Kapitel 63 - Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula Flashcards
The physis of the tibial tuberosity closes….
Late in the development (>12 months of age)
What is the preferred fixation method fot tibial tuberosity avulsion fractures in juvenilde
Pin and tension band wire fixation
If using an intramedullary pin as sole method of fixation for a tibial the diameter of the pin is
50% of of the diameter of the medullary canal at the tibial isthmus
List three techniques to repair a very distal tibial difysial segemnt with a very short distal
- Circular (ring) or hybrid external skeletal fixators
- Specially designed plates (such as the T-plate) and/or locking plates (with only 2 screws
needed) - a transarticular intramedullary pin or transarticular external skeletal fixators
- arthrodesis
What can be the consequences of premature closure of the tibial tuberosity?
Premature closure of the tibial tuberosity can result in distal drift of the tibial tuberosity,
which can cause increased tension on the patellar ligament and may result in patella baja
and fracture.
Which breeds are predisposed to this disease:
pes valgus has been recognized in Shetland Sheepdogs and large-breed dogs. Pes varus and
pes valgus that cause clinical signs of lameness may require surgical correction. pes valgus is
thought to result from abnormal growth of the distal fibular physis. Successful surgical
correction has been reported using plate and plate-rod combination