Income Inequality 12 Flashcards
Correlation between power distance and income inequality
r = .350
Correlation between uncertainty avoidance and income inequality
r = -.238
Correlation between individualism and income inequality
r = .087
Correlation between masculinity and income inequality
r = .183
Correlation between long term orientation and income inequality
r = -.216
This profile typifies…
this profile typifies a hard nation in terms of trust and welfare
could it be a complex interaction between all these cultural dimensions e.g. Finland and USA similar on some dimensions
Alternate explanation of relationship between income inequality and culture
because of culture, the psychological traits that differ caused the income inequality and not the other way around. that is, income inequality does not make people less trusting, but less trusting people create unequal societies
There is a correlation between
is a correlation between health and social problems and income inequality but how viable is it to achieve spurious relationships with big data
Ultimate questions (5)
1) Do socio-economic factors affect health – and if so, how?; 2) Economically, Australian citizens are becoming less equal in terms of income, should this be seen as a concern?; 3) Does income inequality [in contrast to absolute income] have a negative effect on society and if so, what could be done to minimise this effect; 4) Should illicit drug use/possession be a criminal offence [50% of inmates in USA jails] or should all illicit drug users be diverted to rehabilitation programs [see Portugal]; 5) Can crime [including domestic violence] be linked to income inequality?