ch 25 quiz answers Flashcards
a friend tells you that they have been diagnodes with a peptic ulcer
what do you advise them to do?
take a bismuth suspension like pepto-bismol
which is true regarding the absorption of nutrients
proteins can be absorbed as disaccharides
miccelles are required for lipid absorption
which is true regarding the anatomy of the colon and/or small intestine
the colon and the small intestine both have intestinal crypts
the small intestine and the colon both display haustra in their anatomical structure
the small intestine and the colon both have circular and longitudinal muscles in the muscularis
match each word/phrase to correct organ
* synthesizes bile
* synthesizes bile acids
* releases its secretions into the bile canaliculi
* stores the substance that breaks globules of fat into droplets
* contraction is induced by cholecystokinin
* secretes inactive enzymes that when activated will digest proteins
* secretes zymogens
* secretes enzymes that digest fats
* secretes deoxyribosenuclease
* secretes an enzyme that digests carbohydrates
correct cateogory to secretin & cholecystokinin
* secreted in response to fats in the small intestine
* strong stimulatory effect on gallbladder
* eventually leads to the emulsification of lipid globules
* stimulates the secretion of pancreatic amylase and pancreatis lipase
* relaxes the sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla
* stimulates bile release into the duodenum
* secreted in response to chyme’s low pH
* results in sodium bicarbonate release by the liver and pancreas
* ultimately protects the intestinal wall from HCl
* helps flush pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum
match each macromolecule with each digestive enzyme or compound
* salivary amylase
* maltase
* sucrase
* lingual lipase
* pancreatic lipase
* gastric lipase
* pepsin
* chymotrypsin
* carboxypeptidase
match order of neural control of deglutition they represent
- the tongue forms a food bolus and pushed it in to the larygnopharynx
- the palate, tongue, vocal cords, epiglottis block the oral and nasal cavities and airway while pharyngeal constrictors push the bolus into the esophagus
- peristalsis drives the bolus downward and relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter admits it into the stomach
small intestine function to increase the surface areaoftheintestinalwall
- circular folds
- villi
- microvilli
starting at pyloris identify correct path of food that pass through body
- duodenum
- jejunum
- iluem
- cecum
- ascending colon
- transverse colon
- descending colon
- sigmoid colon
- rectum
in order for digestion to occur, chyme is required to contact the microvilli of the intestinal wall b/c the
brush border enzymes are not secreted into the lumen
what is the mechinal and chemical breakdown of food called
- digestive process begins with the ingestion of food
- starting in the mouth the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food is referred to as digestion
- absorption
- compaction
- defecation
mass movements in the colon are stimulated by the presence of _____ in the _____
food; stomach chyme;duodenum
mass movements of the colon occur _____ times per day
1 to 3
defecation is stimulated by _____ and ____ reflexes
parasympathatic; local
in the parietal cells the enzyme carbonic anhydrase causes a reaction between _____ and ____
carbon dioxide; water