Beliefs and Society: Topic 4- Religion, renewal and choice~ Vital vocab Flashcards
What is believeing without belonging?
Refers to the rejection of organised religion an towards privatised religion
What is compensators?
When real rewards are scarce, religion conpensates us by promising supernatural ones
What is consumption?
Using, buying or eating something
What is evangelical churches?
Churches that take stuff from the bible and make it more personal
What is the existential security theory?
The feeling that survival is secure enough that it can be taken granted for. Usually religion arises when people lack economic security.
What is globalisation?
The idea the world is brcoming more interconnected and barriers are dissappearing
What is modernism?
The beliefe that society has fairly clear-cut, predictable strucuture and that is possible to gain true scientific knowledge of society
What is the New Age/Holistic sprituality?
A diverse range of beliefs and practices that has rapidly increased rejecting tradition religions
What is online religion?
A cyber religion that has no existence outside the internet
What is postmodernism?
A perspectives that rejects modernism. Argue society is unstable and diverse that its impossible to produce explanations
What is re-enchantent?
The belief that there has been a growth of unconventional beliefs, practices and spirituality
What is religion online?
Religious organisations that use the internet to address members and potential converts
What is religious consumerism?
We choose our religions and pracitices that meet our individual needs
What is the religious market theory?
Compares religious organisations with business competiting for customers
What is spiritual health service?
National churches run like NHS, they’re for eveyone to use whenever needed
What is spiritual shopping?
Consumers ‘pick and mix’ from different religions and beliefs
What is televangeism?
Evangellism through religous programs on television
What is vicarious religion?
A minority of people who are religious on behalf of other