FN: Colorectal Carcinoma: Ix, Mx and Prevention Flashcards
Bloods show
LEFTs: mets
Tumour Marker: CEA (carcinoembryonic Ag)
CXR: lung mets Us liver: mets CT and MRI -staging - MRI best for rectal Ca and liver mets Endoanal US: staging rectal tumuors Ba/gastrogaffin enema: apple-core lesion
endoscopy + biopsy
Flexi sig: 65% of tumours accessible
Dukes (spread)
Grading from low to high
Based on cell morphology
Dysplasia, mitotic index, hyperchromatism
- Manage in an MDT
- Confirmation of Dx
- Stage with CT or MRI
- 60% amenable to redical surgery
- Use ERAS pathway
- Pre-operative bowel prep (except R sided lesions)
- Consent: discuss stomas
- stoma nurse consult for siting
Bowel prep type
Kleen prep (Macrogol: osmotic laxative) the day before and phosphate enema in the AM
- excision depends on lymphatic drainage which follows arterial supply
- Mobility of bowel and blood supply at cut ends is also important
- Hartmanns often used if obsruction
- Laparoscopic approach is the standard of care
Rectal Ca
- Neo-adjuvant radiotherapy may be used to reduced local recurrence and increased in 5yrs
- Anterior resection: tumour 4-5cm from anal verge: defunction with loop ileostomy
- AP resection:
Sigmoid tumours management
Sigmoid: high anterior resection or sigmoid colectomy
Left tumour mx
Left hemicolectomy
Transverse tumour mx
extended right hemicolectomy
Caecal/right mx
Right hemicolectomy
Other Rx
- Local excision e.g. transanal endoscopic Microsurg
- Bypass surgery: palliation
- Hepatic resection: if single lobe mets only
- Stentin: palliation or bridge to surgery in obstruction
- Chemo
Adjuvant 5-FU for DUkes C reduced mortality by 25% i.e. LN +ve pts
High grade tumour
Palliation of metastatic disease
NHS Screening for CRC 2
Flexi Sig
FOB Testing
- Introducing in 2006
- 60-75yrs
- Home FOB testing every 2yrs - 1/50 have +ve FOB
- Colonoscopy if +ve 1/10 have Ca
- Lindholm et al BJS 2008 - screening reduces the risk of dying form CRC by 25%
Flexi sig
Introduced in 2011/2012 55-60yrs Once only flexi sig Atkin et l Lancet 2010 1. reduced CRC incidence by 33% 2. reduced CRC mortality by 43%