Exam 4 Lab Structure Practice Flashcards
Acromial end of the clavicle
Sternal end of the clavicle
Medial (Vertebral) Border of Scapula
Lateral (Axillary) Border of Scapula
Superior Border of Scapula
Superior Angle of Scapula
Lateral (Acromial) Angle of Scapula
Inferior Angle of Scapula
Coracoid Process of Scapula
Acromion of the Scapula
Spine of Scapula
Infraspinous Fossa of Scapula
Supraspinous Fossa of Scapula
Subscapular Fossa of Scapula
Glenoid Fossa of Scapula
Supraglenoid Tubercle of Scapula
Infraglenoid Tubercle of Scapula
Suprascapular Notch
Head of Humerus
Anatomical Neck of Humerus
Surgical Neck of Humerus
Greater Tubercle and Crest of Humerus
Lesser Tubercle and Crest of Humerus
Intertubercular Groove (Sulcus) of Humerus
Deltoid Tuberosity of Humerus
Medial Epicondyle of Humerus
Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus
Medial Supracondylar Ridges of Humerus
Groove for Ulnar Nerve of Humerus
Capitulum of Humerus
Trochlea of Humerus
Olecranon Fossa of Humerus
Radial Fossa of Humerus
Coronoid Fossa of Humerus
Head of Radius
Neck of Radius
Radial Tuberosity of Radius
Ulnar Notch of Radius
Styloid Process of Radius
Olecranon Process of Ulna
Coronoid Process of Ulna
Head of Ulna
Styloid Process of Ulna
Trochlear Notch of Ulna
Radial Notch of Ulna
Ulnar Tuberosity of Ulna
Scaphoid Carpal Bone
Lunate Carpal Bone
Triquetrum (Triangular) Carpal Bone
Pisiform Carpal Bone
Trapezium Carpal Bone
Trapezoid Carpal Bone
Capitate Carpal Bone
Hamate Carpal Bone
Base of Metacarpals
Body (Shaft) of Metacarpals
Head of Metacarpals
Proximal Phalanges
Middle (Intermediate) Phalanges
Distal Phalanges
Pectoralis Major m
Pectoralis Minor m
Serratus Anterior m
Deltoid m
Supraspinatus m
Infraspinatus m
Teres Minor m
Subscapularis m
Teres Major m
Triceps Brachiii m (long head)
Triceps Brachii m (lateral head)
Triceps Brachii m (medial head)
-below the median n
Biceps Brachii m (long head)
Biceps Brachii m (short head)
Coracobrachialis m
Brachialis m
Pronator Teres m
Flexor Carpi Radialis m
Palmaris Longus m
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris m
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis m
Flexor Pollicis Longus m
Flexor Digitorum Profundus m
Pronator Quadratus m
Brachioradialis m
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus m
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis m
Extensor Digitorum m
Extensor Digiti Minimi m
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris m
Anconeus m
ABDuctor Pollicis Longus m
Extensor Pollicis Brevis m
Extensor Pollicis Longus m
Extensor Indicis m
Supinator m
Lateral Supracondylar Ridges of Humerus
Name the muscles that make up the boundaries as well as the floor of the cubital fossa.
4.floor (2 items)
Lateral: Brachioradialis m
Medial: Pronator Teres m
Superior: Biceps Brachii m
Floor: Supinator and Brachialis m
Name the contents of the cubital fossa.
- Radial n and its terminal branches (Superficial and Deep branches -Posterior Interosseus n)
- Tendon of Biceps Brachii
- Brachial a and its terminal branches (Radial and Ulnar a)
- Median n
What group would this muscle be in?
Thenar muscles
ABDuctor Pollicis Brevis m
What group would this muscle be in?
Thenar muscles
Flexor Pollicis Brevis m
What group would this muscle be in?
Thenar muscles
Opponens Pollicis m
What group would this muscle be in?
Thenar muscles
ADDuctor Pollicis m
What group would this muscle be in?
Hypothenar muscles
ABDuctor Digiti Minimi m
What group would this muscle be in?
Hypothenar muscles
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis m
What group would this muscle be in?
Hypothenar muscles
Opponens Digiti Minimi m
What group would this muscle be in?
Hypothenar muscles
Palmaris Brevis m
What group would this muscle be in?
Small hand muscles
Lumbricals m 1-4
What group would this muscle be in?
Small hand muscles
Dorsal Interossei m 1-4
What group would this muscle be in?
Small hand muscles
Palmar Interossei m 1-4
Medial Cord Brachial Plexus
Lateral Cord Brachial Plexus
Posterior Cord Brachial Plexus
Musculocutaneous n
Median n
Ulnar n
Radial n
Axillary n
Name this nerve
Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous n (MAC)
What nerve is this?
Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous n (LAC)
Long Thoracic n
Thoracodorsal n
Name this nerve
Anterior Interosseous n (AIN)
Which nerve is this? (be specific)
Deep Branch of Radial n
What nerve is this?
Posterior Interosseous n (PIN)
Superficial Branch of Radial n
Median n
Median n
Ulnar n
Ulnar n
Radial n
Ulnar n
Which artery is this?
