ch 27 quiz answers Flashcards
which of the following is a change in the male body during puberty
- hair growth in the axillary region, pubic region, and face
- increased testosterone levels resultsing in increased libido (sex drive)
which of the following anatomical structures is/are part of the tract within sperm travels from the testis to outside of the body
- bulbourethral gland
- ductus deferens
- efferent ductules
Semen is very low in volume and the sperm cells have difficulty with motility because there is not enough of an energy supply to power their flagella.
Which of the following accessory glands of male reproduction may be mafunctioning?
- seminal vesicle
- thymus glands
- adrenal glands
which is true regarding gender
- a person’s sex is solely determines at fertilization
- the SRY gene is found on the Y chromosome
- human females lack a Y chromosome
seminal vesicles
group 1/3
- empties into the ejaculartory duct
- deficiency would decrease sperm motility due to a lack of ATP
- produces the protein that causes semen to become sticky and fibrin-like
prostate gland
group 2/3
- contributes about 30% of seminal fluid
- surrounds both urethra and ejacultary ducts
- deficiency would decrease sperm motility by allowing the vagina to maintain an acidic environment
- creates a clotting enzyme in semen
bulbourethral gland
group 3/3
- increases the pH of residual urine in the urethra
- lubricates the glans penis during sexual intercourse
- adjacent to the urogenital diaphragm bilaterally
primary sex organs
- produce sperm
- produce ova
secondary sex organs
- uterus
- allow for travel of the ovum to the uterus
- allow for travel of the ovum to the uterus
- deliver sperm to the female copulatory organ
secondary sex characteristics
- beard
- enlarged breasts
- deep voice
- the deep artery dilates
- bulbourethral fluid is secreted by the bulbourethral glands
orgasm - emission
- sperm are moved via muscular contraction from the ductus deferencs to the ampulla to the urethra
- the prostate begins to secrete components of seminal fluid
orgasm - expulsion
- the internal urethral sphincter contracts
- the bulb and root of penis are rhymically compressed
- the internal pudendal artery constricts
- blood is squeezed from the erectile tissues as the trabecular muscles contract
what is true about changes in male body during puberty
- the penis continues to grow for up to 2 years after the testes and scrotum have stopped
- an increase in the frequency of erections is due to estrogen
- an increase in FSH results in an increase in sperm production
- FSH and LH secretion plateaus at the onset of puberty
- DHT stimulates the development of pubic and axillary hair
- if testosterone secretion stops sperm count declines
what is true about changes in male body during puberty
- the conversion of testosterone to estrogen causes an increase in muscle mass and appetite
- pure testosterone stimulates beard growth
- the secretions of the male reproductive tract originate in the testes where sperm cells are produced
- the fluid from the seminal vesicles joins the sperm from the ductus deferens at the ejaculatroy duct
- the second largest producer of seminal volume the prostate gland surrounds the urethra and the ejaculatory duct
- contributing about 5% of the overall seminal volume the bulbourethral glands are involved with pre-ejaculataory secretions for lubrication and preparation of the urethra for the passage of semen
where is gonadotropin-releasing hormone produced
where is the erectile column of the penis that passes along the ventral side and encloses the penile urethra
corpus spongiosum
in humans when do secondary sexual characteristics first appear
at puberty
female reproductive development is directly inhibited by
mullerian-inhibiting factor
- GnRH from the hypothalamus stimulates the secretion of FSH and LH
- FSH stimulates the secretion of androgen-binding protein
- LH stimulates testosterone secretion
- Testosterone in the presence os ABP stimulates spermatogenesis
- Testosterone stimulates the development of a beard and chest hair
- Inhibin prevents FSH from stimulating further spermatogenesis
- after around age 40 a male’s testosterone levels decline slowly about 1% a year
- due to the decline in testosterone levels the sperm count also declines
- while fertility may decreased number of sperm there is also an increase in the frequency of mutations
- occuring in 50% of men over the age of 80 erectile dysfunction makes it difficult to engage in sexual intercourse
spermatogenesis occurs in the
seminiferous tubules
which of the following is a correct sequence of cells in spermatogenesis
spermatogonium–> primary spermatocyte–> secondary spermatocyte
during spermatogenesis which of the following cells is the first to become haploid
secondary spermatocyte
which of the following is true regarding a spermatogonium
it divides by mitosis to produce a spermatogonium and a primary spermatocyte
a primary spermatocyte divdies by way of ___ to produce ____
- meiosis
- two secondary spermatocytes
which of the following is true regarding the fate of a spermatid
it differentiates into a sperm cell