur as a result of aerobic exercise?
Decrease in resting heart rate, Increase in stroke volume, Greater capacity to use fat as fuel, Less reliance upon blood glucose for fuel, Increase in capillary density, Increase in mitochondrial density
What are signs of being aerobically deconditioned?
Higher heart rate at rest and while exercising at low to moderate intensities, and slow heart rate recovery
The energy system classification used by the body during exercise is determined by….
Exercise intensity, duration, and fuel availability.
What are the three energy system classifications that the body utilizes?
Anaerobic alactic, anaerobic lactic, aerobic.
What is oxidative phosphorylation?
A reaction occuring during the final stages of aerobic respiration, in which ATP is formed from ADP and phosphate coupled to electron transport in the electron transport chain.
What is the recyceling of lactate called?
The Cori Cycle
Being in “good” aerobic condition correlates with…
The body’s ability to utilize fat as an energy source more efficiently.
Where is glycogen stored?
Glycogen is primarily stored in the liver and the muscles. Between the two, more glycogen is stored in the muscles versus the liver.
What does an increase in stroke volume mean?
An increase in stroke volume means the heart is pumping more blood per stroke, thereby increasing its efficiency. (an increase in stroke volume decreases resting heart rate.)
How does aerobic training affect capillary density?
Capillaries can increase in number and size in areas where additional blood supply (i.e., oxygen) is needed
What happens when the capillary bed becomes larger?
As the capillary bed becomes larger, the oxygen supply to muscles increases because of the increased blood flow.
What’s the difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration?
Anaerobic respiration does not utilize oxygen to produce energy, aerobic respiration does utilize oxygen to produce energy.
What happens if oxygen is or is not utilized for ATP production?
If oxygen is not utilized, then ATP will be produced anaerobically, and if oxygen is utilized, then ATP will be produced aerobically.
What is beta-oxidation?
Beta oxidation is a metabolic process involving multiple steps by which fatty acid molecules are broken down to produce energy