Axillary a
Which artery is this?
Brachial a
Brachial v
Profunda Brachii a
Profunda Brachii v
Radial a
Radial v
Ulnar a
Which vein is this?
Ulnar v
Cephalic v
Whichvein is this
Basilic v
Median Cubital v
Iliac crest
Iliac fossa
auricular surface of the ilium
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine
Greater Sciatic Notch of the Ilium
Gluteal Surface of Ilium
Posterior gluteal line of Ilium
Anterior gluteal line of Ilium
Inferior gluteal line of Ilium
Ischial Tuberosity
Ischial spine
Lesser sciatic notch of Ischium
Ramus of the ischium
Superior ramus of the pubis
Inferior ramus of the pubis
Ischiopubic ramus
Symphyseal surface of the ISchium
Lunate surface of the Acetabulum
Obturator foramen of the acetabulum
Head of femur
Neck of femur
Greater trochanter of femur
Lesser trochanter of the femur
Intertrochanteric crest of femur
Gluteal tuberosity of femur
Linea aspera (medial lip) of femur
Linea aspera (lateral lip) of femur
Shaft of femur
Adductor tubercle of femur
Medial epicondyle of femur
Lateral epicondyle of femur
Medial condyle of femur
Lateral condyle of femur
Intercondylar fossa of femur
Patellar surface of femur
Base of patella
Apex of patella
Medial condyle of tibia
Lateral condyle of tibia
Intercondylar eminence of tibia
Medial malleolus of tibia
Fibular notch of tibia
Inferior Articular surface of tibia
Head of fibula
Neck of fibula
Lateral Malleoli of Fibula
Malleolar fossa of lateral malleoli of fibula
Calcaneus of tarsal bone
Talus of tarsal bone
Navicular -tarsal bones
Cuboid - tarsal bones
Medial Cuneiform - tarsal bones
Intermediate Cuneiform - tarsal bones
Lateral Cuneiform - tarsal bones
Base of metatarsals
Shaft of metatarsals
Head of metatarsals
Base of phalanges
Shaft of phalanges
Head of phalanges
Gluteus Maximus m
Gluteus Medius m
Gluteus Minimus m
Tensor Fascia Latae m
Piriformis m
Obturator Internus m
-prolly need to SPECIFY its tendon in lab if it’s pinned (white part of oreo-tendon of this muscle)
Superior Gemellus m
Inferior Gemellus m
Quadratus Femoris m
Superior gluteal nerve and vessels (in a clump tied with a string in lab)
Inferior Gluteal nerve and vessels (in a clump tied in a string in lab)
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous n
Sciatic n
Sartorius m
Rectus Femoris m (QuadrICEPS Femoris)
Vastus Lateralis m (QuadrICEPS Femoris)
Vastus Intermedius m (QuadrICEPS Femoris)
Vastus Medius m (QuadRICEPS Femoris)
Femoral n
Femoral a
Femoral v
Greater Saphenous v
Fascia Lata
Iliotibial tract
Name this structure
Femoral Triangle
Name this structure
Popliteal Fossa
Gracilis m
Pectineus m
Iliopsoas m
Adductor Longus m
Adductor Brevis m
Adductor Magnus m
Obturator n -anterior branch
Semitendinosus m
Semimembranosus m
Biceps Femoris m -long head
Biceps Femoris m - short head
Sciatic n
Tibial n
Common Peroneal n
Tibialis Anterior m
Extensor Hallucis Longus m
Extensor Digitorum Longus m
Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius m
Name this nerve
Deep Fibular (Peroneal) n
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus m
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis m
Superficial Fibular (Peroneal) n
Gastrocnemius m
Soleus m
Plantaris m
Name this nerve
Tibial n
Which artery is this?
Anterior tibial a
Name this artery
Posterior tibial a
Fibular (Peroneal) a
Which vein is this?
Lesser Saphenous v
Extensor Digitorum Brevis m
How many muscles are on the plantar surface? How many layers?
18 m on plantar surface in 4 layers
Name all the boundaries of the Femoral Triangle:
1) Superior: Inguinal ligament
2) Medial: ADDuctor Longus - medial border m
3) Lateral: Sartorius m
Roof: fascia lata
Floor: Iliopsoas, Pectineus, and ADDuctor longus m
Name all the contents of the Femoral Triangle
1) Femoral n
2) Femoral a
3) Femoral v
4) Femoral canal
Name all the boundaries, roof, and floor of the Popliteal Fossa
1) Superior-lateral: TENDON of biceps femoris m
2) Superior-medial: semimembranosus and semitendinosus
3) Inferior-medial: medial HEAD of gastrocnemius m
4) Inferior-lateral: lateral HEAD of gastrocnemius and plantaris m
Roof: fascia
Floor: popliteal surface of femur and oblique popliteal ligament
Name all the contents of the Popliteal Fossa
- Common Fibular (Peroneal) component of Sciatic n
- Tibial component of Sciatic n
- Popliteal v
- Popliteal a
Proximal Phalanges
Middle Phalanges
Distal Phalanges