Kapitel 70 – Muscle and tendon disorders Flashcards
How are muscles injuries classified?
a. Contusions (blunt injuries)
b. Strains (indirect injuries)
c. Lacerations (sharp injuries)
Muscle injuries are classified into the following stages:
Stage I: myositis and bruising but architecture intact.
Stage II: myositis and some tearing of the fascial sheath
Stage III: tearing of the fascial sheath, muscle fiber disruption, and hematoma formation.
Name the two processes of muscle healing.
Direct regeneration of myofibrils and production of fibrous scar tissue.
What is the aim of management in muscle injuries and how should you manage them?
a. The aim of management is to minimize the early disruptive effects of inflammation, edema, and swelling.
b. In the first 24 to 48 hours after injury, cold compresses and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents are indicated.
c. Light compression bandages can be used if anatomically feasible.
d. Early mobilization is essential for proper myofibril orientation and can be considered after 5 to 10 days once the initial injury has settled.
If surgery is needed, when is the optimal time to for surgery when it comes to muscle injuries?
Once the initial inflammatory phase has receded; this typically occurs 2 to 3 days following injury. Until this point the injury should be treated with cold compresses and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication.
List the muscles injuries of the thoracic limb described in veterinary medicine
a. Rupture of the Long Head of the Triceps Brachii Muscle (racing Greyhounds)
b. Avulsion of the Triceps Brachii Tendon of Insertion
c. Rupture of the Serratus Ventralis Muscle
What muscles are most commonly affected by contracture?
a. Infraspinatus
b. Quadriceps femoris
c. Gracilis, and
d. Semitendinosus
What is the treatment of choice for infraspinatus contraction?
Surgical exposure and tendonectomy of the tendon of insertion of the infraspinatus muscle, along with release of surrounding fibrous adhesions
What condition is shown on the picture? In which individuals is it more common?
a. Quadriceps femoris muscle contracture
b. It most frequently occurs after a fracture of the femur, particular in young growing dogs.
When can we see carpal flexion syndrome? What muscle is affected and what is the treatment?
a. Puppies between 6 and 24 weeks of age. Usually becomes apparent between 6 and 8 weeks of age, with unilateral or bilateral deformity of the distal thoracic limb.
b. Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
c. It is reversible with time, and recovery often occurs within 2 to 3 weeks. Reduce activity and apply a Short carpal support bandages for 2 weeks are recommended in animals with very marked deformity.
What tendons have been termed vascular tendons and why?
a. Tendons of insertion of the gastrocnemius and triceps brachii muscles
b. They are paratenon-lined tendons (a membrane like structure of loose connective tissue) and can receive a better vascular supply, hence better capacity for rapid healing.
What percentage of the original strength is achieved 6 weeks and 1 year after surgical repair of a tendon?
56% of its original strength after 6 weeks and 79% after a year.
Name specific sutures pattern used for tendon repair
a. Locking-loop (Kessler)
b. The three-loop pulley
c. The Krackow
What is the post-operative management after tendon repair of flexor tendons?
a. The foot is placed in a flexion bandage for 3 weeks, followed by a bandage in normal weight-bearing position for an additional 3 weeks.
Which is the first and second most common tendon injuries in dogs?
First: Severed digital flexor tendons
Second: Avulsion of the tendon of origin of the biceps brachii muscle
In which group of animals is avulsion of the tendon of origin of the long digital extensor muscle described and what’s the preferred treatment?
a. In immature large-breed dogs
b. Surgical exploration is recommended with reattachment of the tendon and the avulsed fragment of bone using a small screw in lag fashion