Chapter 32 Thoracolumbar vertebral column Flashcards
What is referred as the zygapophyseal joint?
The articular process joint
Which is typically the anticlinal vertebrae?
Where is located the internal vertebral venous plexus?
Along the ventolateral aspect of the vertebral canal
List the different approaches to the thoracolumbar vertebral columns
- Dorsal
- Lateral
- Dorsolateral
List at least 3 different methods that allow proper identification of the correct vertebrae
- Palpation of the last rib
- Palpation of the transverse process of L1
- Counting from Sacrum
- Use of methylene blue staining
Describe the surgical approach to the dorsal thoracolumbar column
- Dorsal approach ca 1-2 cm lateral to the midline
- Incision of SC and thoracolumbar fascia
- Elevation of m. multifidus from the vertebral body
- incision of the m. multifidus tension on the articular process
- If need to extend the approach more ventrally, incision of the longissimus lumborum tendon on the accessory process
List the three major portions of the vertebral column that provide stability and that should
be evaluated by the surgeon to warranty surgical stabilisation
- Vertebral body - acts as butress to resist bending and axial loading
- Articular processes - resists all forces
- intervertebral disc - resist rotation and lateral bending
List two possible approaches to the thoracolumbar spinal cord
Dorsal laminectomy
Which is the correct name of the misnomer hemilaminectomy?
How do you distinguish between cortical and cancellous bone?
Cortical bone is white while cancellous bone is red
Describe the 3 modifications of the dorsal laminectomy named according to the extent of
bone removal
Funkquist A - removal of spinouss process, lamina articular process and ca half of the dorsal portion of the pedicle
Funkquist B - leaved the art. processes and pedicle intact
Deep dorsal laminectomy - removal of the dorsal lamination, the entire zygapophyseal joint tot he lever of the ventral aspect of the vertebral column
indicate the correct prognostic ratio in dogs with thoracolumbar IVD
herniation with no proprioception
Length of the intramedullary pattern/length of L2 >=5 in a lateral view has a 26% of
recovery compare to a 61% recovery rate for dogs with ratios <5
Describe the characteristics of the MRI sequences with regard to the intensity of disc
material, fat and fluid
T2W - CSF and nondegenerative disk is hyperintense. Degenerative disk is hypointense. Fat is hypointense
T1W - CSF and diskmaterial is hypointense, fat is hyperintense
Disk material can be hyperintense post-contrast
What are the biomarkers present in the CSF from the cerebromedullar cistern of dogs with
thoracolumbar IVD herniation that are associated with severe spinal cord injury and failure
to recover ambulation?
Matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression
creatinine kinase activity
protein tau concentration
glutamate concentration
haptoglobin concentration nucleated cell count
and protein concentration
What are the 3 strategies of the medical management for thoracolumbar IVD herniation and
what kind of success rates does it have
- Analgesia
- rest
- physiotheraphy
ca 55 %
Report the success rates in dogs with thoracolumbar IVD herniation with and without
With nociception: 72-100%
without: 43-62%