Chapter 1 & 2 Flashcards
The 3 Domians
Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya
An a-cellular infectious agent consisting only of protein
Which Domains are Prokaryotic
Archaea & Bacteria
An acellular infectious agent consisting only of RNA
Only attacks plants
An acellular infectious agent consisting of either DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat
General term for all microorganisms and acellular infectious agents such as viruses
Francesco Redi’s 1668 experiment that disproved spontaneous generation
Covered rotten meat with gauze to prevent flys from laying eggs
Needham vs Spallanzani in spontaneous generation experiments.
Needham boiled broths for a short time and sealed with a cork when the broth became contaminanted this “proved” spontaneous generation
Spallanzani boiled broth longer and melted the flask shut thus preventing contamination
The compound microscope is a combination of the ocular (eye peace) which powers is _______ x
And the objective in posistion what are the powers on the objectives.
Giving 4 possible final strengths for the total magnification
Which are
How do the image appear in the microscope
Inverse & Reversed
Which part of the microscope controls the ammount of light?
Iris Diaphragm
Which part of the microscope focuses light?
Condensor lens
Stays in focus even when magnification is changed
The _______ the wave length the _____ the resolution
Smaller / Greater
Visible light has the greatest sized wave length thus the ______ resolution
Ultra violent lights wave legth is _____ compared the Visible light and is ____
Compared to the wave length of an electron beam
Smaller / Greater
Name the 2 fungi we examined
Penicillium: Mold
Saccharomyces: Yeast
Name the prostist we looked at
What is a plant?
Which is an animal?
Euglena: Single celled plant
Paramecium: Single celled animal
What was the Alga we looked at
Chlamydomonas kluh.mi.duh.mow.nuhz
is a single-celled green alga found in temperate soil habitats
Ball shaped bacteria
Rod shapped bacteria
Spirillium or Spirochete are which shapped bacteria
Cork screw shapped
What are the cock screwed shaped bacteria
Spirillum / Spirochete
This is the minimum distance at which two distinct points of a specimen can still be seen
Resistant type of dormant cell produced by some types of bacteria.
Microorganisms cause certain diseases is a principle called
Germ theory of disease
4 parts and subparts of the scientific method
Making an observation and asking a question about it
Forming a hypothesis
Experiment, collect data, draw a conclusion.
Communicate method, results, and conclusions
How did Pasteurs experiment disprove the idea that “air contained a Vital Force”
He used goose neck flask that allowed the air in and trapped the microbes in the bend.
An explanation supported by an extensive amount of experimental evidence.
How are the Normal Microbiota beneficial.
3 ways
Prevent disease by competing for resources
Degrade food that body cant
Promote development of the immune system.
What is the Old Friends hypothesis
Early Exposure helps the immune system learn to distinguish Friendly Microbes from Dangerous ones.
Undertaking that used genomics to study the normal microbiota of the human body
Human Microbiome Project
is a single-celled & found in temperate soil habitats
What relevance does this have to our class
It is the only Alga we looked at
Saccharomyces is a ______
From which kingdom
Microorganisms do this to N² to make it usable to plants and animals
Nitrogen fixing
DNA sequencing program to sequence all known plants, animal, protozoan, and fungal species
Earth Biogenome Project
Commercial benefits of Microorganisms (3)
Food Production (beer, bread, cheese)
Biodegredation ( degrading environmental pollutants)
Commercially Valueable Products
(Ethanol-biofuel, amino acids, insects toxins, and certain plastics)
Which is the scanning objective
Low power
High dry
Oil immersion
Heliobacter pylori causes what?
Stomach ulcers
Protists consists of these 2 groups
Algea & Protozoa
In the microbial world name the 4 types of Eukaryotes
Algea, Protozoa, Fungi, Helminths
A micron or um is how big compared to a mm
1 um = .001 mm
Which microbes measure 0.3 - 2 um
Which measure 5 - 50 um
Bacteria & Archaea
This type of Gram-negative bacteria group together to form complex structures called Fruiting Bodied
Do archaea have cell walls
How does archaea cell wall differ from bacteria
Lack of peptidoglycan
The macroscopic reproductive structure of fungus is called.
Spores are also called.
Describe the chemical composition of Viruses
Consist of DNA o RNA and have a protein coat. Obligate intracellular agents
Describe the chemical composition of Viroids
Consist only of RNA and No Protein coat. Obligate intracellular agent
Describe the chemical composition of Prions.
Consist only of misfolded protein. Cause host cells to misfold their proteins
Elements that contain at least _____, ______ , _______are organic compounds
Carbon & Hydrogen & oxygen
The amount of a chemical in grams that contains 6.022 × 10²³ particles
The mole of one substance has the same number of particles as a mole of another substance
True or False
Macromolecules are made through _______ and degraded by _______
Dehydration synthesis / hydrolysis
Distinctive chemical arrangement that contributes to the properties of a molecule
Functional group
A chemical reaction in which H²O is removed and results in 2 molecules joined together
Dehydration synthesis
Chemical reaction in which a molecule is broken down as H²O is added
Ribose & Deoxyribose are _ - carbon sugars
They are also this kind of Carbohydrate
Lactose, sucrose, and maltose are this kind of Carbohydrate
Cellulose, startch, glycogen, dextran, chitin, and agar are this kind of Carbohydrate
Saturated fatty acids have ___ double bonds
Unsaturated fatty acids have __ double bonds.
1 or more
Peptide bonds join the amino group of one amino acid with the __ group of another
Primary structure of a protein is…
Amino acid sequence
The secondary structure of a protein is…
Repeated coiling or folding.
