Ch.23: Digestive System Part 3 Flashcards
The ______ ________ is the body’s major digestive organ. Digestion is completed, and virtually all absorption occurs
Small intestine
Gross Anatomy of the Small Intestine includes:
illeocecal valve
The epithelium of villus mucosa is largely simple columnar ________ ____ bound by tight junctions and richly endowed with microvilli. Primary responsibility for absorbing nutrients and electrolytes
absorptive cells
Crypt epithelial cells are primarily secretory cells that secrete _________ ______, a watery mixture that contains mucus and serves as a carrier fluid for absorbing nutrients from Chyme.
intestinal juices
Scattered throught the crypt epithelium are _____________ ____ the source of the enterogastrones Secreting and CCK.
enteroendocrine cells
Deep in the crypts are specialized secretory cells called _______ _____, which fortify the small intestine’s defenses by releasing antimicrobrial agents such as defensins and lysozyme
Paneth cells
__________ _______, lymphoid nodules located in the small intestine
Peyer’s Patches
________ and ___________ are accessory organs associated with the small intestine.
Liver and gallbladder
The ______ ________ function is to produce bile for export to the duodenum.
Digestive system
_____ is a fat emulsifier that breaks down fats into tiny particles to make them more readily digestible
The __________ is chiefly a storage organ for bile
The _______, is the largest gland in the body, made up of hepatocytes. Main function is to filter and process the nutrient-rich blood delivered to it.
The portal triad consist of:
- hepatic portal vein
- hepatic artery
- bile duct
_________, or inflammation of the liver is most often due to viral infection.
_____, is a yellow-green alkaline solution containing bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, and a variety of electrolytes.
____ _____, are cholesterol derivatives. Their role is to emulsify fats- break them down into smaller pieces and distribute them throughout the watery intestinal contents. Physically seperate large fat gobules entering the small intestine into millions of smaller more accessible fatty droplets that provide large surface areas for the fat digestive enzymes to work on
Bile salts
The chief bile pigment is _________, a waste product of the heme of hemoglobin formed during the breakdown of worn-out erythrocytes.
_________, gives feces a brown color
An accessory digestive organ, the __________ is important to the digestive process because it produces enzymes that break down all categories of foodstuffs.
This exocrine product, called _______ _______ drains from the pancreas into the duodenum via the centrally located main pancreatic duct, which is then emptied into the duodenum.
Pancreatic juice
The ______ _____ produce the enzyme-rich component of pancreatic juice.
acinar cells
The ____ of venous blood returning to the heart remains relatively unchanged because acidic blood draining from the pancreas neutralizes the alkaline blood draining from the stomach
The high pH of _______ _____ helps neutralize acid chyme entering the duodenum and provides the optimal environment for intestinal and pancreatic enzymes.
Pancreatic fluid
_________, released by intestinal cells exposed to fatty chyme, also stimulates liver cells to secrete bile
The major stimulus for gallbladder contraction is __________, which is released to the blood when acidic, fatty chyme enters the duodenum. It stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice and relaxes the hepatopancreatic sphincter so that bile and pancreatic juice can enter the duodenum.
The Primary function of the small intestine is ______
___________, is the most common motion of the small intestine