Module 12 - Athlete Screening & Assessment Flashcards
What does PARQ stand for?
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
What does HHQ stand for?
Health History Questionnaire
If an athlete answers yes to any of the PARQ questions, what must they first obtain before they can start training?
A written consent form from a physician or doctor clearing them to start a running program.
Regardless of PARQ or HHQ results, any athlete must have been cleared by a physician in the last 12 months before beginning a running program. True or false?
What does Anthropometry relate to?
Anthropometry relates to the measurements and proportions of the human body.
When are anthropometric assessments done in training and for who?
They are commonly performed at the beginning, end, and throughout a training program. These assessments are most commonly done for athletes who focus on weight loss.
What are girth measurements and why is it an important tool?
Girths are circumference measures at standard anatomical sites around the body. It is measured with a tape and can be used in determining body size, composition and to monitor changes in these parameters.
What are the two most important factors when measuring muscle girth for accurate measurements?
The location and tension of the tape measure.
What are the 6 common areas to measure muscle girth?
Calves, thighs, hips, abdomen, chest, upper arm
Where do you measure calve muscle girth?
Measure at the widest part of the calves.
Where do you measure thigh muscle girth?
Measure the middle section of the thigh.
Where do you measure hip girth?
Measure at the widest part of the hips and take the measurement from the side of your athlete.
Where do you measure abdomen girth?
Measure level with the navel (belly button).
Where do you measure chest girth?
Measure level with the nipples while ensuring the tape is horizontal to the ground.
Where should you take the measurement from when measuring the chest?
From the side
Where do you measure upper arm girth?
The midpoint between the acromion process and elbow
What are the two most prevalent methods for assessing body composition?
Skinfold calipers and or Bioelectrical Impendance.
What are skinfold calipers?
A skinfold caliper is an instrument used for the measurement of the thickness of a skinfold, which can be composed mainly of subcutaneous fat, this way, a skinfold caliper helps to calculate body fat percentage.
What do you need to make the client aware of before administering the skinfold calipers?
That it might pinch.
When performing a pinch, you want to make sure you pinch only the __________, not _________.
skin and fat. muscle
What are the areas that you need to measure with the skinfold caliper?
Tricep, suprailiac crest, thigh, chest, and abdomen
How do you measure body fat with a caliper on the tricep?
Vertically pinch the middle of the upper arm, midway between the elbow and the top of the shoulder
How do you measure body fat with a caliper on the suprailiac crest?
diagonally pinch the skin/fat directly in front of the iliac crest.
How do you measure body fat with a caliper on the thigh?
vertically pinch the skin/fat midway between the inguinal crease and the top of the patella.
How do you measure body fat with a caliper on the chest?
Diagnolly pinch the skin halfway between the nipple and armpit (axillary fold).
How do you measure body fat with a caliper on the abdomen?
Vertically pinch the skin approximately one inch laterally to the right of the belly button.
What does the Bioelectrical Impedance Assessment(BIA) measure?
It measures body composition based on the rate at which an electrical current travels through the body (Body fat causes greater resistance than lean mass and slows the rate at which the current travels).
What is Body Mass Index?
An approximate measure of whether someone is over- or underweight, calculated by dividing their weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters.
Is the BMI assessment a good tool for athletes and why?
No, because it does not consider body fat or lean muscle, since muscle is heavier than fat.
What is the purpose of an athlete profile?
The purpose of the athlete profile is to obtain a wide variety of information to assess/coach an individual better and more accurately.