CHapter 42- Circulation Flashcards
the ________________ delivers nutrients to and removes wastes from all cells, tissues, and organs or the body
circulatory system
____________ transport fluid in which nutrients and wastes are dissolved
________________ the network or tubes that transports blood throughout the body
blood vessels
___________________________ the muscular pump that propels blood through blood vessels
in an __________________ blood directly baths the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.
open circulatory system
their is no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid
the inditinguished blood and interstitial fluid is called
contraction of heart _________________________
pumps hemolymph out of vessels
relaxation of the heart ________________________________
draws hemolymoh into heart through pores
who possess an open circulatory system?
-mollusca (except cephlapods) and arthropods
open circulatory systems are advantageous because they _______________________________
require a lower expenditure of energy
in a ____________________________, blood is confined to blood vessels and remains distinct from the interstitial fluid
closed circulatory system
in closed circulatory system exchange of nutrients and wastes occurs between ________________
blood and interstitial fluid
in closed circulatory system exchange also occurs between the ___________________
interstitial fluid and cells of body
who posses a closed circulatory system
annelids, cephlapods, and vertebrates
closed circulatory system are more advantageous because ________________________
they more effectively deliver blood directly to specific body cells and tissues
______________ closed circulatory system in mammals
cardiovascular system
__________________ open circulatory system and other systems not in mammals
circulatory system
the hearts two chambers
- ventricles
- atria
_________________ discharging chambers for blood
_______________ are receiving chambers for blood
the three types of blood vessels
- arteries
- capillaries
- veins
_______________ carry blood away from heart
__________________ are the sites of nutrient waste exchange between the blood and interstitial fluid
______________ carry blood back to heart
fishes possess a ______________ heart
two chambered heart
-one ventrical and one atrium
blood passess through the heart ____________________________ in fish
only once during each complete circuit
_________________: only once during each complete circuit
single circulation
in fish blood passess through _________________ leaving and returning to heat
two capillary beds
-gill capillaries and body capilaries
amphibians, reptiles, and mammals exhibit ______________________
double circulation
in _________________ blood passess through the heart twice during its complete circuit around the body
double circulation
____________ carries blood from the heart to the lungs and back to heart.
pulminary circuit
blood passes through just the lung capillaries during the pulmonary circuit
________________ carries blood from the heart to the body cells and back to heart
system circuit
blood pass through just the systemic body circuit capillaries during the systemic circuit
amphibians possess a _______________
the chambered heart
-two atria and one ventricle
in amphibians __________ recieves blood from systemic circuit
right atrium
in amphibians _____________ recieves blood from the pulmonary circuit
left atrium
_______________ in amphibians as the skin is involved in gas exchange in addition to lungs
in amphibians the __________ pumps blood to both circuits in
in amphibians a _______________ within the ventricle diverts blood into each circuit
mammals possess a _____________ heart
four chambered
-two atria and two ventricles
in mammals __________ recieves blood from systemic circuit
right atrium
in mammals ______________ receives blood from the pulmonary circuit
left atrium
in mammals __________________ pumps blood to pulmonary circuit
right ventricle
in mammals ____________________ pumps blood to the systemic circuit
left ventricle
______________ exhibit a similar circulation to mammals
two major veins enter the right atrium
- superior vena cava
- inferior vena cava
______________________ returns blood from all of the body superior to diaphragm
superior vena cava
________________________ returns blood from all the body inferior to the diaphragm
inferior vena cava
the major artery that exits the right ventricle is the ________________
pulmonary trunk
_____________ enter the left atrium
four pulmonary veins
each returns blood to lungs
the pulmonary trunk diverges into right and left _________________
pulminary arteries
the major artery that exits the left ventricle is the _________________________
the four chambered walls are made of ___________________
cardia muscle tissue
________________ have more cardia muslce them atria because
ventricles must pump blood farther than atria
what is the pulmonary circuit
right ventricle—> pulmonary trunk ——-> pulmonary arteries ————> lungs ———> pulmonary veins ———> left atrium
in the pulmonary circuit ___________ blood is pumped out of right ventricle though the pulmonary trunk.
