Chapter 14: Innate Immune Response Flashcards
Series of proteins in blood and tissue fluids that can be activated to help destroy and remove invading microbes
Complement System
Proteins that function as chemical messengers, allowing the cells involved in host defense to communicate
Coordinated innate response with the purpose of containing a site of damage, localizing response, eliminating the invader, and restoring tissue function.
Inflammatory Response
Host defense involving anatomical barriers, sensor system that recognizes patterns associated with microbes or tissue damage, phagocitic cells, inflammatory response, and fever
Innate immunity
Type of phagocitic cell that wanders or resides in tissue; it has multiple roles, including scavenging debris and producing Pro-inflammatory Cytokines
Complement system components assembled to form pores in membranes of the invading cells
Membrane Attack Complexs
Major phagocitic cell in the blood; first responders, use multiple mechanics to kill invading cells
Coating of an object with molecules for which phagocytes have receptors, making it easier for phagocytosis to occur
Proteins on or in cells that recognize specific compounds unique to microbes or tissue damage
Pattern Recognition Receptors
Protection provided by immune response that improve due to exposure to antigens; involves B and T cells
Adaptive immune
Substance that causes immune response is called _____.
They are molecules that reacts specifically with either an Antibody or an Antigen Receptor on a lymphocyte
Produced by the adaptive immune system, this Y shapped protein binds antigens
Innate immune system contains 3 lines of defense
1st line (Skin & mucus membranes / antimicrobial substances)
Sensory systems ( Pattern recognition receptors / Complement System)
Innate effector actions
(Interferon Response, Phagocytes, Complement Activation, Inflammatory Response, Fever)
1st line defense innate immune system
Skin & mucus membranes / antimicrobial substances
2nd line defense Innate immune system
Sensory systems (Pattern Recognition receptors/ Complement System)
3rd line of defense Innate immune system
Innate effector actions
(Interferon Response, Phagocytes, Complement Activation, Inflammatory Response, Fever)
Cells that help the immune system detect signs of invasion by producing cytokines when their pattern recognition receptors recognize an invading microbe
Sentinel cell
____ cells use Pattern Recognition receptors to detect microbe components ,such as peptidoglycan, and produce cytokines as an alert
Sentinel Cells
Cytokines that induce a cell to resist viral replication; they also help regulate the immune system.
Contraction of intestines that propels food toward the anus
Layer of mucus moved by cilia lining the respiratory tract that moves particles away from the lungs
Mucocillay elevator
Enzyme that degrades peptidoglycan found in body fluids
Iron binding proteins that deprive microbes of Iron a necessary compound
Found in saliva, mucus, milk
An Iron binding protien found in blood and tissue fluids
Short antimicrobial peptides produced by Eukaryotic cells to fight infections in the Innate immune system
Phagocytes have these positively charged AMPs called
Formation of blood cells is called
Bone marrow cells that give rise to all blood cells
Hematopoietic stem cells
Thrombocytes (Platelets) are fragments of large cells called…
Leukocytes (white blood cells) can be divided into 2 categories
Granulocytes, Agranulocytes (lymphocytes & Monocytes)
A group of cytokines that direct the development of various types of blood cells from hematpoietic stem cells
Colony-Stimulating Factors (CSFs)
Monocytes can turn into… (2)
Macrophages & Dendritic cells
B cells turn into…
Effector Plasma cells & Memory Cells
Release of mediators from a cells granules, such as histamine released from a mast cells
Neutrophils can also ____ acting as a mobile grenade
These granulcytes are responsible for ridding of worms
_____ are Granulocytes that are involved in alergic reactions and inflammation and found in the blood contain Histamines
_____ have a simular function but are found in the tissue rather than the blood. They are an important Sentinel cell
Mast cell
Monocytes circulate in the ______
But when they move to the tissues they are called…. (2)
Macrophages & Dendritic cells
Antigen-presenting cells that play a role in activation of naive T cells
Dendritic cells
Group of Leukocytes that are involved in adaptive immunity
Lymphocytes typically reside …
In lymph nodes
A group of lymphocytes that lack specifity, included natural killer cells
Innate lymphoid cells
Lymphocyte that induces apoptosis in cells to which antibody has bound or lack MHC class 1 molecule
Natural Killer cell
Mononuclear Phagocytes includes (3)
Monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells
_____ serve as scouts for the adaptive immune system
Dendritic cells
Protiens in the cell membrane which are the “eyes” and “ears” of the cell
Surface receptors
A molecule that specifically binds to a given receptor
Protiens that function as chemical messengers, allowing cells in host defense to communicate
Important in the chemotaxis of cells of the immune system (Type of cytokine)
A group of cytokines that direct development of various types of blood cells from hematopoietic stem cells
Colony-stimulating Factors
Cytokines that induce cells to resist viral replication, help regulate the immune system
Cytokines produced by Leukocytes, over lapping functions, involved in both innate and adaptive immunity
Tumor necrosis factor is a type of
Cytokines main effect is…
Chemotaxis (movement toward or away from certain gradients)
Potentially deadly over production of cytokines during immune response
Cytokine storm
Molecules that characterize invading microbes
Microbe-associated molecular patterns
Pattern recognition receptors have 3 locations.
