Ch.17: Blood Part 2 Flashcards
Characteristics of laukocytes
only formed elements that are complete cells
less than 1% blood volume
crucial to our defense against diseases
Diapedesis, able to slip out of the capillary blood vessels
A white blood cell count
Two major categories of Leukocytes include:
Granulocytes ( neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils)
Agranulocytes (lymphocytes, and monocytes)
List the leukocytes in order from most abundant to least abundant
Neutrophils Lymphoctes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
Characteristic of Neutrophils
most numerous Account for 50-70% of the WBC population 2x as large as RBC's, mulitilobed nucleus Body's bacteria slayers active phagocytes
Characteristics of Eosinophils
Account 2-4% of WBC, same size as Neutrophils
Two lobes, old fashion telephone
lack enzyme that digest bacteria
counterattack against parasitic worms, that are too larged to be phagocytized
Characteristics of Basophils
Rarest WBC’s account only for .5-1%
histamine, acts as a vasolidator & attracts other WBC to the inflamed site
Characteristics of Lymphocytes
Second most numerous, 25% of WBC population
crucial role in immunity
Type of lymphocyte, that functions in the immune response by acting directly against viruse-infected cells and tumor cells
T Lymphocytes
Type of Lymphocytes that gives rise to plasma cells which produce antibodies that are released to the blood
B lymphocytes
Characteristics of Monocytes
Accounts for 3-8% of WBCs
largest leukocytes, kidney shaped
Macrohages when they enter the blood stream
Actively phagocytic
Crucial in the body’s defense against viruses, certain intracellular bacterial parasite and chronic infections
Production of white blood cells
An abnormally low white blood cell count
overproduction of white blood cells
Characteristics of Platelets
Cytoplasmic fragments of extraordinarily large cell
Act in clotting process
temporary plug that helps seal the break
A hormone called _________ regulates the formation of platelets
When a blood vessel wall breaks, a whole series of reactions is set in motion to accomplish ________, which stops the bleeding
Three steps occur:
Vascular Spasms
Platelet Plug Formation
Events that take place in Vascular Spasms
Chemicals are released by endothelial cells and platelets and reflexes initiated by local pain receptors
damaged blood vessels respond to injury by constricting
effective in smaller blood vessels
reduce blood loss for 20-30 mins allowing time for the next steps
Events that take place in Platelets Plug Formation
platelets play a key role
forming a plug temporarily seal the break in the vessel wall
Prostaclyin, prevent platelet aggregation in undamaged tissue and restrict to the site of injury
________ and ________, messengers that enhance vascular spasm and platelet aggregation
Serotonin and Thrombaxane
Events that take place in Coagulation
Prothrombin activator is formed
Prothrombin is converted into thrombin
Thrombin catalyzes the joining of fibrinogen to form a fibrin mesh
A clot that develops and persist into an unbroken blood vessel is called
Thrombus breaks away from the vessel wall and floats freely in the blood stream
Obstructing a vessel
A condition in which the number of circulating platelets is deficient, causes spontaneous bleeding from a small blood vessels all over the body
____________ are routine when blood loss is rapid and substantial
whole blood transfusion
Infusions of ________, where most of plasma and leukocytes have been removed and only RBSs are present
Packed Red cells
These glycoprotein and glycolipid markers are called ________, it is anything the body perceives as foreign and generates immune response.
Since these RBC antigens promote agglutination, they are more specifically called
The ________ are based on the presence or absence of two agglutinogens, type A, and Type B
ABO blood groups
The presence in the plasma of preformed antibodies are called ________, act against RBCs carrying ABO antigens that are not present on a person’s own red blood cells
Rh- mother, has Rh+ antibodies, after first pregnancy, then when second pregnancy comes along, her Rh+ antibodies go through the placenta and attack the fetus’s Red blood cells
Erythroblastosis fetalis
When mismatched blood is infused, a _______ occurs in which the recipient’s plasma alglutinins attack the donor’s red blood cells
transfusion reaction
Raises plama volume, restore loss fluid in the body, yet does not replace the oxygen-carrying capacity of the loss red blood cells
Plasma Expanders
True or false Rh+ is more common than Rh-