Education: Topic 2- Class differences in achievement (Internal) Flashcards
How does labelling affect achievement?
When teachers label W/C pupils negatively & M/C positively. This can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy or differential treatment
What does Becker argue about labeling? Who did he study?
He did an interview of 60 HS teachers
* Found pupils were judged according to how close they fitted the image of the ‘ideal pupil’
What does Dunne & Gazeley argue about labelling in secondary schools? What was their study?
- They argued W/C underachieve due to labels and assumptions.
- The did an interview of 9 state schools and found teachers ‘normalised’ W/C to underachieve and were unconcerned
What does Rist argue about labelling in primary schools? What was their study?
- He did a study of an American kindergarten
- Found teachers seperated pupils due to background
- Tigers: M/C, most encouraged
- Clowns: W/C, given low-level work
The self-fulfilling prophecy
How does a self-fulfilling prophecy affect achievement?
- The teacher labels the pupil
- The teacher treats the pupil according to the label
- The pupil internalises it
The self-fulfilling prophecy
What do Rosenthal & Jacobson argue about teachers expectations? What was their study?
- Study of primary school
- They did a test to identify pupils that will ‘spurt’ (Was actually an IQ test)
- The ‘spurters’ made significant progress
- Teachers beliefs influenced the results
How does streaming affect educational success?
Teachers tend to put W/C pupils in lower sets due to them not being the ‘ideal’ pupil. Its difficult to move up sets and lower sets are capped at a grade 5.
What does Gillborn & Youdell argue about streaming? What was their study?
- Did a study of 2 secondary schools and found that etachers use stereotypes to stream pupils
- W/C & Black pupils are seen to have less ability
Who argues about the educational triage?
Gillborn and Youdell
What does Gillborn and Youdell argue about the educational triage?
Theres 3 categories pupils are put in which is the basis for streaming:
* Those who will pass can be left to get on with it
* Those with potential, will be helped to get C or more
* Hopeless cases, who’re doomed to fail
Pupil subcultures
How does pupils subcultures affect educational success?
It can influence a students attitudes and behaviours towards school
Pupil subcultures
What does Lacey argue about pupil subcultures?
They argue differentiation and polarisation explains how subcultures develop:
* Differentiation: Teachers categorieses due to ability, or behaviour
* Polarisation: Pupils respond to streaming by moving towards a subculture
Pupil subcultures
What is pro-school subculture?
Pupils placed in high streams (M/C) tend to remain committed to the values of the school. They gain their status through academic success
Pupil subcultures
What is anti-school subcultures?
Pupils placed in lower streams (W/C) suffer a loss of self-esteem. To gain status they get it from their peers.
Pupil subcultures
What does Ball argue about abolishing streaming? What was his study?
- Study of beachside school
- Streaming abolished led to less pupil subcultures however differentiation still occurs and W/C pupils were labelled negatively.
Pupil subcultures
What does Woods argue about the variety of pupil responses?
Another response to labelling and streaming:
* Ingratiation: Teachers pet
* Ritualism: Staying out of trouble
* Retreatism: Daydreaming and mucking about
* Rebellion: Rejecting school
What are the criticism of the labelling theory?
- Too deterministic: assues everyone has a choice to fufil but theres a self-refuting prophecy
- Marxists argue labelling ignores wider structures of power, fails to explain why teachers label
Pupil class identities
What does Bourdieu argue about habitus?
- The learned, taken-for-granted ways of thinking, being and acting shared in a social class.
- Habitus is formed as a response to their position in the class subculture
- M/C has power to impose habitus on the education system, therefore the school puts a higher value on M/C habitus
Pupil class identities
What does Bourdieu argue about symbolic capital?
Due to schools having M/C habitus, pupils socialised at home into M/C tastes gain ‘symbolic capital’ or status from the school, deemed as value.
Pupil class identities
What does Bourdieu argue about symbolic violence?
- Symbolic violence is withholding symbolic capital.
- The school devalues W/C habitus and deems it as tasteless and worthless
- Symbolic violence reproduces class structure and keeps W/C in their place
- Thus a clash between W/C habitus and the schools M/C habitus.
- W/C pupils are alienated
What are ‘Nike’ identities?
- Symbolic violence leads to W/C seaking alternative ways to create self-worth
- W/C pupils finding status, self worth and value in branding clothing such as Nike
- But goes against school policy
Pupil class identities
What does Archer agure about ‘Nike’ identities?
- Argues ‘nike’ identities helps the W/C to feel valued and have self worth
- M/C school habitus stigmities W/C pupils identities, the W/C struggle for recognition
Pupil class identity
How does class identity and self-exculsion affect educational success?
Though more W/C pupils are going to university, the clash between W/C identity and school habitus is a barrier for success, mainly due to self exculsion from elite universities.
Pupil class identity
What does Evans argue about class identity and self-exclusion? What was their study?
- Studied 21 W/C girls from SL doing A-levels
- Found they were reluctant to apply to elite uni’s