oxygen poor
pulmonary trunck diverges to form the ________________ that carry this _________________ blood to the capillaries of the lung
pulmonary arteries
oxygen poor
CO2 is removed from the blood and oxygen is added to the blood at the ________________
lung capillaries
______________ carry __________ from lunch back to heart
pulmonary veins, oxygen rich
the ______ deliver this __________ to the left atrium
pulmonary veins, oxygen rich,
the ____________________ then sends the blood to the left ventricle which begins the ______________
left atrium, systemic circuit
what is the systemic circuit
left ventricle –> aorta —> body —-> superior vena cava -and inferior vena cava ——–> right atrium
________________ blood is pumped out of he left ventricle though the aorta
oxygen rich
_____ carries this oxygen rich blood to all of the capillaries of the body
oxygen rich
___________ is delivered to the body cells and carbon dioxide is removed from the body cells at the capillaries
the superior vana cava carries ____________________ blood from the superior body back to heart
oxygen poor
the inferior vena cava carries _____________ blood from the inferior body back to the heart
oxygen poor
the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava delivers this oxygen poor blood to the ____________________
right atrium
the right atrium sends blood back to the ___________________
right ventricle which begins the pulmonary circuit
a generalization true for systematic circuit
arteries: oxygen rich
veins: oxygen poor
a generalization true for pulmonary circuit
arteries: oxygen poor
veins: oxygen rich
no generalization applies to ______________
single circulation in fish
___________ maintains higher blood pressure than does a single circulation
double circuation
blood pressure ____________ each time blood flows through capillary beds
pumping the blood out of the heart twice maintains ___________________________
sufficient blood pressure for terrestrial vertebrates
____________________________ is sufficient to maintain blood pressure in a single circulation of a fish
contraction of a fished swimming muscles
a _________________ is more efficient at delivering oxygen than the three chambered heart
four chambered heart
_________ require more oxygen than _____________ hense they have four chambered hearts
the heartbeat is accomplished by way of the ___________
cardia cycle
____________ the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the hearts wall cardia muslc etissue
_________ heart contracts
-blood is pumped out of the hearts chambers
____________ heart relaxes
-blood fills the hearts chambers
_____________ is regulated by the specific autorhythmic cardiac muscle cells
cardiac cycle
autorhythmic cardiac muscle cells ______________________ wthout signaling from the nervous system
contract and relax
the cluster of autorhythmic cardiac muscle cells is refferred to as the __________________
sinoatrial node (SA node pacemaker)
the SA node or pacemaker is located in the _________________
right atrium
the sa node generates _______________________
electrical impulses that travel rapidly between neighboring cells.
rapid electrical impluses is accomplished by the ___________________
intercolated discs
impulses from the SA node spread through ______________________
both atria
the atria contracts in ______________________ called the _____________
atria, atriol systole
______________ carry the impulse down the heart apex and up through the ventrical walls
cardiac muscle cells
___________ is the ventracal contraction in unison
ventricular systole
_____________________ are hollow organs with walls containing _____________ layers
arteries and viens
three layers of veins and arteries
- endothelium
- smooth muscle
- connective tissue
_______________ inner layer, surrounds the lumen, simple squamos epithelium
_______________ middle layer, propels blood through blood vessels
smooth muscle
____________________ outer layer, a large amount of elastic fibers, allows the vessels to expaand as blood passess through the _____________________
elastic fibers
connective tissue
as arteries move away from the heart they branch into smaller vessels called _______________
____________ branch further to form capillaries
_________________ are the smallest blood vessels
the sight of nutrient and waste exchange
a single layer of __________________ comprises the capillary walls
capilaries converge to form ______________________
venules converge with other _______________ as they return toward the heart forming __________
capillaries form a network called a ____________________
capilary bed
the true capillaries supply the tissue served by ______________
capillary bed
_______________ runs through the center of the capillary bed
throughfare channel
_____________ dictate whether blood will flow into true capillaries or blood will be shunted through the thoroughfare channel
precapillary sphincter
_____________ regulates passage of materials by smooth muscle
relaxed: passage
contracted: no passage
blood is the only fluid in the body _____________________
a fluid connective tissue
cells of blood are called ______________
formed elements
3 formed elements of blood
- erthythrocytes
- leukocytes
- platelets
___________ are platelets
plasma is the _________________
extracellular matrix
-a fluid ground substance with no fibers
plasma is the fluid portion of blood, so it consists mainly of_____________
_________ are dissolved in the water to make plasma
solutes: organic and inorganic ions
formed elements are not called cells because only ______________ are true cells
_________________ lack nuclei and all other organelles
______________ are just cell fragments
______________ are smaller then leukocytes. they do not contain a necleus or other organelles
an erythrocytes is essentially a _______________________
a bag of hemoglobin surrounded by a plasma membrane
_______________ is the transport protein within erythrocytes
hemoglobin makes up ____________ of an erythrocytes volume
hemoglobin transports ________ from the lungs to the cells of the body to the lungs and _________ from the cells of the body to lungs
______________ erythrocytes have no nucleus or other organelles
hemoglobin consists of ___________________________
globins, four polypeptide chain
globins are ___________________
four polypeptide chain
the globins bind to and transport ___________________
each globin has an __________________ in its center
iron containg heme group
heme iton binds to and transports ___________ 02 molecules
a single hemoglobin molecule carries ____________ molecule
4 O2
an erythrocyte has ____________ hemoglobins
250 millon
______________ are much larger yet less numerous than erythrocytes, are true cells . they possess a nucleus
________________ function in immunity and defense
5 types of leukocytes
- neutrophiles
- ecosinophils
- basophilis
- lymphocytes
- monocytes
______________ a leukocytes that is a multibed nucleus, defense against bacteria and fungi.
________________ a leukocytes that is a bilobed nucleus cells that defenses against parasites and cehmical toxins
_____________ a leukocytes that has a a bilobed nucleus, defense against alergins
__________________ a leukocytes that is a large round nucleus. defense against virus and tumor cells
____________ are the largest of all leukocytes a large kidney shaped nucleus. defense against bacteria viruses
________________ are small cell fragments. platelets function in ______________