ADHD 2 Flashcards
Crawford ADHD
criticised research because of white standard (most research on boys); girls experience this disorder differently - less hyper activity (more ADD) (less external) but more inattention and impulsivity (internal)
No gender difference in adults…
no gender difference in adults does not support a biological genetic explanation
Social psychological observation
many adult females diagnosed in adulthood when one of their (male) children are diagnosed
Over time…
over historical time ADHD prevalence has increased
Why has ADHD prevalence increased over time
historically under-diagnosed; currently over-diagnosed
What needs to be considered
need to consider diagnostic practices; medication mirrors diagnosis
ADHD over geographical regions
national averages range from 1.1% to 7.3%; in USA varied by state from a low of 2% in Nevada to a high of 17.4% in Louisiana; again cross-cultural variation questions biological explanations
Medical model (4)
1) is the term coined by psychiatrist R.D Liang; 2) has proven highly successful and even indispensable in many contexts, especially with physical illness (viruses, pathogens, cancers, heart disease etc.); 3) had an early contribution in organic mental disorders (general paresis of the insane); 4) problematic as the sole explanation in many psychological disorders
Medical model can be contrasted with…
can be contrasted with other models of mental disorders that make different assumptions. Examples include: holistic model; social model; biopsychosocial model; recovery model
Medical-disease perspective of ADHD (4)
1) assume ADHD has a biological cause and thus a biological treatment; 2) the origin of ADHD was via brain research; 3) Study 1: found children with minimal brain damage had a cluster of hyperactive behaviours; 4) Study 2: neuropsychology wanted to know whether a behavioural test of these hyperactive behaviours would measure minimal brain damage, but found that not all hyperactive children had observable minimal brain damage
What should have been concluded
that not all hyperactive children have brain damage (only subset)
What was concluded
all hyperactive children have brain dysfunction even if it cannot be measured/detected
Biopsychosocial perspective of ADHD
was proposed by Engle in 1977 to better reflect the development of illness through the complex interaction of biological factors (genetic, biochemical etc.); psychological factors (mood, personality, behaviour etc); and social factors (cultural, familial, socioeconomic, medical etc.)
The biopsychosocial model was….
it was an alternative to the medical model and was in reaction to the perceived lack of science being used in psychiatry; against the reductionist approach - everything can be reduced to a biological cause
Biopsychological perspective ADHD
three explanations/causes for ADHD