Chapter 9: Sexuality Flashcards
sexual attitudes over time
- 50 years ago, most people disapproved of premarital sex
- Now, most people believe that sex between unmarried people is fine as long as it occurs in the context of a committed, caring relationship
sexual interactions with nonromantic partners that usually last one night and do not involve any expectation of a lasting relationship
satisfaction with hookups
Both men and women usually have more positive than negative feelings after a hookup, but mixed feelings are common
sexual attitudes in men vs. women
Men hold more permissive sexual values than women, although the difference is shrinking over time
sexual double standard
women have been judged more harshly than men for being sexually experienced or permissive
sexual attitudes in the U.S.
The U.S. holds relatively conservative sexual attitudes compared to other countries
sexual attitudes by race
African Americans hold more permissive sexual attitudes than Whites, while Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans are more conservative
atttiudes about same-sex sexuality
Most Americans are in favour of same-sex marriage
Two reasons for changes in attitudes towards LGBTQ+ sexuality
- Greater visibility of LGBTQ+ people in public life
- We understand same-sex sexuality much better than we used to
People are more likely to support same-sex sexuality if _____
they believe that people are born gay or lesbian than if they believe it is the way they “choose” to live
origin of sexual orientation
Sexual orientation has a genetic basis
evolutionary benefit of homosexuality
The sisters of gay men tend to have more children and children who receive greater care and protection, so it may have been evolutionarily advantageous for same-sex orientations to run in one’s family
same-sex attitudes by demographic
African Americans, Republicans, religious people, and the elderly hold more anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes
sex for the first time
- 17 is the average age of first intercourse
- The majority of teens have sex for the first time with someone who is a partner in a steady, emotionally important relationship
- Most teens find their first experience to be enjoyable, but men enjoy it a lot more
- Both men and women expect their first experience to be better than it turns out to be
sex on the first date and relationship satisfaction
Couples who have sex on the first date experience less relationship satisfaction
sex with casual partners and relation satisfaction
A pattern of sex with a casual partner is associated with greater tension in one’s relationships 4 years down the line
impact of abstinence-focused sex education
Abstinence-focused sex education doesn’t work at reducing teen sex, but it reduces the use of contraception
four common motives for sex
- Emotional
- Physical
- Pragmatic
- Insecurity
gender differences in motivation for sex
- Men and women endorse emotional movies with equal frequency
- Men are more likely to have sex for physical, pragmatic, and insecure reasons
marriage & cohabitation and the frequency of sex
- Married and cohabitating couples have sex more often than those who are single
- A steep drop in the frequency with which a couple has sex usually begins in the second year they live together
- This decreases further when they’re pregnant or have small children
frequency of sex across generation
All couples are having less sex, on average, than our grandparents did when they were our age
frequency of sex over time
- Sexual desire decreases with age
- Couples have the most sex during the first year of their relationship
sex in gay vs. heterosexual couples
- Gay men have more sex with their partners than lesbians or heterosexuals do
- After 10 years together, all couples have sex less often, but the drop in frequency is greater for gays, such that they end up having sex less frequently than heterosexual couples do
- Lesbians have sex less often, but when they do, it is more satisfying
number of sexual partners of men vs. women
- Men report having more sexual partners than women
- This may be due to sampling biases (not including prostitutes in studies)
- Men and women define sex differently; men are more likely to say they’ve had sex
- Men exaggerate the number of partners they’ve had, while women minimize them
involves sexual chat for the purpose of sexual gratification
Extradyadic sex
having sex with someone other than one’s partner without the permission of one’s partner
frequency of extradyadic sex
21% of women and 32% of men have been sexually unfaithful to their romantic partners at least once
extradyadic sex and gender
Men are more likely to cheat because they have more positive attitudes toward causal sex and they often pursue extradyadic sex for the sake of sexual variety
extradyadic sex in LGB couples
Gay men have more extradyadic sex than lesbian women and heterosexual men do
Sociosexual orientations
the trait-like collection of beliefs and behaviours that describe our feelings about sex
Restricted sociosexual orientation
people who are generally willing to have sex only in the context of a committed and affectionate relationship
Unrestricted sociosexual orientation
people who are always on the prowl for new partners