Biology Flashcards
n. [C] 斥候, 偵察兵; 偵察機; 偵察艦 The scout reported the enemy truck movements. 偵察員報告有關敵人卡車活動的情況。; 偵察, 搜索[S][(+around/round)] He had a scout around to see what he could find. 他四處搜尋看看能找到些什麼。; 童子軍(一員); 球探, 星探等發掘新人者; 【口】(常用作親熱的稱呼)伙計, 人 I’ve got nothing against old Adrian. He’s a good scout . 我對老艾德里安沒有意見。他是個好人。
vt. 偵察; 搜索 They were chosen to scout the trail. 他們被選去探路。; 觀察(運動員, 演員)的表現以估計其才能; (經過尋找)發現[(+out)] The commander sent a party to scout out a safer area. 指揮官派出一支小隊去尋找更為安全的地區。
vi. 偵察; 搜索 Three planes were sent up to scout . 派出三架飛機偵察。; 【美】物色人才
n. [C] (兔, 狐等的)洞穴, 地道; 隱藏處; 住處
vt. 在…挖洞(或通道); 使躲入洞穴 The runaway burrowed himself into a corner. 逃犯躲進了一個角落裡。; 挖掘, 挖出 The fox burrowed several holes near the haystack. 那頭狐狸在草堆附近挖了幾個洞。
vi. 挖地洞, 挖通道 The mole quickly burrowed out of sight. 鼴鼠很快地在地上鑽了一個洞, 不見了。; 住入地洞; 躲藏起來, 潛伏; 鑽進某處(或某組織); 尋找, 探索 I had to burrow in the library for the books I needed. 我只好在圖書館搜尋我所需要的書。; 偎依著
a. 肉食性的
n. 【動】變色龍; 善變的人; 輕浮的人
n. [C][U] 偽裝; 掩飾 They covered their tanks with leaves and branches as camouflage . 他們用樹枝和樹葉將坦克偽裝起來。; 偽裝物; 掩飾手段; 保護色 Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies. 有些昆蟲有一種天然的保護色可以防止敵人的襲擊。
vt. 偽裝, 掩蔽; 掩飾 His soldiers were well camouflaged . 他的士兵們已很好地隱蔽起來。
vi. 偽裝起來; 隱蔽起來 They camouflaged in bushes. 他們隱蔽在灌木叢中。
n.[U] 模仿; 模擬; 學樣 the talent of mimicry 模仿的天才; 【生】擬態
vi. (小鳥)發啁啾聲; (昆蟲)發唧唧聲[(+away)] Birds had begun to chirp and twitter among the trees. 鳥兒開始在樹叢中啁啾鳴囀。; 嘁嘁喳喳地說話; 咂嘴打招呼
vt. 尖聲尖氣地說(或唱)[(+out)]; 咂嘴向…打招呼
n. [C] 啁啾聲; 唧唧聲 She heard nothing but the chirps and whirrs of insects. 除了蟲的鳴叫聲外, 她什麼也沒聽見。; 嘎吱聲
n. [C] 蜘蛛網; 蜘蛛絲 Those lazy fellows have not even swept the cobwebs away. 那些懶傢伙連蜘蛛網都沒有掃乾淨。; 薄細如蜘蛛網的東西 Telegraph wires radiate like cobwebs from the main building. 電報線像蜘蛛網似地由主樓向四面八方伸展。; 陷阱, 圈套 The detective felt this path was full of cobwebs . 偵探感覺到這條路充滿了陷阱。
vt. 使佈滿蜘蛛網(或蜘蛛網似的東西) The bed was all cobwebbed , indicating no one had slept in it for quite some time. 這張床上佈滿了蜘蛛網, 表明很久沒有人在上面睡過了。
n. [C] 繭; 卵袋, 卵囊; 繭狀物; 塑料披蓋, 防護膜
vt. 把…緊緊包住 The sick child was cocooned in blankets. 病孩緊緊地裹在毯子裡。; 使(自己)孤立
