Beliefs and Society: Topic 3- Secularisation Flashcards
Secularisation in Britain
What is the church attendence like in Britain today?
- By 2020, 4% of adults attended church on sundays
- The number of weddings in caltholic churches fell by 3/4 between the 1960s and 2010s
Secularisation in Britain
What is religious affiliation like in Britain today?
- In 2018 the proportion of adults with no religion rose to over a half
- Same period, those identifying as christian fell by 40%
Secularisation in Britain
What is religious belief like in Britain today?
- Surveys show belief in God and Jesus, chirsitian teachings, afterlife , the bible are declining
- Religious belief is declining as well as church attendence and membership
Secularisation in Britain
What is religous institutions like in Britain today?
- The number of clergies in the 20th century fell from 45000 to 34000
- The number of priest fell by half between 1960s and 2020
Explanations of secularisation
What are the explanations for secularisation?
- Rationalisation
- Structural differentiation
- Social and cultural diversity
- Religious diveristy
Explanations of secularisation
What does Weber argue about rationalisation?
- Rational thinking has replaced religious ones.
- The protestant reformation in the 16th century started the process of rationalisation as they believed god was transcendent
- Undermined religious views and replaced it with logical thinking
Explanations of secularisation: Weber- rationalisation
What does Weber argue about disenchantment?
- Before prodestamnt reform everyone was caltholic and saw god as transcendent
- After, prodestants came and they used science and reason to discover laws of nature
Explanations of secularisation: Weber- rationalisation
What does Bruce argue about a technological worldvie to explain secularisation?
- A technological explanation leaves little room for religous explanation but helps when tech is least effective like prayer for illnesses
- Though science doesnt challenge religion it reduces scope for it
Explanations of secularisation
What are the criticisms of Weber/Bruce?
- Science can justify religion
- Overgeneralises
- During times of hardship, people turn to religion
- Despite increased rationalisation, 50% of adults in the UK believe in life after death
Explanations of secularisation
What does Parson and Bruce argue about structural differentiation?
- Parsons believes during pre-industrial times churches dominated institutions
- Churches, schools, healthcare
- But due to indusrtialisation they have become specialised institutions
- SD leads to disengagement as religious functions are transferred and disconnected from society
- Bruce agrees religion has lost former functions and is privatised
Explanations of secularisation
How can Parsons be critiqued?
- The church no longer provdes functions, churches can focues on spirituality and meaning of life
- Religion is not disengaged from society- national celebration
- British legal system is still underpinned by religion- swear on oath
Explanations of secularisation
How does social and cultural diversity explain secularisation?
- Pre-industrial: Society shared values through collective religious rituals
- Post- industrial: Society brings the decline of community and increase in diversity due to migration
- The difference led to people not knowing what to believe in
How does religious diversity lead to secularisation?
- Before seen as sacred canopy
- Everyone was Catholic till protestant reform making different types of calthicism
- Too much choice led to them not knowing what religion to believe in
Explanations of secularisation
What are the criticism to the explanations for secularisation?
- Cultural defence: Religion provides a ffocal point for the defense of national, ehtnic, local or group identity in struggle against hostile power
- Cultural transition: Religion provides support and community for ethnic groups like migrants
Secularisation in American
What are the factors for secularisations in America?
- Declining church attendence
- Secularisation from within
- Religious diversity
Secularisation in American
What is the argument for declining church attendence?
- Opinion poll found 40% were going to church since 1940 however study of church attendence in Ohio was claimed to be 83% higher than researchers
- People lied about their attendence to church
- Its socially acceptable to go to church hence people lying
Secularisation in American
What does Bruce argue about secularisation from within?
- Burce argues religion has gone from being used for salvation to seeking personal development
- Can be seen in peoples attitudes and lifestyle
Secularisation in American
What are the criticisms of secularisation theory?
- Evidence of falling church attendence ignores those who believe but dont go
- One sided- ignores growth of new religions
- Religion may have declined in Europe but not globally