MISC 02 - History of Microbiology Flashcards
He believed that living organisms could develop from non-living organisms
He described that disease is caused by a minute “seed” or “germ” in the 13th century
Roger Bacon
He observed and described single-celled organisms called “animalcules” now referred to as microorganisms
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
He developed the compound microscope; was the first to coin the term “cell”
Robert Hooke
He showed that maggots would not arise from decaying meat, when it is covered
Francesco Redi
He is a supporter of the spontaneous generation theory; he proposed that tiny organisms arose spontaneously on the mutton gravy
John Needham
He demonstrated that air carried germs to the culture medium
Lazzaro Spallanzani
He is the father of medical microbiology; he invented the process of pasteurization
Louis Pasteur
He discovered highly resistant bacterial structures, later known as endospores
John Tyndall
He is the father of antiseptic surgery; he concluded that wound infections were due to microorganisms; he also used carbolic acid in antiseptic surgery
Lord Joseph Lister
He is the father of bacteriology; he demonstrated the role of bacteria in causing disease
Robert Koch
She was one of Koch’s assistants who first proposed the use of agar in culture media
Fanne Eilshemius Hesse
He developed the Petri dish, a container used for solid culture media
Richard Petri
He discovered the technique of vaccination and was the first to prevent smallpox
Edward Jenner
He discovered the penicillin from Penicillium notatum that destroyed several pathogenic bacteria
Alexander Fleming
He was the father of chemotherapy; he discovered salvarsan
Paul Ehrlich