vi. 爬, 爬行, 蠕動 He watched the baby crawl across the room. 他看著嬰兒從房間這邊爬到那邊。; 緩慢地移動, 徐徐行進 It was rush hour and we crawled along at 15 miles an hour. 遇上了尖峰時間, 我們的車子以每小時十五英里的速度緩慢行駛。; (常用進行式)(為蟲, 蟻等)爬滿, 充斥著[(+with)] The lawn was crawling with ants. 草坪上爬滿了螞蟻。; (由於恐懼, 厭惡等)起雞皮疙瘩, 汗毛直豎 My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night. 夜晚萬籟俱寂時突然聽到一聲尖叫, 嚇得我汗毛直豎。; 諂媚奉承, 巴結[(+to)] He never crawls to his superiors. 他對上司從不卑躬屈膝。; 用爬式(或自由式)游泳; (植物)蔓延, 蔓生 The rosebush crawls along the fence. 薔薇沿籬笆蔓生。
vt. 在…上爬行; 在…上蔓生; 【俚】斥責, 訓斥 The boss crawled him for loafing on the job. 老板因他磨洋工而訓斥他。
n. 爬行; 緩慢的行進[S] Traffic was slowed to a crawl . 來往車輛只得減低速度十分緩慢地行駛。; 爬泳, 自由式游泳[the S]
n. [C] (熊, 獅, 虎, 狼等的)幼獸; 幼鯨; 幼鯊 a two-month-old leopard cub 一隻年僅兩個月的幼豹; (不成熟的)小青年, 笨手笨腳的年輕人; 新手; 學徒; 初出茅廬的記者
vi. 生育幼獸; 獵幼狐
vt. 生育(幼獸)
n. 牙; 犬齒; 毒牙; 牙根
n. [C][G] 羊群; (飛禽, 牲畜等的)群 A flock of wild geese flew overhead. 一群野鵝從頭頂飛過。; 【口】人群, 群眾[(+of)] A flock of customers waited for the store to open. 一群顧客等著商店開門。; (某一教堂或教會的)信徒, 會眾; 一家的子女; 一校的學生
vi. 聚集; 成群地去(或來)[Q] Birds of a feather flock together. 物以類聚, 人以群分。
n. 畜群; 牧群[C][G] We saw a herd of elephants yesterday. 昨天我們見到了一群大象。; (常用以構成複合詞)放牧人[C]; 【貶】民眾, 百姓[the S] [G]
vt. 放牧 Dogs are often trained to herd sheep. 人們常訓練狗來牧羊。; 把…趕在一起[O] The chained people were herded back into the dark cellar. 那些帶了鎖鏈的人被一起趕回到黑暗的地窖。
vi. 聚在一起, 成群[Q] The sheep herded for warmth. 羊群聚取暖。
n. [C] 包; 捆; 包裹; 背包 The tourist carried a pack on his back. 觀光旅行者背了個包。; 【美】一包(盒, 箱, 袋)[(+of)] He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. 他過去經常一天抽一包香煙。; (獵犬, 野獸, 飛機, 艦艇等的)一群; 一隊[G][(+of)] A pack of hounds chased the fox. 一群獵犬追捕狐狸。; (常貶)一夥, 一幫[G][(+of)] a pack of thieves 一夥盜賊; 一堆, 大量[G][(+of)] What she told you was a pack of lies. 她對你說的話是一派謊言。; (紙牌的)一副; 【醫】裹布; 冰袋; 包紮; 棉塞
vt. 裝(箱); 給(某人)將(某物)裝入行李[(+up)][O1] Please don’t forget to pack me a razor. 請別忘了給我放一把刮鬚刀進去。; 將…擠(塞, 裝)入; 擠(塞, 裝)滿[O] Visitors packed the gallery. 參觀者擠滿了畫廊。 He packed his clothes into a trunk. 他把衣服裝進箱內。; 捆紮; 包裝 We packed the books before we moved. 我們在搬遷前把書本捆好了。; 把(食品等)裝罐, 加工包裝(食品); 【口】經常攜帶(槍等) He packs a pistol. 他常帶著手槍。; 把…打發走; 攆走[(+off)] They packed off their little daughter to her aunt’s house before leaving for France. 他們去法國前把小女兒送到她姑母家。; 背運; 馱運(貨物)
