Child Development Flashcards
What is the name of the future forebrain in a developing embryo?
What is the name of the future midbrain in a developing embryo?
What is the name of the future hindbrain in a developing embryo?
What are the 3 main flexures present in the developing brain of an embryo at 4 weeks?
What area of the brain is affected in ADHD?
Pre frontal cortex
What makes up grey matter?
Motor neurones
What is the role of the extrapyramidal tract?
Coordinates movement, posture and balance
What tract does the pyramidal tract supply?
Corticospinal tract
How do you test for Morrow’s reflex?
Suddenly extend the babies neck and the arms should abduct then adduct
When does Morrow’s reflex develop?
28-32 weeks
How do you test for standing relfex?
Support the baby as they stand, there should be extension of the lower extremities, the hips should be slightly flexed and somewhat behind the shoulder
How do you test for the cervical grasp reflex?
When an object is placed in the palm of the babies hand they will grasp it and stoking their lateral fingers will make them open their palm
What is the other name for protective reflexes?
Parachute reflexes
When does a baby develop protective reflexes?
Between 6-9 months
How do you test for protective reflexes?
When you place the baby in a forward stretched position they will extend their arms outwards and will do the same when you put the baby sideways
Define development in a child
Global impression of a child encompassing growth, increase in understanding, acquisition of new skills and more sophisticated responses and behaviour
Who will know about a child’s development?
Parents the most
Also doctors, nurses, teachers
What are the 4 domains of child development?
Speech and language skills
Social skills
Gross motor skills
Fine motor skills
What is assessed as part of the speech and language skills domain of child development?
Imaginative play
What is assessed as part of the social skills domain of child development?
Social interaction
Stranger reaction
Eating skills
What is assessed as part of the gross motor skills domain of child development?
Position Head lag Sitting Walking Running
What is assessed as part of the fine motor skills domain of child development?
Use of hands Grasp and fine pincer Bricks Crayon Puzzles
What is visible when pulling up a newborn from laying position and why?
A marked head lag due to lack of development of neck muscles
When can a baby raise their head?
6-8 weeks
When can a baby sit with a round back?
6 months
When can a baby sit with a straight back?
8 months
What is the medical name for rolling in a baby?
When can a baby sidelye?
2/3 months
When do babies start to crawl?
8-9 months
When can babies usually start walking?
12 months
When can babies walk with a steady gait?
15 months
What speech impairment may be seen in children with autism?
They will still be babbling when they are older at ages where other children would have began to talk in short sentences etc
What are the 3 components to the healthy child programme?
General examination and immunisation
Health education and promotion
When is screening carried out during pregnancy and what is screened for at each stage?
<12 weeks pregnant= hbopathy, rhesus, infection
12 weeks pregnant= US scan dating and nuchal (for Down’s)
18-20 weeks pregnant= US scan detailed
What is screened for at birth?
New born bloodspot, hearing and physical
When is physical examination of a baby done by the GP?
6-8 weeks
When is vision screened for?
4-5 years
At what ages are health review done in school?
10-11 years
15-16 years
When are child health reviews done?
6-8 weeks
first year
two year
school entry review at 4-5 years
What health promotion is done and at what ages?
Healthy weight promotion at 5-11 years and also 11-16 years
Sexual health promotion from 11-19 years
What areas may health promotion cover?
Nutrition Vaccination Breast feeding Reading Weaning Social/emotional advice Injury prevention Learning Physical activity
What can factors affecting the developing human be catagorised as?
When evaluating a child with abnormal development what do you ask about in the history?
Parental concerns
Birth history
Family history
When evaluating a child with abnormal development what do you ask about in PMHX?
Developmental history
Current skills
When evaluating a child with abnormal development what examinations may be carried out?
Developmental assessment
General neurological examination
Investigations as appropriate
How is developmental assessment carried out?
Ask them to carry out a task
Observe them doing the task
What areas need to be assessed during developmental assessment ?
Milestones of proceeding age
Expected milestones for age
Next important milestones
What are the different categories for developmental delay?
Global (all areas)
Specific (language, motor, sensory or cognitive)
What are some causes of global delay?
Chromosomal abnormailites eg down’s syndrome, fragile X
Metabolic eg hypothyroidism, inborn errors of metabolism
Antenatal and perinatal factors like infections, drugs, toxins, anoxia, trauma, folate deficiency
Environmental-social issues
Chronic illness
What are some causes of motor delay?
Cerebral palsy Global delay eg Down’s syndrome Congenital dislocation of the hip Muscular dystrophy (duchennes) Neural tube defects eg spina bifida Hydrocephalus Social deprivation is the most common cause
What are some causes of language delay?
Hearing loss
Learning disability
Autism spectrum disorder
Lack of stimulation
Impaired comprehension of language (developmental dysphagia)- to do with temporal lobe
Impaired speech production (stammer, dysarthria)
What are some commonly used assessment tools?
Standardised tests Schedule of growing skills Griffiths development scale Bailey developmental scale Denver development screening tools (USA)