FN: Chronic limb ischaemia: Investigation and Management Flashcards
Doppler Waveforms ABPI Walk test Bloods Imaging Other: ECG ischaemic changes
Doppler wave forms
Normal: triphasic
Mild stenosis: biphasic
Severe stenosis: monophasic
Walk test
Walk on treadmill @ certain speed and incline to establish maximum claudication distance
ABPI measured before and after: 20% drop is significant
FBC, U+E: anaemia, renovascular disease
Lipds and glucose
ESR: arteritis
G+S: possible procedure
Asses site, extent and distal run-off
- Colour doppler US
- CT/MRI angiogram: gadolinium contrast
- Digital subtraction angiography
- Invasive therefore not commonly used for Dx only
- Used when performing therapeutic angioplasty or stenting
Conservative Management
- Most patients with claudication can be managed consrevatively
- incerase excercise and emply excercise programs
- Stop smoking
- wt. loss
- Foot care
Prognosis of conservative management
1/3 improve
1/3 stay the same
1/3 deteriorate
Medical Management
- Risk factors: BP, lipids, DM: note B-blockers dont worsen intermittant claudication but use with caution in chronic limb ischaemic
- Antiplatelts: aspirin/clopidgrel
- Analgesia: may need opiates
- (parentral prostanoids reduce pain in patients, unfit for surgery)
endovascular Mx
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty ± stenting
- Good for short stenosis in big vessels e.g. iliac, SFA
- Lower risk for pt: performed under LA as day case
- Improved inflow and reduced pain but restoration of foot pulses is required for Rx of ulceration/gangrene
Surgery indications
- v. short claudication distance
Pre op assesment
Need good optimisation as likely to have cardioresp co-morbidities
Need good proximal supply and distal run-off
Saphenous vein grafts preferred below th eIL
More distal grafts have increase rates of thrombosis
Anatomical: fem-pop, fem-distal, aortobifemoral
Extra-anatomical: axillo-fem/bifem,fem-fem crossover
Endarterectomy: core-out atheromatous plaque
Sympathectomy: chemical (EtOH injectino) or surgical: caution in DM neuropathy
Prognosis 1 yr after onset of CLI
50% alive w/o amputation
25% will have had major amputation
25% dead (usually MI or stroke)
Following amputation prognosis
Perioperative mortality
AK: 15-20%
1/3 completed autonomy
1/3 partial autonomy
1.3 dead