vi. 包裝貨物; 整理行裝 They are busy packing . 他們正忙於整理行裝。; 能包裝, 適於裝運 These things pack easily. 這些東西容易包裝。; 擠[Q] Thousands of people packed into the stadium. 成千上萬的人擠近體育館。; 集成堆(塊); 變結實; (動物)成群; 聚集; 馱運貨物
n.[C] (被驅趕的或向前走動的)畜群; 人群 I battled my way through droves of shoppers. 我奮力擠過一群又一群的購物者。; 石工的平鑿
n. 菌類植物[C] Mushrooms, toadstools and mildew are all fungi . 蘑菇、蕈與白霉都是菌類植物。; 真菌[U] My roses were suffering from fungus . 我的玫瑰受到真菌的侵害。
n.[C] 類, 種類; 【生】屬 Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus . 狗、狼和土狼是同屬。
n.[C] 葫蘆屬植物; 葫蘆; 葫蘆製成的容器, 瓢; 【美】【俚】腦瓜, 頭腦 Are you going with him? You must be out of your gourd . 你和他一塊去? 你一定是瘋了。
vi. (牛, 羊等)吃草; 放牧 Cattle were grazing on the meadow. 牛在牧場上吃草。
vt. 吃(田野)裡的草; 在田野裡吃(草等); 用牧草餵; 放牧 We graze cattle on our fields. 我們在自己田裡牧牛。
n. 吃草; 放牧; 牧草
n. 【植】石南, 石南植物[U][C]; (石南)荒原[C]
n. 【昆】大黃蜂[C]
n. 象牙; (海象等的)長牙[U]; 牙質[U]; (外表或用途等)類似象牙之物[U]; 象牙色, 乳白色[U] a skin of ivory 象牙色的皮膚; 象牙製品[P] The museum has a fine collection of medieval ivories . 這家博物館收藏著一批做工精細的中世紀象牙製品。; 【俚】琴鍵; 牙齒; 骰子; 臺球[P]
a. 象牙製的; 似象牙的 an ivory carving of an elephant 用象牙雕刻的象; 象牙色的, 乳白色的
n.[C] 牛; 去勢公牛, 閹牛
n. [C] 腳爪; 爪子; 用力拍打 Get your paws off those cakes. 別用你的手碰那些蛋糕。; 【口】(尤指笨拙的)手
vt. (用腳爪等)抓; 扒 The cat pawed the mouse it had caught. 貓用爪子抓它捉著的老鼠。; 【口】笨拙地觸摸(或擺弄); 親暱地撫摸 The bull pawed the ground before charging. 公牛衝刺前用力拍打地面。
vi. (用腳爪等)抓; 扒[(+at)] The dog pawed at the doorknob. 狗用爪子抓門把手。; 笨拙地觸摸; 親暱地撫摸; 翻找 He pawed frantically through the drawers. 他拼命翻找抽屜裡的東西。 Don’t paw at everything you see. 別見什麼摸什麼。
n. [C] 羽毛; 大羽, 長羽[P1] Her hat was adorned with a plume . 她帽子上飾著羽毛。; (帽子等的)羽飾[P1] Her photograph showed her stiff in her glories of plumes and satin. 照片上的她身著綢緞, 頭戴飾有彩羽的帽子, 顯得很拘謹。; 榮譽的標誌; 獎賞; 羽狀物(如煙雲, 雪塵等)[(+of)] a plume of blue smoke 一縷青煙; 【動】【植】羽狀部
vt. (鳥)整理(羽毛) The eagle plumed its wing. 鷹整理它翅膀上的羽毛。; 華麗地打扮; 給…飾以羽毛 The knight plumed his helmet with brilliant red feathers. 騎士用鮮紅的羽毛裝飾他的頭盔。; (後接oneself)自誇; 自慶[(+on)] She plumed herself on her figure. 她以身材美自豪。
vi. 形成羽毛狀的煙雲 In the sub-zero weather, their exhausts plumbed white in the grey streets. 在嚴寒天氣, 他們的排氣管在灰色的街道上吐著縷縷白煙。
