FN: Crohns disease: Management Flashcards
(top 3 are severity markers)
- FBC: reduce Hb, raised WCC
- LFT: reduced albumin
- Raised CRP and ESR
- Haematinics: Fe, B12, Folate
- Blood cultures
MCS: exclude Campy, Shigella, Salmonella
CDT: C. difff may complicate or mimic
AXR: obstructino, sacroileitis CXR: perforation MRI 1. Assess pelvic disease and fistula 2. ASsess disease severity
Small bowel follow-through or enteroclysis
- skip lesions
- Rose-thorn ulcers
- Cobblestonin: ulcerating + mural oedema
- String sign of kantorL narrow terminal ileum
Ileocolonoscopy + regional biopsy: x of choice
Wireless capsule endoscopy
Small bowel enteropscopy
Sever attack symptoms
Raised temp Raise dHR Raised ESR Raised CRP Raised WCC reduced albumin
Management of severe attack
REsus: admit, NBM, IV hydration 2. Hydrocortisone: IV + PR if rectal disease 3. Abx: metronidazole PO or IV 4. Thromboprophylaxis: LMWH 5. dietician REview 6. Monitoring Vitals + stool chart Daily examination
Dietician Review
Elemental diet - liquid prep of amino acids, f=glucose and fatty acids
Consider parenteral nutrition
Improvement in therapy
Switch to oral pred (40mg/d) –> oral theraoy
No improvement –> rescue therapy
- Discussion between pt, physcian and surgeon
- Medical: methotrexate ± infliximab
- Surgical
Inducing remission:
Supportive therapy
Oral therapy
Perianal disease
supportive therapy:
- High fibre diet
- Vitamin supplements
Oral therapy
1st line: ileocaecal: budesonide]2. ColitisL sulfasalazine 2nd line: prednisolone (tapering) 3rd line: methotrexate 4th line: infliximab or adalimumab
Perianal disease
1. Occurs in 50% Ix: MRI + EUA Rx: 1. ORal Abx: metronidazole 2. Immunosuppression ± infliximab 3. Local surgery ± seton insertion
Maintaing remission
1st line: azathioprine or mercaptopurine
2nd line: methotrexate
3rd line: infliximab/adalimumab
Perianal disease
1. Occurs in 50% Ix: MRI + EUA Rx: 1. Oral Abx: metronidazole 2. Immunosuppression ± infliximab 3. Local surgery ± seton insertion
Maintaining remission
1st line: azathioprine or mercaptopurine
2nd line: methotrexate
3rd line: infliximab/adalimumab
50-80% need >1 operation in life
Never curative
Should be s conservative as possible
Indiciation sfor surgery emergency
Failure to respond to medical Rx
Intestinal obstruction or perforation
Massive haemorrhage
Indication for elective
Abscess or fistula
Perianal disease
Chronic ill health
- Limited resection e.g. ileocaecal
- Stricturoplasty
- Defunction distal disease with temporary loop ileostomy
Enterocutaneous fistulae
Stoma complications
Anastomotic leak or stricture
Short gut
Short gut features
ADEK and B12 malabsorption
Bile acid depletion = gallstones
Hyperoxaluria - renal stones
Treatment of short gut
Supplements or TPN