FN: Liver Failure Flashcards
- Infection: Hep A/B, CMV, EBV, leptospirosis
- Toxin: EtOH, paracetamol, isoniazid, halothane - Vasc: Budd-Chiari
- Other: Wilson’s, AIH
- Obs: eclampsia, acute fatty liver of pregnancy
1. Jaundice 2. Oedema + ascites 3. Bruising 4. Encephalopathy Aterixis Constructional apraxia (5-pointed star) 5. Fetor hepaticus 6. Signs of cirrhosis / chronic liver disease
- Bloods
- Microbiology
- Radiology
Bloods required
- FBC - infection, GI bleed, reduced MCV (EToH)
- U&E
- reduced Urea, increased Creatinine: hepatorenal syndrome
- Urea synthesis in liver and therefore poor test of renal function - LFTs
- AST”ALT >2= EtOH
- AST: ALT <1 = Viral
- Albumin: reduced in chronic liver failure
- PT: increased in acute liver failure - Clotting: increased INR
- Glucose
- ABG: metabolic acidosis
- Causes: Ferritin, alpha1 antitrypsin, caeruloplasmin, Abs, paracetamol levels
- hep, CMv, EBV serology
- Blood and urine culture
- Ascites MCS + SAAG
Abdo Us + portal vein duplex
Hepatorenal syndrome
Renal failure in patients with advanced CLF
- Diagnosis of exclusions
Pathophysiology of hepatorenal syndrome
“Underfill theory”
Cirrhosis → splanchnic arterial vasodilatation → effective circulatory volume → RAS activation → renal arterial vasoconstriction.
Persistent underfilling of renal circulation → failure
Classification of hepatorenal syndrome
Type 1: rapidly progressive deterioration (survival
Type 2: steady deterioration (survival ~6mo)
Rx of Hepatorenal syndrome
1. IV albumin + splanchnic vasoconstrictors (terlipressin)
2. Haemodialysis as supportive Rx
3. Liver Tx is Rx of choice
Mx of Liver Failure
Manage in ITU
Rx underlying cause: e.g. NAC in paracetamol OD Good nutrition: e.g. via NGT ̄c high carbs
Thiamine supplements
Prophylactic PPIs vs. stress ulcers
Monitoring of Liver Failure
Fluids: urinary and central venous catheters Bloods: daily FBC, U+E, LFT, INR
Glucose: 1-4hrly + 10% dextrose IV 1L/12h
Complications of Liver Failure
1. Bleeding: Vit K, platelets, FFP, blood
2. Sepsis: tazocin (avoid gent: nephrotoxicity)
3. Ascites: fluid and salt restrict, spiro, fruse, tap, daily wt 4.Hypoglycaemia: regular BMs, IV glucose if <2mM
5. Encephalopathy: avoid sedatives, lactulose ± enemas,
6. Seizures: lorazepam
Cerebral oedema: mannitol
Prescribing in Liver failure
Avoid: opiates, oral hypoglycaemics, Na-containing IVI Warfarin effects ↑
Hepatotoxic drugs: paracetamol, methotrexate,
isoniazid, salicylates, tetracycline
Poor prognostic factors
- Grade 3/4 hepatic encephalopathy - Age >40yrs - Albumin <30g/L - ↑INR - Drug-induced liver failure
Lover Transplant types
Cadaveric: heart-beating or non-heart beating
Live: right lobe Cadaveric: heart-beating or non-heart beating
Live: right lobe
Criteria for paracetamol liver injry
Kings College Hospital Criteria in Acute Failure
Kings College Hospita criteria in paracetamol induced acute liver failure
pH< 7.3 24h after ingestion Or all of: PT > 100s Cr > 300uM Grade 3/4 encephalopathy
Kings college hospital criteria in non-paracetamol acute liver failure
PT > 100s
Or 3 out of 5 of: Drug-induced Age <10 or >40 >1wk from jaundice to encephalopathy PT > 50s BR ≥ 300uM