Cell surface
Inside phagosomes / endosomes
Pattern recognition receptors are located on which type of cells?
Dendritic cells & macrophages
_____ receptors are found in the membrane of Sentinel cell
Toll-like receptors
Most cells have Pattern recognition receptors inside the cytoplasm called… (2)
Rig-like receptors (monitor for virus RNA)
NOD-like (monitors microbial components or Cell damge.)
Protein complex in macrophages that activates a potent proinflammatory cytokine
When a cells PRRs detect viral RNA, the cell responds by secreting _____ that induces nearby cells to go into an antiviral state
____ triggers an interferon response
Viral RNA
Series of proteins that routinely circulate in the blood and the fluid that bathes tissues.
Proteins are inactive form until a microbe actives them
Complement system
The complement system can be activated by 3 different pathways that converge when a complex called ________ is formed
C3 convertase
The complement system can be activated by the Alternative Pathway in this manner
C3b binding to microbial invaders
The complement system can be activated by the Lectin Pathway by….
Mannose-binding lectin binding to microbial invaders
The Complement system can be activated by the Classic Pathway by….
Antibodies binding to microbial invaders
Antigen-antibody complex is aka
Immune complex
C3 convetase has of the complement system has 3 major final functions
Inflammatory response
Opsonization (tag foreign cells for Phagocytosis)
Lysis of foreign cells
Complexes of complement system proteins form structures that cause cell lysis. These structures are called
Membrane attack complexs
Phagocytes are attracted to infection via ______ including products of microorganisms, materials released by injured host cells, chemokines, Complements system component C5a
Phagocytes can bind 2 ways to a microbe
Direct: bind to the mannose molecules on microbes surface
Indirect: bind to Opsonins (C3b or Certain Antibodies)
Membrane bound molecule that contains material engulfed by a Phagocyte
Phagosome fuses with a ____ to destroy ingested material
Creating what?
Hydrolytic acid is formed in______
It travels to the golgi apparatus to form_____
Endoplasmic reticlum
Very large cell with many nuclei, formed by the fusion of many macrophages during chronic inflammatory response, found in granulomas
Giant cells
Collection of lymphocytes and macrophages that accumulate in certain chronic infections, an attempt to wall off and contain persistent organsims and antigens
Inflammation leads to ___ of blood vessels, leakage of fluid from blood vessels, and migration of Leukocytes from blood to tissue
What makes up pus?
