Ch 2 Integumentary System Flashcards
Integumentary System(define)
part of body composed of SKIN AND UNDERLYING SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE; largest organ ~15% body weight
Functions of skin (5)
-protect underlying tissues
-site of sensory receptors
-regulation of body temp
-water excretion
-form vitamin D
Layers (2)
Dermis and Epidermis, both lay on subcut tissue, thickest on back 1/2 cm, thinnest on eyelid 1/2 mm
Epidermis (define/ components)
outermost layer composed of STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS KERATINIZED EPITHELIUM; avascular but has nerve endings and receptors
Epidermis (function)
undergoes mitosis at outermost layer, desiccate, convert to keratin, and slough off~30days; contain melanocytes to make melanin which protects from UV light, keratin is thickest in palms and soles making papillary ridges = fingerprints
Dermis (define/ components)
deep layer to the epidermis, 80% of skins thickness; DENSE IRREGULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUE; contains blood vessels and nerves, collagen, sweat glands, and hair follicles
Subcutaneous Tissue
deeper than dermis; LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE and ADIPOSE TISSUE; contain blood vessels, cutaneous nerves; more adipose tissue in females which insulates body, conserves heat, and is hock absorbent
Associated Structures (define) / (5)
part of integument and serve a function;
Hair follicles
grow down from epidermis into dermis and subcut tissue, formed by follicle cells undergoing mitosis, when follicle is inactive, hair is lost
Sebaceous Glands
oil production from disintegration of gland cells; secretes sebum into neck of hair follicle
Arrector Pilorum Muscle
smooth muscles attached to hair follicle at epidermal/dermal junction; contracts to cold weather to insulate body
Sweat Glands
secrets in dermis, then travels to pore through epithelium, cools body as it evaporates
protective structures of hard keratin on tips of fingers and toes
subcutaneous tissue
dermis papilla
sweat gland
hair follicle
hair shaft
papilla of hair follicle
sebaceous gland
arrector pilarum muscle
blood vessel