Chapter 66 – Dentistry Flashcards
What is the normal depth of the gingival sulcus in cats and dogs?
Cats: not deeper than 0,5 mm
Dogs: not deeper than 3 mm
Which nerve blocks are most commonly used for regional anesthesia in dental procedures?
Maxillary nerve
Infraorbital nerve
Major palatine nerve
Inferior alveolar nerve and middle mental nerve
What nerve block is shown?
Inferior alveolar nerve block
When is closed vs open treatment of periodontal disease indicated?
Closed: When the periodontal pocket depth does not exceed 4-5 mm.
Open: when the pocket exceeds 5-6 mm.
On x-ray, how can you see if it is a young or older animal by looking at the pulp cavity?
Young animas have a wider pulp cavity compared to older dogs.
(because the dentin continue to apposition along the inside of the pulp cavity through out life)
What are some infections causes of feline stomatitis?
Feline calici virus and feline herpes virus
(not bartonella bacteria as previously thought)
What appears to be the best long term treatment of stomatitis?
Tooth extraction
What is the most common cause of aquired palatal defects? And what are common clinical signs?
Peridontal disease dure to resorption of incisive and maxillary bone.
Sneezing and ipsilateral nasal discharge.
For how long do you keep the circumferential wire when treating mandibular symphysis fractures?
Ca 4 weeks