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> Beliefs and Society: Topic 7- Ideology and science > Flashcards
Beliefs and Society: Topic 7- Ideology and science Flashcards
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(46 decks)
Sociology Key Terms
Education: Topic 1- Class differences in achievement (E)~ Vital vocab
Education: Topic 1- Class differences in achievement (External)
Education: Topic 2- Class differences in achievement (I)~ Vital vocab
Education: Topic 2- Class differences in achievement (Internal)
Education: Topic 3- Ethnic differences in achievement~ Vital vocab
Education: Topic 3- Ethnic differences in achievement
Education: Topic 4- Gender differences in education~ Vital vocab
Education: Topic 4- Gender differences in education
Education: Topic 5- The role of education in society~ Vital vocab
Education: Topic 5- The role of education in society
Education: Topic 6- Education policy and inequality~ Vital vocab
Education: Topic 6- Education policy and inequality
Education: MIC
Family&Households: Topic 1- Couples~ Vital vocab
Family&Households: Topic 1- Couples
Family&Households: Topic 2- Childhood~ Vital vocab
Family&Households: Topic 2- Childhood
Family&households: Topic 3- Theories of the family~ Vital vocab
Family&Households: Topic 3- Theories of the family
Family&Households: Topic 4- Demography~ Vital vocab
Family&Households: Topic 4- Demography
Family&Households: Topic 5- Changing family patterns~ Vital vocab
Family&Households: Topic 5- Changing family patterns
Family&Households: Topic 6- Family diversity~ Vital vocab
Family&Households: Topic 6- Family diversity
Family&Households: Topic 7- Families and social policy~ Vital Vocab
Family&Households: Topic 7- Families and social policy
Beliefs and Society: Topic 1- Theories of religion~ Vital vocab
Beliefs and Society: Topic 1- Theories of religion
Beliefs and Society: Topic 2- Religion and social change~ Vital vocab
Beliefs and Society: Topic 2- Religion and social change
Beliefs and Society: Topic 3- Secularisation~ Vital vocal
Beliefs and Society: Topic 3- Secularisation
Beliefs and Society: Topic 4- Religion, renewal and choice~ Vital vocab
Beliefs and Society: Topic 4- Religion, renewal and choice
Beliefs and Society: Topic 5- Religion as a global context~ Vital vocab
Beliefs and Society: Topic 5- Religion as a global context
Beliefs and Society: Topic 6- Organisations, movements and members~ Vital vocab
Beliefs and Society: Topic 6- Organisations, movements and members
Beliefs and Society: Topic 7- Ideology and science~ Vital Vocab
Beliefs and Society: Topic 7- Ideology and science
Crime and deviance: Topic 1- Functionalism, strain and subcultural theories~ Vital Vocab
Crime and deviance: Topic 1- Functionalism, strain and subcultural theories
Crime and deviance: Topic 2- Interactionism and labelling theory~ Vital vocab
Crime and deviance: Topic 2- Interactionism and labelling theory