Education: Topic 6- Education policy and inequality Flashcards
Education policy in Britain before 1988
What as education like in Britain before 1988?
- Before, there were no state schools, and it was only available for those who could pay, though churches and charities did offer some for the poor.
- Industrialisation increased need for education, resulting in compulsory education for 5 to 13 in 1880
- M/C were given education preparing them for profession careers
- W/C were given basic learning for factory work
Education policy in Britain before 1988
Explain the tripartite system.
- This allowed the selection of pupils, based on aptitudes and abilities through 11+ exams
- Introduced Grammar schools (M/C), Secondary modern schools (W/C), technical schools
- Rather than promoting meritocracy, it reproduced class inequality as each school has unequal opportunities
- Produced gender inequality, requiring girls to gain higher marks than boys to enter schools.
Education policy in Britain before 1988
Explain comprehensive schools
- Introduced to overcome class division from the tripartite system
- 11+ exams were abolished along with grammar & secondary moderns, replaced with comprehensive schools
- But schools being replaced was up to the local education authority to decide and not all did
Education policy in Britain before 1988
What are marxists view on the role of comprehensives?
- They reproduce inequality from one generation to the next through streaming and labelling
- The ‘myth of meritocracy’ legitimises class inequality by making unequal achievement seem fair
Education policy in Britain before 1988
What are functionalists view on the role of comprehensives?
- Sees it as fulfilling essential functions like social integration by bringing children with different background together but there was still streaming
- It brings meritocracy giving pupils a longer time to develop and show their abilities
What were the 2 points that created an ‘education market’?
Marketisation introduced consumer choice and competition resulting in an education market by:
* Reducing direct state control
* Increase school competition and parental choice
What does David argue about parentocracy?
The idea that parents are in charge of the education system. This encourages diversity among schools, gives parents more choice and raises standards.
Marketisation: Parentocracy
What policies promote marketisation?
- League tables and Ofsted inspections
- Business sponserships
- Open enrollment
- Specialist schools
- Formula funding
- Schools opting out of local authority control
- Competing for pupils
- Tutition fees for higher education
- Parents can set up free schools
Marketisation: The reproducion of inequality
How does Ball and Whitty criticise marketisation?
Policies such as exam league tables and formula funding reproduces class inequalities by creating inequaliies between schools
Marketisation: League tables and cream-skimming
How does league tables encourage cream-skimming and silt-shifting?
Publishing league tables ensures schools achieve good results are in more demand and attract pupils. This encourages:
* Cream-skimming: ‘Good’ schools are selective and recruit M/C pupils
* Silt-shifting: ‘Good’ schools avoid taking less able pupils to reduce damages on league table
This produces unequal schools and social class inequalities
Marketisation: The funding formula
Explain formula funding
- Popular schools get more funds as they have more pupils, so they can afford better-qualified teachers and better facilities
- Unpopular schools lose income and find it difficult to match teachers skills and facilities of their rivals
Explain the study of parental choice by Gerwitz
Study 14 london school. He found that differences in parents economic and cultural capital leading to class differences. He found 3 parent types:
* Priviliged skilled choosers: M/C, use economic, cultural capital to gain education capital for children
* Disconnected-local chooser: W/C, Choices are restricted ny their lack of economic, cultural capital
* Semi-skilled chooser: W/C who are ambitious but lack cultural capital
Markertisation: A03
What does Ball argue about the myth of parentocracy?
- It makes it appear that all parents have the same freedom to choose which school to send their child too
- M/C have a higher advantage
- This reproduces class inequality and makes it appear inevitable
Marketisation: New labour and inequality
What policies did the new labour government 1997-2010 introduce to reduce inequality?
- Designated depreived areas as education action zones, providing them resources
- Aim higher to raise aspirations of groups who are under-represented
- Education Maintenance Allowance (EMAs): Payments to students with low income backgrounds to encourage them to stay in school after 16
Conservative government influence from 2010
What happened to the education system from 2010-2015 by the conservative government?
The gov accelerated the move away from an education system based on comprehensive schools.