Chapter 53 Flashcards
_________________ focuses on population dynamics
- life history strategies
- population dispersions patterns
- population size
- population growth
- population structure
population ecology
an organ’s life history is the sequence of events relating to its _____________________________________
birth, growth, developement, reproduction, death
a ____________________ is the overall pattern of life history events exhibited by all individual organisms within the species
species life history strategy
______________________ shape and contrain life history. they occurs as a result of limited energy
trade offs
ecology is ____________________ the interactions between organisms and their enviroments
evolution is __________________ the interactions between organisms and their enviroments
charles darwin was a ____________
termed a naturalist during darwins time
there is a large range of ___________________ in all organisms
body sizes
mammals range from the _________________ to ___________
pygmy shrew
blue whales
large animals tolerate _______ enviroments best while small animals tolerate _________ enviroments best
____________________ to reproduction takes resources away from growth maintenance and defense
allocating resources
the cost of reproduction is therefore reduced to
survival, growth, and future reproduction
_____________ species reproduce at a very early age ex-mayflies
____________ species reproduce at a later age ex-humans
________________ species reproduce one time only. They invest too many resources in reproduction to be able to survive afterwards. ex-salmon, annual plants
________________ organisms increase their fitness quickly in the population but decrease their survival and future reproduction
____________ species reproduce several times. They produce offspring without completely depleting their resources. Most trees, birds, and mammals
____________ organisms increase their fitness by reproducing more frequently
_____________ organisms increase their fitness by saving their resources over time and producing the highest quality offspring all at once
an organisms energy investment in its offspring can be measured by the size of the __________
the larger an organism energy investment in each individual offspring the _______________ offspring it can produce
energy investment can also be measure by the _________________________
amount of parental care provided
organisms that provide parental care increase the ________________________. However they produce far _____________ offspring
chances of their offspring surviving
_________________ is complete change in the body plan of an organism during its lifetime
advantage of metamorphasis:
using different food sources and exploiting different habitats minimizes ___________________ between the young and adults of a species
advantage of metamorphasis:
larval forms are usually small and excellent at _____________ to colonize new habitats
disadvantage of metamorphasis
it is a comple genetic task to reorganize an organisms entire body plan _______________________
energetically costly
__________ are resistant or inactive stages during periodic unfavorable conditions
- ______________ in animals.
- dormany in plants
resting stages
torpor, hibernation, diapuse
there is a large range of life spans in all organism shorter life spans means _______________________
earlier mortality, shorter generation times
natural selection acts faster to more quickly _____________ these short lived organisms to their enviroment
r selected strategies \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ size \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ maturity \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ reproduction \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ offspring \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ parental care \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ generation times \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ life span \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ mortality habitats that are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
small early many/ small little short short early frequently disterbed
k selected strategies \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ size \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ maturity reproduction \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ offspring \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ parental care \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ generation times \_\_\_\_\_ life span \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ mortality habitats \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
large late few much long long late stable and predictable
r selected species are
- most insects
- small vertebrates
- annual plants
k selelected species
- large mammals
- large reptiles
- large trees
three ways that individuals can spread out within a population
- random
- clumped
- regular
________ the expected dispersion patter in absense of any biological interactions. _____________ tree species in tropical rainforest
very rare
____________________ the most common dispersion pattern
3 causes for clumped dispersion pattern
- favorable habitate
- reproduction
- defense
__________ is the resources are clummped the organism will be too
favorable habitat
__________ and other social behaviors
_________________ like in schooling fish
______________ not as common as clumped but much more common than random. results from _____________ for resources and _______ in birds
regular competition territority
complete counts of individuals is impossible methods for estimating population sizes involve ___________ from population and extrapolating to actual size
sampling methods for ___________ organims most frequently involve plots and line transects
sampling methods for _______________ organism include trapping and spotting and listening or looking for evidence
______ is the variable for the number of captured and marked during capture 1
______________ toatl # of individuals in the population
__________ the # recapture at time 2
________ the total # captured at time 2
__________ is the proportion of individuals in the population that were marked at time 1
______________ is the proportion of marked recaptured individuals in the sample at time 2
important equation
estimate population
variable for growth rate
the population size will change over time due to the number of births and death this is called ____________________
_________________; the number of births is equal to the population birth rate times the number of individuals in the population
__________________: the number of deaths is equal to the populations death rate times the number of individuals in the population
a populations ______________ is equal to a populations birth rate minus its death rate
when growth rate is greater than zero, the birth rate exceeds death rate and the poulation ____________ in size
as the population size increases the growth rate also increases. This produces the ___________________ characteristic of expontential population growth
J shaped curve
__________ can grow exponentially forever
no population
___________________ will causes the population size to level off and stabilize at a particular number called the ___________________
carrying capacity
the carrying capacity is the number of individuals in a population that an enviroment can support with its _____________________
limited resources
carrying capacity must be incorporated into the population growth equation ________________________
limited resources
when N is small, the term (1-NK) is close to ______ and the population essentially
when N reaches carrying capacity the term (1-nk) becomes ________ and the population stops growing
incorporating carrying capacity leads to the ______________ characteristic of logistic population growth
S shaped curve
logistic growth is much more _________ than exponential growth
logisticc growwth reflects ____________ and other density dependent factors
density dependent and limitting factors
_______ signifies that these populations are always in beginning exponential growth portion of the logistic curve
r selected species
____________________ signifies that these populations are always near the carrying capacity of the logistic curve
k selected species
exponential and logistic growth equations assum all individuals within a population have ______________________
same birth and death rates
young individuals habe birth rates ____
very old individuals have ______ death rates
population growth models can be made more realistic by incoporating __________________
age and structure
_______ is the time interval corresponding to a particular age
___________ the number of individuals survivng age x
sx- _____________ the probability that an individual of age x will survive to age x+1
age specific survival rate
lx-________________ the proportion of individuals that survive from birth to age x
fx= ________________ - the average number of offspring produced by individuals of age x
3 applications of life tables
- survivorship curves
- net reproductive rate
- life cycle graphs and transition matrices
____________ shows the proportion of total individuals that survives to each age
_____________ are constructued by plotting age on the x axis against the number of survivors on the y axis
survivorship curves
_____________survivorship curves seen in nature
_______________ most indivudals survive to old age and mortality occurs late in life
type 1 survivorship
______________ individuals die at high rates when young but those that reach adulthood persist.
type 3 survivorship
______________ the chance of survivng or dying remains constant throughout life history of organism
type 2 survivorship
type 1 survivorship is common in
k selected species
type 3 survivorship is common in
R selected species
type 2 survivorship is common in
intermediate in the r-k continuum
_____________ represents the average number of offspring produced by an individual within a population throughout its lifetime
net reproductive rate
multiply survivorhsip by _____________ for each age then sum across all ages
Ro measures growth or decline a population from one generation to the next
net reproductive rate
____________ display ages, survival rates from one age to next and fecundities
life cycle graphs
transition matrices contain the same information but can also be used to ________ the size of the population and its age structure into the future
- columns indicate age at the present time t
- rows indicate ages at the next time t+1
transition matrix
___________________ occurs after a few time periods, the proportion of individuals of each age will stabilize from one year to the next
stage age distribution
the total number of individuals will ____________________ over time
decrease or increase
life cycle graphs and transition matrices are utilized by ecologists to
- protect endangered species
- control pest species
- determine stable harvestable species