Chapter 44 – Bandaging, external coaptation and external devices Flashcards
Name the external copulation shown.
When is it used and what does it prevent?
Ehmer sling
It prevents external rotation of femur and is used after reduction of a dorsal hip luxation
A dogs comes in with a ruptured medial glenohumeral ligament and luxated shoulder.
a. After reduction, how would you copulate the limb?
b. Name the surgical treatment options
a. Thoracic limb hobbles
- transposition of the tendon of origin of the biceps brachii muscle or the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle
- augmentation of the existing medial collateral ligament by placement of synthetic sutures
- imbrication of the tendon of the subscapularis muscle, and
- radiofrequency-induced thermal modification (RITM)
How long can a bandage be left without change?
Up to two weeks
How many % had soft tissue complications in dogs treated with casts in a retrospective study (from tobias)
a. 46%
b. 28%
c. 63%
d. 76%
c. 63%
What are the criteria’s before considering exoprotheses?
The animal needs to have a functional shoulder and elbow joint or hip and stifle joint respectively.
Name some patient contraindications for exoprotheses
- Difficult to handle (aggressive/hyperactive)
- Excessive/highly mobile skin in relation to underlying tissues
- Patients with neurological deficits
- Compromised joint movement