Ch 40 Flashcards
Biological functions
What do physical laws govern?
Diffusion, strength, movement, and heat exchange
What do the properties of water limit?
Possible Shapes for fast swimming animals
As animal increase in size what also needs to increase?
Thicker skeleton (bone density)
What must be exchanged across cell membranes of an animal cell?
Nutrients, waste, and gases
What is rate of exchange proportional to?
Cell’s surface area
What is amount of exchange materials proportional to?
Cell’s volume
Does a single celled organism living in water have sufficient surface area to carry out all exchanges?
How thick are body walls in multicellular organisms with sack like body?
2 cells thick, that facilitate diffusion of materials
How do flat animals interact with their environment?
Most of their cells make direct contact
What are complex organism composed of?
Compact masses of cells with complex internal organization
What are interstitial fluid?
The space between cells which link exchange surfaces to body cells
What does a complex body plan help with?
Maintain stable internal enviornment
What are the four type of animal tissue
Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
What is epithelial tissue? (3)
1) Covers outside the body
2) Lines organs and cavities within body
3) Contains cells that are closely joined
What are the 5 types of epithelial tissue?
1) stratified squamous: skin or esophagus
2) pseudostratified ciliated columnar: respiratory tract
3) simple squamous: lungs
4) simple columnar: intestine
5) cuboidal: kidney
What is connective tissue?
Tissue that binds and supports other tissues
What are the three types of connective tissue fibers?
1) Collagenous fibers: Strength and flexibility
2) Reticular Fibers: Join connective tissue to adjacent tissues
3) Elastic Fibers: Stretch and snap back to their original length
What cells does connective tissue contain? (2)
1) Fibroblasts: secrete protein of extracellular fibers
2) Macrophages: involved in immune system
What are the 6 major connective tissue?
1) Loose Connective tissue: binds epithelia to underlying tissues and holds organs in place
2) Fibrous connective tissue: Found in TENDON and LIGAMENTS
3) Bone: mineralized and form skeleton
4) Adipose tissue: stores fat for insulation and fuel
5) Blood: composed of blood cells and cell fragments in blood plasma
6) Cartilage: Strong and flexible support materials
What is muscle tissue? (2)
1) Responsible for body movement
2) Consist of filaments of proteins: actin and myosin, which cause contraction
ex)Myoblast and Myocyte
What are the 3 types of muscle?
Skeletal Muscle: Striated, voluntary, multinucleated
Cardiac Muscle: Involuntary, Branched, intercalated discs
Smooth: Involuntary
What are the functions of nervous tissue and what does it contain?
Functions in receipt, processing, and transmission of information
Neurons: Transmit nerve impulses
Glial Cells: Which support cells
What systems effect control and coordination?
Endocrine system and nervous system
What is the endocrine system
Releases signaling molecules called hormones into blood stream
explain hormone affects compared to signals by the nervous system? (2)
1) Affect one or more regions
2) Slow acting and have long lasting effects
What does the nervous system do?
Transmits info between specific locations
Very fast
What does information conveyed depend on?
Signal pathway not type of signal
What are regulators
animals that use internal control mechanisms to maintain homeostasis
What are conformers?
Animals that allow its internal condition to vary with certain external change
Are animals regulators or conformers?
Humans regulate homeostasis of? (3)
Body temperature, Blood pH, and glucose levels
explain a setpoint, stimulus, sensor, and response?
Fluctuations above or below the Set points serves as a stimulus, which are detected by a sensor
This generates an output that triggers a response
What does homeostasis rely on?
Negative feedback
What does positive feedback do?
Amplify a stimulus and doesn’t contribute to homeostasis
What do set points and normal ranges changes change with
age or cyclic variation
What does circadian rhythm do?
Governs physiological changes that occur every 24 hours
Temporary change during an animal’s lifetime
Process which animals maintain internal temp within a normal range
Generate heat by metabolism
Birds and mammals
Gain heat from external sources
Invertebrates, reptiles, fish
Downside of endothermy
More energetically expensive
Upside of ectotherms
tolerate greater variation in internal temp
What is a Poikilotherm?
An animal whose body temp varies with environment
Relatively constant body temp
How do organisms exchange heat (4)
1) Radiation
2) Evaporation
3) Convection
4) Conduction
Heat regulation in mammals involve?
Integumentary system
Skin, hair, nails
Five adaptation that help animal thermoregulate
1) Insulation
2) Circulatory adaptations
3) Cooling by evaporative heat loss
4) Behavioral responses
5) Adjusting metabolic heat production (thermogenesis)
What is insulation
A major thermoregulatory adaptation
Reduce heat flow between animal and environment
Circulatory adaptation
1) Blood flow regulation near body surface
- Endotherms and some ectotherms can alter blood flow between core and skin
Blood flow in skin increases facilitating heat loss
Blow flood in skin decreases, lowering heat loss
What blood vessel arrangement do marine animals and birds use?
Countercurrent exchange
Transfers heat between fluids flowing in opposite directions and reduce heat loss
Evaporative heat loss
1) Sweating or bathing moistens skin to help cooling down
2) Panting increases the cooling effect in birds and many mammals
What are some ways animals exhibit behavioral responses for temperature?
1) exhibited by Ectoderms and sometimes endoderms
2) Seek warm places when cold and when hot they bathe or move to a colder area
What are examples of metabolic heat production?
1) Thermogenesis
2) nonshivering thermogenesis
What is thermogenesis?
The adjustment of metabolic heat production
Increased muscle activity by moving or shivering
What is nonshivering thermogenesis?
Hormones cause mitochondria to increase their metabolic activity
Brown fat
1) Specialized for rapid heat production
2) found in infants of mammals and mammals that hibernate
3) Humans brown fat depends on temperature
What are examples of acclimatization in thermoregulation?
1) birds and mammals vary insulation
2) lipid composition of cell mambranes change
3) Ectotherms produce antifreeze
What controls thermoregulation?
Controlled by a region of brain called hypothalamus
Triggers heat loss or heat generating mechanisms
If you have an infection do you want to be warm or cold
What is bioenergetics?
overall flow and transformation of energy in animal
Determines animals nutritional needs: size, activity, and environment
What is biosynthesis
1) body growth and repair
2) synthesis of storage materials such as fat
3) production of gametes
Metabolic rate
Sum of all the energy an animal uses in a unit of time
What can be used to determine metabolic rate?
1) An animal’s heat loss
2) Amount oxygen consumed or carbon dioxide produced
3) Measures energy content of food consumed and energy lost in waste
What equals metabolism
Anabolism and catabolism
Basal Metabolic rate
metabolic rate of an endotherm at rest at comfy temperature
Standard metabolic rate
Metabolic rate of an ectotherm at specific temperature
Who has higher metabolic rates?
Other factors of metabolic rates (6)
1) Age
2) sex
3) size
4) activity
5) temperature
6) nutrition
What is metabolic rate proportional to
body mass to power of 3/4
How does the metabolic rate of small animals per gram compare to large animals
It is greater
What does higher metabolic rate lead to
Higher oxygen rate, breathing rate, heart rate, greater blood volume
What is a torpor?
Physiological state of decreased activity and metabolism
What is hibernation?
Long term torpor to skip winter LOL
What is summer torpor?
Estivation: to avoid high temperatures and low water
Who exhibits daily torpor?
Small mammals and birds that correlate to feeding pattern
What is daily torpor?
1) exhibited by small animals and birds
2) adapted to feeding patterns
What is osteon
the smallest functional unit of bone