Dead neutrophils
Localized collection of pus within tissue is called
An abcess
The inflammatory response
Endothelial cells produce _____ which attach to the neutrophils holding them in place in the blood vessel
The inflammatory response
Collection of neutrophils on the blood vessel wall is called
The inflammatory response
Mast cells degranulate and release
The inflammatory response
Histamine causes vaso_____
The inflammatory response
Neutrophils going through the endothelial wall is called
Bloodstream infection can lead to_____ an uncontrolled and often deadly systematic inflammation response
-itis means
Type of cell death that elicits an inflammatory response (2)
Pyroptosis & necroptosis
What is a fever temperature
Fever inducing substances
Fever results when macrophages release ________
Pro-inflammatory cytokines
1st line of defense prevents entry into the body, ______ detect the invasion, and _____ destroy and remove the invaders
Sensor systems
Effector mechanisms
Neutrophils, eosinophils, Basophils, and mast cells are called…
Many Patten Recognition Receptors detect _______ and some detect ______
Microbe associated molecular patterns
Damage associated molecular patterns
Membrane anchored _____ detect certain carbohydrates found on some microbial cells
C-type lectin receptors (CLRs)
What do Toll like receptors recognize
Microbial nucleic acid
Rig like receptors detect _____ in a cells cytoplasm
Viral RNA
NOD-like receptors detect
Microbial components or signs of a damage in a cells cytoplasm
Certain NOD-LIKE receptors in macrophages and dendritic cells allow formation of _______, a protein complex that activates a potent Pro-inflammatory cytokines,thereby, initiating inflammatory response
Virally infected cells respond by making _____, which cause nearby cells to undergo apoptosis if they are infected
The ______ detects microbial cells and antibodies bound to antigens, and is activated in response
Complement system
_____ are macrophages stimulated by cytokines to enlarge and become metabolically active, they can now kill better
Activated macrophages
Macrophages, giant cells, and T cells form _____ that wall off and retain material that cannot be destroyed
_____ are important Sentinel cells
Acute inflammation is characterized by abundance of _____
____ inflammation is characterized by macrophages, giant cells, and formation of granuloma
Function of lysozyme against bacteria
Hydrolyze peptidoglycan
Which one can “eat” more than once
Macrophages or Neutrophils
neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells are this type
lymphocytes and monocytes are this type of cell
Types of lymphocytes
B & T
What are leukocytes?
General term for WBC
What makes the epidermidis water repellent
Lysozyme in body fluids is more effective against (gram-negative or gram-positive)
Catalase Positive organisms are (resistant / sensitive) to peroxide enzymes.
Definsins found in mucous membranes do what do bacteria
Put holes in the membrane
Least common non specific leukocytes in the blood
Both macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells are this type of cell
Antigen presenting
Surface receptors on cell membranes produce Signal Molecules aka
Chemical communications between cells
This type of cytokines produce chemotaxis causing the migration of leukocytes
Colony stimulating factors are a type of cytokine that has a 2 fold purpose
Stimulates cell division
Differentiation (maturation)
Interferons are a type of cytokine that stop viral infection via
Shutting down other cells ability to Divide
Toll-like receptors are found on
Cell membrane
Macrophages, Monocytes, & Dendritic
Complement system consists of blood proteins located in
What do complement proteins bind to and destroy
Antigen/antibodies complex
Destroys antigens
Phagocytes bind _____ to opsonized molecules coated by complement
Where are lysozymes found in neutrophils?
In the “granules”
Macrophages can be activated by T helper cells.
What is the purpose of this
To keep killing longer
Granuloma can Wall off and isolate infected area
This is called
An abcess
Which are Granulocytes/ Agranulocytes
Neutrophils/ Macrophages
Which are longer living
Neutrophils Granulocytes
Macrophages Agranulocytes
Macrophages live longer
During inflammation cells involved
Neutrophils ( which are usually 1st responders)
Septic shock comes from (endo or exotoxin)
Endotoxin from gram-negative
Inflammatory response causes (higher/ lower) blood pressure
Lower; Shock
Infected cells recognize Double Stranded RNA as a result they release _____ to nearby cells to shut down protein production
What is the thermostat for body temperature
Pyrogenes are released into the blood from…
A fever in addition to slowing down pathogen reproduction also speed up this process in our bodies
Enzyme activities & movement of WBC and Macrophages movement
Monocytes turn into
Macrophages/ dendritic cells
Rig like receptors are located in…
Recognize vital RNA