Module 4 - Effects of Intense Exercise Flashcards
How much glycogen is stored in the muscles and liver?
75% of glycogen is stored in the muscles, and 25% is stored in the liver
What happens when lactate is oxidized?
The lactate exits the cells and is transported to the liver, where it is oxidized back to pyruvate and ultimately converted to glucose via the Cori cycle.
When does glycogen depletion occur?
Glycogen depletion occurs when the muscles and liver are empty of all glycogen, and the body must rely solely on fat for energy.
Once you’re depleted of glycogen and you continue to exercise, why must you do so at a lower intensity level?
Because converting fat to use as an energy source, requires a substantial amount of oxygen.
If you’re more aerobically conditioned, you’re more efficient at….
Utilizing fat instead of glycogen for energy.
Why is it important to use fat as the primary source of energy and glycogen as a reserve?
Fat takes longer to burn through and provides more energy
What is GDT?
Glycogen depletion is a method that involves training hard to exhaust your body’s supply of muscle glycogen
What is the definition of oxygen debt?
The definition of oxygen debt is the difference between oxygen consumption at rest and an elevated oxygen consumption rate following an exercise bout.
What is the repayment of oxygen termed?
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)
What’s the main purpose of EPOC?
EPOC aims to reduce and eliminate the oxygen debt, thus returning the body to normal (non-exercising) oxygen levels.
Why does aerobically trained individuals return to oxygen consumption baseline faster than those who are not?
This is because untrained individuals rely more on anaerobic energy systems during strenuous exercise than trained individuals, and therefore the resulting oxygen debt is higher.
What are the two areas of pulmonary function?
Total Lung Capacity (TLC) and Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)
What does TLC represent?
TLC represents the largest volume of air the lungs can hold
What does FVC represent?
FVC represents the largest amount of air that can be expelled after taking a deep breath.
What does cardiac output pertain to?
Cardiac output pertains to the volume of blood pumped out of the heart in one minute.
A high cardiac output allows you to….
Supply more oxygen to working muscles
Why does an aerobically deconditioned individual get out of breath faster in comparison to those who are aerobically conditioned?
Because their body does not utilize oxygen for energy efficiently.
The point where a person becomes out of breath is also called…..
The ventilatory threshold (VT).