Lecture 6: Attraction and Partner Selection Part 3 Flashcards
why might similarity be attractive?
- Validation for our interests, beliefs, & opinions
- We can better predict the behaviour of similar others
- Can participate in shared activities
- We expect those who are similar to us to
be more likely to like us - Interactions may run smoother
effect of similarity on initial attraction
Attitudinal similarity predicts attraction for people we don’t know (or with whom we are newly acquainted)
“Bogus stranger” paradigm
responses are manipulated to be either similar or dissimilar to one’s own responses
effect similarity in speed dating studies
- There is limited evidence of a link between attraction and similarity in a speed-dating content
- To the extent that similarity matters in this context, perceived rather than actual similarity may play a larger role
similarity in married couples
- 1,000 married couples provided information about themselves on 88 characteristics
- More similar on 66/88 traits compared to pairs matched at random
what is the directionality of the similarity-relationship link?
- Similarity predicts friendship development among newly acquainted
- Similarity does not increase over the course of marriage
- Length of marriage does not moderate spousal similarity
types of similarity
- Demographic similarity (ex. Age, race, education, religion, etc.)
- Attitudes and values
- Personality
for what type of similarity is the link most strong and why?
- Link between similarity & attraction seems to be stronger for attitudes/values and some demographic characteristics than for personality
- As we saw, some personality characteristics are more uniformly desirable than others
similarly & satisfaction
- Similarity between partners’ personalities explains only small amount of variation in satisfaction
- Having a partner with desirable personality traits (ex. agreeableness, conscientiousness, low neuroticism) more important than matching
- Couples similar on unappealing traits less successful than couples who are less alike on these traits
neural homophily study
- Measuring neural activity while individuals view naturalistic stimuli (e.g., movie clips) thought to offer view into thought processes as they unfold
- In this study, neural responses to movie clips more similar among friends than those further removed in a real-world social network
previous research on neural homophily
inter-subject correlations of neural response time series during viewing of complex dynamic stimuli associated with similarities in subjects’ interpretation of those stimuli
the tendency of nodes to connect to other similar nodes
why do we think opposites attract?
- Perception vs. reality: perceptions of similarity may be more important for liking than objective similarity
- Discovering dissimiarities can take time
- We may pursue partners that represent our ideal selves
- Dissimilarity may decrease over time
- Some types of similarity may be more important than others
- Matching is a broad process
- Perhaps we are attracted to people who possess the qualities we lacl
- There is little support for this idea
happiness of egalitarian vs. traditional couples
- Members of egalitarian couples are happier than more traditional couples
- This may help explain results of some studies showing higher satisfaction in gay and lesbian couples
humour in relationships
- There is no gender differences in preference for a partner with a sense of humour, but men do not rate funny women more highly
- There are different interpretations of what it means to have a sense of humour
- Men like women who laugh at their jokes and women like men who make them laugh
do preferences predict attraction? speed-dating study
- Before the event: they rate the importance of physical appearance, earning potential & attractive personality in an ideal romantic partner
- During the event: they rate each interaction partner on the above characteristics and indicate their level of desire
- Ideal preferences failed to predict desire at the event
promises of online dating
Online dating platforms claim to have sophisticated algorithms that can match you with a perfect partner based on the large amount of data they collect
efficacy of online dating study method
- Participants completed over 100 self-report measures, including personality, attachment, mating strategies, values, ideal partner preferences
- Desire for each partner was assessed during a speed dating event
- Statistical model: Can account for interactions between predictors
- Parses variance in romantic desire into 3 components
3 components of romantic desire
actor variance, partner variance, and relational variance
actor variance
the overall tendency to desire others
partner variance
the overall tendency to be desired by other people
relational variance
people’s desire for specific partners
efficacy of online dating study findings for actor desire
- Predicted 4-18% of variance in actor desire
- Consistent predictors: desired warmth/responsiveness, one’s own expected selectivity