FN: Urolithiasis: Ix and Mx Flashcards
Urine shows
Blood look at
FBC U+E Ca Po4 urate
KUB XR USS Spiral non-contrast CT-KUB IVU Functional scans
- 90% of stones radio-opaquw
- Urate stones are radiolucent, cysteine stones are faint
USS shows
Spiral non-contrast CT-KUB
- 99% of stones visible
- Gold standard
- 600x radiation dose of KUB
- IV contrast injected and control, immediate and serial films taken until contrast @ level of obstruction
IVU abnormal findings
- failure of flow to the bladder
- standing column of contrast
- clubbing of the calyces: back pressure
- delayed, dense nephrogram: no flow from kidney
- contrast allergy
- Severe asthma
- Metformin
- Pregnancy
Functional Scans
DMSA: dimercaptosuccinic acid
DTPA: diethlenetriamene penta-acetic acid
Drink plenty
Treat UTIs rapidly
Reduced oxalate intake: chocolate, tea, strawberries
Initial Rx
- Diclofenac 75mg PO/IM or 100mg PR
- Opiods if NSAIDS CI: e.g. pethidine
Fluids: IV if unable to tolerate PO
Abx: if infection: e.g. cefuroxime 1.5mg IV TDS
Conservative Mx
- 90-95% pass spontaneously
- Can discharge pt. with analgesia
- Sieve urine to collect stone for OPD analysis
Medical expulsive therapy indications
stone 5-10mm
Stone expected to pass
Drugs for expulsion
Nifedipine or tamsulosin
± prednisolone
Most pass with 48h, 80% w.i 30 d
Active stone removal indications
- low likelihood of spontenous passage e.g. >10 mm
- persistent obstruction
- renal insufficiency
- infection
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
- stones
Ureteroenoscopy (URs) + domier basket removal
- Stone >10mm in distal ureter or if SWL failed
Stone > 20 mm in renal pelvis
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL)
Stone >20mm in renal pelvis
e.g. staghorn calculi do DMSa first
Febrile with renal osbtruction
Surgical emergency
Percutaneous nephrostomy or ureteruc stent
IV abx e.g. cefuroxime 1.5g IV TDS
Rx summary
Conservative: stone