Education: Topic 6- Education policy and inequality~ Vital vocab Flashcards
What are academies?
Receive funds directly from the government and are run by an academy trust. Have more control than community schools.
What is assimilation?
The process in which a minority group or culture comes to resemble a society’s majority groups values, behaviours and beliefs of another group, whether fully or partially.
What is centralisation of control?
Central government alone had power to allows schools to become academies or allow frees schools to be set up.
What is comprehensive school?
A school that does not select its intake based on academic achievement.
What is cream skimming?
‘Good’ schools can be more selective, choose their own pupils and recruit high achieving, M/C pupils.
What is disconnected local choosers?
W/C parents whose choices were restricted by their lack of economic and cultural capital.
What is the educational policy?
All laws and regulations that are designed and implemented to achieve particular educational goals.
What is fragmentation?
The comprehensive system being replaced by a patchwork of diverse provision, leads to greater inequality in opportunities.
What are free schools?
Funded by the government but are set up and run by parents, teachers organisations, etc, rather than local authority.
What is a grammar school?
A state school where pupils are admitted by abilities.
What are local authorities?
An administrative body that is officially responsible for all the public services and facilities in a particular area.
What is marketisation?
Schools are encouraged to run like a business rather than in control of local government.
What is parentocracy?
‘Rule by parents’. The education system is based on an ideology of parent choice of a school.
What is a privileged skilled choosers?
Mainly professional middle class parents who used their economic and cultural capital to gain educational capital for their child.
What is a secondary modern school?
An education to children not selected for grammar or technical schools.
What is a semi-skilled choosers?
Mainly W/C parents but unlike disconnected local choosers, their ambitious for their children.
What is slit-shifting?
‘Good’ schools can avoid taking less able pupils who get poor results and damage league table position.
What is tripartite system?
Created in the 1944 education act. Dividing school into grammar schools, technical schools, and modern schools, through 11+exams.
What is privatisation?
The transfer of public assets and resources from stats control into the hands of the private sector
What is a private sector?
The part of the economy that isnt controlled by the state
What is a public sector?
Owned and controlled by the government amd therefore subject to government funding