n. 家禽[U][G] The farm breeds a wide range of poultry . 這個農場飼養各種家禽。; 家禽肉[U]
n. 【宗】(一地區內的)最高階主教; 靈長類動物
a. 首要的; 靈長類的
n.[U][G] (人或動、植物)的後代, 後裔; 子女; 幼崽 Her numerous progeny were all asleep. 她的小輩們都睡著了。; 結果, 成果
vi. (野獸等)四處覓食; 暗中來回尋覓 Many wild animals prowl at night. 許多野生動物在夜間覓食。; 徘徊; 潛行 Hunter has an interest in prowling around a flea market. 漢特對逛跳蚤市場很感興趣。
vt. 潛行於; (暗中)巡行於; 在…搜尋
n. 四處覓食; 徘徊; 搜尋[the S] Some youngsters were seen on the prowl around the street corner. 有人看到一些青年在街角徘徊。
vt. 使發出咯咯聲 A cold November wind rattled the windows. 十一月的寒風刮得窗戶咯咯作響。; 【口】使窘迫不安, 使驚惶失措; 使惱火 She seemed rattled about our presence. 我們在場她顯得驚恐不安。; 使覺醒; 使振作[(+up)]; 從(隱藏處)驚出獵物
vi. 發出咯咯聲 The window rattled in the wind. 窗戶在風中嘎嘎作響。; 喀嚓喀嚓行進[Q] The old wagon rattled down the road. 破舊的四輪運貨馬車喀嚓喀嚓地行進在路上。; 喋喋不休地講話[(+on/away)] The children rattled away merrily. 孩子們興高采烈地哇啦哇啦講個不停。
n. 咯咯聲; 吵鬧聲[S] We could hear the rattle of milk bottles. 我們可以聽到牛奶瓶的碰擊聲。; 發出咯咯聲的東西; (嬰兒玩的)撥浪鼓[C] The baby was playing with the rattle . 嬰兒在玩撥浪鼓。; 響尾蛇尾端的響環[C]; 喋喋不休的空話; 喋喋不休的人[S1][U]
a. (書籍、文件、畫等)現存的; 尚存的 This is the extant manuscript of the poem. 這是現存的該詩的原稿。
n. 【音】全音階, 音域; 全部, 整個範圍
a. 能吃苦耐勞的; 強壯的; 堅強的 Their children are remarkably hardy . 他們的孩子非常能吃苦耐勞。; (植物等)耐寒的 Strawberries are hardy and easy to grow in all soils. 草莓耐寒, 各種土壤裡都容易生長。; 大膽的, 勇敢的 a hardy pioneer 勇敢的開拓者
n. 接近, 鄰近; 親近[U][(+to/of)] Proximity to a good shopping center was very important. 鄰近一個好的購物中心非常重要。
n. 病原體
n. 顯型; 表現某一顯性特徵之生物個體或群體
a. 系統發生的; 動植物種類史的
n. 【生】門; 【語】語系
n. 連續, 接續[U] He was late for school three times in succession . 他連續三次上學遲到。; 一連串, 一系列[S][(+of)] She had a succession of colds. 她連續患傷風。; 接替, 繼任, 繼承[U][(+to)] Henry attempted to secure the succession to the office. 亨利試圖繼承這個職位。; 接替(或繼承)順序[U] The King’s oldest son is the first in succession to the throne. 國王的長子是王位的第一繼承人。; 繼承權[U][(+to)] There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate. 對於她產業的合法繼承權將有一場爭論。; 一個個後繼著[U]
n. 分類法; 分類學
n. 【植】克隆; 無性繁殖系; 翻版, 複製品
n. 【生】染色體
vascular plant
n. Any of various plants, such as the ferns and seed-bearing plants, in which the phloem transports sugar and the xylem transports water and salts.
