FN: Lung Cancer: Investigations and Management Flashcards
- Bloods
- Cytology
FBC, U+E, calcium, LFTs
Sputum, pleural fluid
Contrast-enhanced Volumetric CT
Radionucleotide bone scan
CXR shows
Coin lesion Hilar enlargement Consolidation, collapse Effusion Bony secondaries
Contrast-enhanced Volumetric CT
- Staging: lower-neck, chest, upper abdomen
- Consider CT brain
Pet- CT show
Exclude distant mets
- Percutaneous FNA: peripheral lesions and LNs
- Bronchoscopy: biopsy and assess operability
- Endoscopic bronchial US biopsy: mediastinal LNS
- Mediastinoscopy
Lung function tests
Assess treatent fitness
CXR Coin Lesion Differential
Foreign body Abscess: staph, TB, Klebsiella, Mycetoma Neoplasia (primary and secondary) Granuloma: RA, Wegener's, TB, sarcoid Structural: AVM
Non small cell carcinoma staging
- Assess risk of operative mortality e.g. thoracoscore
- Cardiorespiratory function
- Co-morbidities - Advise smoking cessation
- Surgical Resection
- Curative radiotherapy
- Chemo ± radio for more advanced disease
NSCLC surgical resection
- Rx of choice for peripheral lesions with no metastatic spread = stage I/I (25%)
- Need good cardiorespiratory function
- Wedge resection, lobectomy or pneumoectomy ± adjuvant chemo
Curative radiotherapy
If cardiorespiratory reserve is poor
Chemo ± radio for more advanced disease
- Platinum- based regimens
- MAbs targeting EGFR (e.g. cetuximab) or TKI (e.g. erlotinib)
Typically disseminated @ presentation
- May respond to chemo but invariably relapse
SCLC Palliation
- Radio: bronchial obstruction, haemoptysis, bone or CNS mets
- SVC obstruction: stenting + radio + dexamethasone
- Endobronchial therapy: stenting, bracytherapy
- Pleural drainage/Pleurodesis
- Analgesia
Prognosis NSCLC
50% 5 yrs w/o spread, 10 with spread
Prognosis SCLC
1-1.5 yrs median survived treated; 3 mo untreated