Kapitel 30 - medical condition of the vertebral column and the spinal cord Flashcards
A dog presents with hypermetric ataxia of all 4 limbs with apparent stiffness. Which of the following locations is most likely affected?
Cervical spinal cord
Hypermetria is often seen with general proprioceptive ataxia and cerebellar ataxia. Since general proprioceptive ataxia is accompanied by upper motor neuron problems, an increased muscle tone can differentiate between these two types of ataxia
What is the neuroanatomic localisation for a dog presenting with increased muscle tone in the front legs with normal postural reactions?
Schiff-Sherrington, disruption of the ascending inhibitory neurons located at L1-L4. With C1-C5, there is increased muscle tone and abnormal postural reactions. Peracute T3-L3 lesions can also give lower motor neuron signs in the pelvic limbs.
Which nerve is best suited for biospy when generalized neuromuscular disease is suspected?
fibular nerve
Mixed nerve containing motor, sensory and autonomic nerve fibers, is easily identified and easily biopsied due to its flat anatomy. Also, normal electrophysiologic data are available and it can be reliably tested.
What are the characteristics of necrosis and edema on T1W and T2W imagese?
Hypointense on T1W and hyperintense on T2W
Many pathologic processes including edema, necrosis, inflammation, demyelination, many neoplasms are associated with an increase in unbound water, which increases the T2W signal and reduces the T1W signal.
Perfusion of the central nervous system is sensitive to:
Changes in the arterial CO2 pressure
outline how you can diagnose disco-spondylitis?
- CT/ x-ray
- Urinary sample for culture
- Blood culture, hematology, biochemistry
Outline CSF change seen in SRMA
- Ökad mängd proteiner
- Pleucytos utan toxiska förändringar
- IgA stegring
Migrating axes, where are these most often found?
- L2-L4
Migrating axes, where are these most often found?
- L2-L4
List 2 DDx to degenerative myelopathy
- kan testa för SOD1 gen blodprov. Positivt för den kan hunden drabbas men den behöver inte ha det. Om den är negativ har hunden inte degenerativ myelopati
- Hansen typ 2 (T3-L3)
- Neoplasi
Which of the following findings can correspond with degenerative myelopathy
A T3-L3 neuro-anatomic localization