FN: Prostate Cancer Flashcards
Commonest male Ca
3rd commonest cause of male Ca death
PrevalenceL 80% of men >80 yrs
Race: increased in blacks
Peripheral zone of prostate
Usually asymptomatic
Urinary: nocturia, freqeuncy, hesitancy, poor stream, terminal dribbling, obstruction
systemic: wt. loss, fatigue
Mets: bon epain
Hard irregular prostate on PR
Loss of midline sulcus
Local: seminal vesicles, bladder, rectum
Lymph: para-aortic nodes
Haem: slcerotic bony lesions
Bloods: PSA, U+E, acid and alk phos, Ca Imaging: -XR chest and psine - TRansrectal US + biopsy - Bone scan - Staging MRI - contrast enhacing magnetic nanoparticles increased detection of affect nodes
- Proteolytic enzyme used in liquefaction of ejaculation
- Not specific for prostate CA - raised with age, PR, TURP and prostatitis
- > 4ng/ml: 40-90% sensitivity, 60-90% specificty: only 1-in-3 will have Ca
- Normal in 30% of small cancers
Prostate cancer grading
Gleason grade
TNM see notes
Prognostic factors
Help determine whether to pursue radical Rx Age Pre-Rx PSA Tumour stage Tumour grade
- Difficult to know which tumours are indolent and will not - mortality before something else
- Radical therapy association with significant morbidity
conservative Mx
Active monitoring close monitoring with DRE and PSA
Radical therapy
- Radical prostatectomy (+ goserelin if node +ve)
- perfomred laparoscopically with robot
- Only mproves survival vs. active monitoring if
Medical management
- Used for metastatic or node + ve disease
- LHRH analogues e.g. goserelin, inhibit pituitary gonadotrophins - reduced testosterone
- Antiandrogens e..g cyproterone acetate, flutamide
TURP for obstruction
Radiotherapy for bone mets/cord compression
Screening with PSA
- populatino based screening not recommened in the UK
- PSA not an accurate tumour marker
- ERSPC trial showed small mortaility benefit, PLCO trial showe dno benefit
- Must balance mortality benefit with harm caused by over diagnosis and over treatment of indolent cancers