The tertiary structure of a protein is….
The overall 3D shape
The quaternary structure of a protein is…
The shape that results from the interaction of multiple polypeptide chains
The purine or pyrimidine ring structure found in nucleotides; aka the base
What makes up a Nuclelc Acid
Nucleobase, pentose sugar, and a phosphate group
Complementry describes the DNA structure that the nucleobases that are characteristically hydrogen bonded to one another.
Name these bonds
A - T & C - G
How does ATP carry energy?
High-energy phosphate bonds
H - H is what kind of bond
Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds is called?
A ______ is a group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.
A ________ is a substance which is formed by two or more different types of elements which are united chemically in a fixed proportion.
All molecules are not compounds. All compounds are molecules.
True or False
H² is this kind of substance
NaCl is this kind
CHONPS stands for this
The number of moles of a compound dissolved in enough water to make 1 liter of solution
Chemical reactions in which electrons are transferred from one reactant to other are called
Oxidation-reduction reactions Or
Redox reactions
Reactants that typically lose electrons in a redox reaction are called _____ agents
Reactants that typically gain them are called _____ agents
Reducing / oxidizing
When an element gains an electron is it _______
When an element loses an electron it is ______
Reduced / Oxidized
Buffers function by releasing H+ ions into a solution when a(n) ____ is added and combing with H+ ions when a(n) _____ is added
Base / Acid
RNA has this at the 2 prime spot
DNA has this at the 2 prime spot
Hydroxyl group
Several polysaccharides have the same subunit (glucose) but differ in structure how?
Linkage that joins subunits together
Degree of branching
Glycogen is….
the energy-storage product of animals and some bacteria
____ a polymer of galactose, is found in the cell walls of certain types of algae
Fatty acids are linear carbon skeletons with a _____ group at one end
Carboxyl (-COOH)
Most common simple lipid in nature and most efficient method of storing our energy
If a HO hydroxyl group is attached to a steroid it is called
A sterol
To form a triglycerides, each fatty acid is joined to glycerol via _______
Involving a _____ group of glycerol and the carboxyl group of the _____
Dehydration synthesis
Hydroxl group of glycerol
Fatty acid
Fats that contain only saturated fatty aicds are ______ at room temperature.
Unsaturated are ______ at room temperature.
Solid / Liquid
Phospholipids have ____ heads
And _____ tails
Hydrophilic/ Hydrophobic
All amino acids have the following 5 structures.
Hydrogen atom
Carboxyl group (-COOH)
Amino Group (-NH²)
Side chain or R group
Central Carbon Atom
What distinguishes animo acids from each other?
Side chain or R group
______ are subunits of Nucleic Acids
Some forms of RNA are short double-stranded regions due to …
Hydrogen bonding between complementary base pairs
How is Adenosine formed?
Adenine plus ribose
Type of bacteria that produces endospore
Bacillus, Clostridium,
Which microorganisms are associated with periodontal disease
Viruses, viroids, and prions are all?
Are they considered alive
Acellular infectious agent
First part of the scientific name
2nd part
Genus Capitalized
Species lower case
All italics
This bond is the attraction between a specific atom in a polar molecule and an electronegativite atom in the same or another polar molecule
Hydrogen bond
Chemical bond formed when atoms share an electron
This is the sum of protons and neutrons
Mass number
Average of the mass numbers of an element. Weighted to the relative abundance of this naturally occurring ISOTOPE
Atomic Mass
Same chemical elements differs in number of neutrons
When an element gains or loses an electron it is called
An Ion
Hydrogen bonds are formed when a Hydrogen atom in a polar molecule is attracted to ______ atom in the same or another molecule
Which is more electronegativite Oxygen or Hydrogen
Molecules that contain the same elements but in different arrangements that are not mirror images
They have different names and properties
Structural isomers
Distinct part of protein associated with a certain function
Protein domain
DNA has this kind of backbone
Sugar phosphate
What is at the 5’ end of DNA
What is at the 3’
5 = phosphate
3 = hydroxyl
How many electrons on 2nd shell
Are neutral atoms always stable
Electrons ______ from the nucleus have higher energy level
Covalent bonds are difficult to break at biological temperature.
They require _____ to do this
Surronds each plant cell
Storage form of glucose in plants
Storage form of glucose in bacteria
All amino acids except glycine exist as _____
Optical isomers
Why does 2ndary structure occur
Hydrogen bonds or ionized R-groups
Tertiary structure occurs due to
Interaction of hydrophobic/phillic R-groups
Nucleic acid is made of ______
Nucleotides are made of _____
Phosphate, pentose sugar, nucleobase
Can produce images of atoms on a surface
Scanning probe microscope
Special optics amplify difference between refractive index of dense material and surrounding medium
Makes cells appear darker
Phase-contrast microscope
Specimens stained with fluorescenst dye
Dye marks percise location
Detailed interior of intact cells
Scanning Lazer microscope
Small molecules cross gram negative via
_____ prevents cross linking of glycine chains
______ break Linking glycine chains
____ stains inside of gram cells
Crystal Violet
Do plasmids code genetic info
Accumulation of polymers
Storage granules
____ allow cell to detect, respond to signals
Lipid drafts
Electro chem gradient maintenance by
Sodium ir Proton pumps
Pinocytosis forms ____ which fuse with ____
Endosome / lysosome
Phagocytosis _____ surrond and bring material into _____<
Pseduopods /phagosome
Old organelle fused with lysosome <____
N¹ = N⁰ x 2¹
N¹= number of cells at t (time)
N⁰ = initial number if cells
n = number if generation