a. 脈管的; 血管的; 充滿活力的
n. 古生物學
n. 【生】核染質, 核染色質
n.[U] 植物學; (總稱)一個地區的植物; 一個地區的植物生態 the botany of Greenland 格陵蘭地區的植物生態; 植物(或一類植物)的性狀
n. 植物學家, 專門研究植物的人
n. (用作單)遺傳學
n. 解剖學[U] comparative anatomy 比較解剖學; 解剖[U][C]; (動植物的)解剖結構[C] We studied the anatomy of the snake. 我們研究了蛇的解剖結構。; (詳細的)分析[C]; 【古】骨骼[C]
n. 生理學[U] She was awarded the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine. 她獲得諾貝爾生理學和醫學獎。; 生理, 生理機能[C][the S][(+of)]
n. 毛細管; 毛細血管[C]
a. 毛細管的; 毛細血管的 capillary action 毛細管作用; 毛細的; 毛狀的
n. 【生】細胞學
n. 【生】減數分裂; 【醫】瞳孔縮小
n. [C] 化石 go fossil hunting 搜尋化石去; 頑固不化的人; 守舊的事物 She is an old fossil . 她是個老頑固。
a. [B] 化石的, 成化石的; 守舊的, 陳腐的
n. [U] 琥珀 Amber is often used in jewelry. 琥珀常用於做首飾。; 琥珀色; 黃色; 黃褐色 The traffic lights turned to amber . 交通燈變成黃色。
a. 琥珀似的; 琥珀製的 For the third wedding anniversary, Mark bought his wife an amber necklace. 為了紀念結婚三週年, 馬克給妻子買了一條琥珀項鍊。; 琥珀色的 Amber satin and white lace were exactly what she desired. 琥珀色的緞子和白色的飾帶正是她所想要的。
n.[U] 發酵 the fermentation of wine 酒的發酵; 騷動; 動亂
vt. 使發酵 When wine is fermented , it gives off bubbles of gas. 酒發酵時發出氣泡。; 醞釀; 使騷動 His speeches fermented trouble among the work force. 他的講話在工人中引起騷動。
vi. 發酵 Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁放置日久會發酵。; 騷動
n. (常用複)水藻, 海藻
n. 噬菌體
n. 原生動物
a. 原生動物的
n. 摺疊; 複製; 回答; 反響; 【植】反疊
n. 【文】詞形變化; 結合; 配合
n. 微生物; (尤指引起疾病的)細菌[C] microbe warfare 細菌戰
n. 胚芽; 胚胎; 初期
a. 胚芽的; 胎兒的; 初期的
vi. 發芽; 生長 Seeds need water and warmth to germinate . 種子發芽需要水和溫度。; 形成; 產生 The idea germinated with her. 這主意是她想出來的。
vt. 使發芽; 使生長 Heat and moisture will germinate the seeds. 溫度和潮濕會使種子發芽。; 形成; 產生
vi. 發芽; 抽條 The rice seeds have sprouted . 稻種已發芽了。; 很快地成長
vt. 使萌芽; 使生長
n. [C] 新芽; 籽苗; 嫩枝; 幼苗狀物; 年幼者; 【植】球芽甘藍[P]
n. 芽; 葉芽[C][U]; 花蕾[C][U] The peach flowers are now in bud . 桃花正含苞待放。; 萌芽, 未成熟的事物[C][U] Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud . 一切惡感都必須在萌芽狀態就消滅。; 小孩; 少女[C]
vi. 發芽, 抽芽 The apple trees are budding . 蘋果樹正在抽芽。; 開始生長; (鳥)啄食嫩芽
vt. 使發芽; 發芽生出; 接(芽)
n. 光合作用
n. 化學合成