Final Exam: Ch 21 Flashcards
Special lymphoid vessels, called lacteals, absorb dietary__________ that are not absorbed by the blood capillaries.
Lymphatic vessels recover about__________ of the fluid filtered by capillaries.
Lymph is similar to blood plasma, but very low in__________.
Which of the following forces does not help lymph to flow?
The lymphatic node pump
__________ are the largest of the lymphatic vessels, and they empty into the__________.
Collecting ducts; subclavian veins
Removal of the__________ would be more harmful to a one-year-old child than an adult.
The only lymphoid organ(s) with afferent lymphatic vessels is(are) the__________.
Lymph nodes
The__________ show(s) a remarkable degree of degeneration (involution) with age.
The__________ tonsils are the largest, and their surgical removal (tonsillectomy) used to be one of the most common surgical procedures performed in children.
T cells achieve immunocompetence in the__________.
Which of the following is not an example of lymphoid tissue?
Perforin is released by__________.
cytotoxic T cells
Immune surveillance is a process in which__________ nonspecifically detect and destroy foreign cells and diseased host cells.
natural killer (NK) cells
__________ employ a “respiratory burst” to produce bactericidal chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide (image) and hypochlorite (HClO).
__________ are found especially in the mucous membrane, standing guard against parasites and allergens.
The immune system spans nearly every organ and tissue in the human body.
__________ lacks the capacity to remember a pathogen or react differently to it in the future, whereas __________ utilizes memory cells to adapt to a given pathogen and ward it off more easily in the future.
Innate immunity; adaptive immunity
One group of proteolytic enzymes secreted by natural killer (NK) cells is__________.
When an enemy cell is present, a(n)__________ secretes perforins, which bore a hole in the enemy cell membrane.
natural killer cell
Complement C3b protein coats bacteria and stimulates phagocytosis by__________ during a process called__________.
neutrophils and macrophages; opsonization
__________ are antimicrobial proteins.
Endogenous pyrogens are produced by__________.
neutrophils and macrophages
A pyrogen is a substance that causes__________.
The first of a series of neutrophil behaviors in inflammation is__________.
Which of these cellular agents does not participate in inflammation?
Cytotoxic T cells
One characteristic of the immune response is specificity. This means that__________.
immunity is directed against a particular pathogen
Cellular (cell-mediated) immunity is effective against__________.
cancer cells
Vaccination stimulates__________ immunity.
artificial active
The serum used for emergency treatment of snakebites stimulates__________ immunity.
artificial passive
A(n)__________ is the region of an antigen that stimulates an immune response.
Each immunoglobulin (Ig) has__________ antigen-binding site(s).
Which organ is considered the graveyard of erythrocyte graveyard
T Lymphocytes are born in _____________, trained in ___________ and deployed in _____________
Bone marrow, thymus, location to carry immune function
Which of the followingcannot act as antigen-presenting cells?
Amongst the lymphocytes, which one represents 80% of the cells
T cells
The First line of defense includes
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets mainly__________.
Helper T cells
Which of these organs shrinks significantly by adulthood?
see photos for pic
A. Thymus
Which of these is the largest lymphoid organ in the body?
See photos for picture
E. Spleen
Which of these structures collects chyle?
See photos for picture
B. Cysterna Chyli