Lecture 20 Flashcards
What are the segments of the small intestine in the order through which food passes?
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
don’t just ignite
Which valve is found at the junction of the small and large intestines?
The term ___ refers to the small fingerlike projections of the lining of the small intestine.
The mucus-secreting cells in the epithelium of the intestine are called ______ cells.
List, in order from top to bottom, the segments of the small intestine.
What is a lacteal?
A lymphatic capillary within a villus used for lipid absorption
The middle and longest section of the small intestine is the ______.
The valve at the junction of the small intestine and large intestines is the ___ valve.
The fringe of microvilli on the apical surface of an epithelial cell which serves to increase surface area for absorption is also known as the ___ border.
What are the villi of the small intestine?
Fingerlike projections of mucosa
The tubular glands within the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine are called intestinal ___.
What is a goblet cell?
A mucus-secreting epithelial cell
What are the strips of longitudinal muscle fibers in the colon called?
taenia coli
A lymphatic capillary within the core of an intestinal villus, necessary for the absorption of lipids, is called a(n) ___.
Pouches that form the walls of the large intestine are called ___.
The primary secretion of the glands in the large intestine is ___.
Which enzymes are located within the plasma membrane of enterocytes in the small intestine?
Brush border enzymes
What are the intestinal crypts of the small intestine?
Tubular glands within the mucosa and submucosa
The term gut ___ is the collective name for the many species of bacteria residing in the large intestine.
microbiome or flora
The strips of longitudinal muscle shown in the figure are the ___ coli.
What are haustra?
Pouches along the length of the colon
The stimulus for the ___ reflex is stretching of the rectum.
Within the large intestine, mucus is secreted by goblet cells located where?
Intestinal crypts
Which three nervous system components mediate the defecation reflex?
- submucosal nerve plexus
- sympathetic nervous system
- spinal cord
- pelvic nerves
- meyenteric nerve plexus
meyenteric plexus
spinal cord
pelvic nerves
The fringe of microvilli on the apical surface of an epithelial cell which serves to increase surface area for absorption is also known as the ___ border.
Of the two anal sphincters, the ______ anal sphincter is under voluntary control and the ______ anal sphincter is under involuntary control.
external, internal
The gut microbiome refers to the many species of bacteria residing where?
Large intestine
What are the strips of longitudinal muscle fibers in the colon called?
Taenia coli
Choose all that are stimuli for defecation.
- stretching of the sigmoid colon
- stretching of the stomach
- stretching of the descending colon
- scretching of the rectum
Stretching of the sigmoid colon
Stretching of the descending colon
Stretching of the rectum
What are two effects of the defecation reflexes?
- relaxation of the external anal sphincter
- mass movements within the ascending colon
- relaxation of the internal anal sphincter
- peristalsis in the rectum
Relaxation of the internal anal sphincter
Peristalsis in the rectum
The ___ anal sphincter is composed of skeletal muscle.
The stimulus for the ___ reflex is stretching of the rectum.