Ch.4: Tissues, Epithelial Tissues Flashcards
Group of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common function
What are the four primary tissues?
Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and Muscle
Which primary tissue, is sheet of cells that covers a body surface or lines a body cavity
Epithelial Tissue
The five distinguishing characteristics of the epithelial tissues are _______
apical surface, microvilli or cillia, no intracellular space, avascular but innervated, high regenerative capacity (heal quicker)
Consist of a single layer of cell layer. Found where absorption, secretion, and filtration occur
Simple Epithelia
Composed of two or more cell layers, common in high abrasion areas where protection is important
Stratified Epithelia
Single layer of flattened cells with dics-shaped central nuclei. Allows materials to pass by diffusion and filtration is sites where protection is not important. ex. Alveoli
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Inner covering, provides a slick, friction- reducing lining in lymphatic vessels and hollow organs of the cardiovascular system—– blood vessels and the heart
Middle covering, found in serous membranes, the membranes lining the ventral body cavity and covering its organs
Single layer of cube-like cells, secretion and absorption. Found in kidney tubules
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Single layer of tall cells with some bearing cillia, layer may contain mucus-secreting unicellular glands (goblet cells) Function Absorption, secretion of mucus, enzymes and other substance
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Most widespread of the stratified epithelial,Thick and well-suited for its protective role in the body. surface cells are flattened. Lining of the esophagus, mouth, vagina
Stratified Squamous epithelium
Forms the linings of the hollow urinary organs , streches readily
Transitional epithelium
What are the two types of Glandular Epithelia?
Endocrine gland & Exocrine gland
Often called Ductless gland, produce hormones, secrete by exocytosis directly into the blood
Endocrine Gland