Deck 115 Flashcards
Which one of the following is not part of the Command Staff?A: LiaisonB: SafetyC: OperationsD: Public Information
C. ICS ch1, 4.1.7Command Staff = SILSafetyPublic InformationLiaison
Select the choice that is not one of the main functions of the ICS?A: CommandB: PlanningC: CommunicationsD: OperationsE: Logistics
C.ICS ch1 1.4CFLOPCommandFinanceLogisticsOperationsPlanning
Agree or Disagree?The FDNY will implement the ICS at all FDNY incidents and operations.
Agree.ICS ch1, 1.6
Agree or Disagree? If operating under a Unified Command, there must be a Unified Operations Section.
Disagree.ICS ch1 3.5.3, AUC 276, 6.1As soon as NYPD (Single Command) determines the incident does not involve crime or terrorism, a Unified Command is formed between FDNY and NYPD.
Resource Unit Leader operates in which section of ICS? Communication Unit Leader?
RUL = PlanningCUL = Logistics, Service BranchICS ch1 pg. 2, chart
You would expect to find the logistics function to be broken down into which two branches?
Service and Support.ICS ch1 pg.2, chart
At a demanding operation, that takes place over a large area and the incident is escalating, what would one expect the span of control to be reduced to?
if tasks are demanding, take place over a large area, and the incident is escalating, the span of control might be reduced to three or four.ICS ch1, 3.2.3
Who will consult with the IC to satisfy the Communication need at an incident?
The Field Communications Unit or the Resources Unit Leader will consult with the IC to satisfy the incident needs.ICS ch1, 3.4
The ICS plan is developed by a systematic process. The strategy and objectives areestablished by the _____ . The tactical organization is directed by the ____________.
strategy & objectives = ICtactical organization = OperationsSection ChiefsICS ch1, 3.6.3
Knowledge of the current status of resources at an incident is critical to effectivemanagement. The Resources and Situation Unit provides up to date status ofresources.Who initially performs this function at an incident?
The aide of the first to arrive Battalion Chief initially performs this function. The status of resources is continually monitored and this keeps the IC informed and up to date.ICS ch1. 3.8.2
3.8.3 All resources at the incident are assigned a status. In ICS, once resources areallocated to an incident, they are assigned to one of three status conditions:
A. Available - ready for immediate assignment.B. Assigned - performing an active assignment.C. Out of Service/R&R - not ready for assignment.
When will a Unified Command be designated?
ICS uses two Command Models for managingincidents: Single and Unified.When an incident occurs and there are jurisdictional and/or functional agencyoverlaps, a Unified Command will be designated. ICS ch1 Single CommandWhen an incident occurs within a single jurisdiction and there is no jurisdictional or functional agency overlap, a single IC should be designated with overall incident management responsibility by the appropriate jurisdictional authority.
Define the Planning function.
4.2 Planning is the function responsible for gathering, evaluating and disseminatinginformation about the incident and status of resources. It prepares alternate strategies andobjectives to control the incident. The Planning Section is comprised of severalfunctions: Resources Unit, Situation Unit,Demobilization Unit, Documentation Unit, Technical Specialist. Technical Specialists may be assigned anywhere in the Incident Command structure.
Define the Operations function.
Operations is the function of managing all the tactical operations at the incident toaccomplish the primary mission and plan of the Incident Commander(s)..
Define Company and Team as per ICS
They are single resources. Company - A company is a vehicle providing equipment capability and personnel such as an Engine Company, etc.Team - A specific number of personnel assembled for an assignment suchas search, ventilation under the direction of a team leader.ICS ch1, 4.3.1.A
To maintain a manageable span of control, …, single resources may be combined into sectors and groups.Define Sector.
Sector - Defines the activities and operations of resources within an assigned geographical area. For example, the IC might form a sector from units operating in an exposure to reduce the span of control and more efficiently manage radio traffic by only dealing with one sector supervisor. A Sector Supervisor manages a sector. ICS ch1, 4.3.1.B.1
Define Group.
Group - Consists of resources formed to address specific functional tasks.For example, the IC forms a group to search specific floors of a high risebuilding. Each resource within the group performs the search functionand reports to a group supervisor.ICS ch1, 4.3.1.B.2
NOTE: While sectors are restricted to a specific geographical area such asan exposure, groups may cross sector boundaries to accomplish an assigned functional task (e.g., search). ICS ch1, 4.3.1.B.2.b
Sector/group supervisorsassign specific tasks to single resources under their control. 4.3.1.B.2.c
Which special resource is a specific combinations of the same kind and type of resources with common communications, under the supervision of an Officer designated as a Strike Team Leader (e.g., five engine companies and a Chief Officer assigned to brand patrol at a multiple alarm).
Strike Team.
Which special resource is any combination of resources put together for a temporary assignment.
Task Force. Task Force is under the supervision of an Officer designated as a Task ForceLeader. GENERALLY, the number of resources in a task force should be limited to FIVE for control purposes.They may be pre-established or made up at the incident (e.g., members of FDNY-FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Task Force).
BRANCH has functional or geographic responsibility for major aspects of incident operations. A branch is organizationally situated between section and division/group in the Operations Section, and between section and units in the Logistics Section.ICS Glossary
DIVISION The partition of an incident into GEOGRAPHICAL areas of operation. Divisionsare established when the number of resources exceeds the manageable spanof-control of the Operations Chief. A division is located within the ICS organization between the branch and the resources in the Operations Section.In FDNY-ICS, a division may be referred to as a sector.
GROUP Established to divide the incident management structure into FUNCTIONALareas of operation. Groups are composed of resources assembled to perform a special function not necessarily within a single geographic division. Groups, when activated, are located between branches and resources in the operations section. (See Division.)