11-14-2 Flashcards
n. 猛然落下(或摔下); 猛衝[U]; 急躁; 魯莽; 倉促[U]; 促成; 加速[U]; 【化】沈澱[U]; 沈澱物[C][U]; (雨、雪等的)降下[U][C] There will be precipitation on northern hills tonight. 今夜北面山上有降雨。; 雨; 雪[U]; 降雨(雪)量[U]
n. 地誌; 地形圖; 地形; 地形學; 地形測量學
n. [U] 材料, 原料; 木料 Some parts nowadays are made of plastic or similar stuff . 現在有些零件是由塑料或類似的材料製造的。; 物品, 東西 I’ve got quite a lot of stuff to read. 我有許多東西要讀。; 紡織品; 毛呢; 素質; 本質; 要素 The young man has good stuff in him. 那個年輕人素質很好。; 廢物, 劣貨; 廢話 Get rid of that stuff in the garage. 把車庫裡那些沒有用的東西處理掉。; 填充物; 槍彈, 砲彈; 【口】錢, 鈔票[the S]; 【俚】毒品; 尤指海洛因
vt. 裝; 填; 塞[(+up)] He has a bad cold and his nose is stuffed up. 他患重感冒, 鼻子塞住了。; 把…裝滿; 把…塞進[O][(+into/with/up)] He stuffed the suitcase with his clothes. 他把衣服塞滿手提箱。; (為製作標本)剝製; (烹調上)填塞作料於; 使吃得過飽[(+with)] We stuffed ourselves on apples. 我們大吃蘋果。; 【俚】欺騙; 愚弄
vi. 飽食, 吃得過多(或過快)
a. 北極的; 極寒的
n. 北極地帶; 北極圈; (常複數)【美】禦寒防水套鞋
n. 支柱, 撐柱[C]
vt. 用支柱撐住 We have to shore up the damaged fence. 我們得用支柱撐住壞了的籬笆。; 使穩住, 支持[(+up)]
n. [C] 堆; 一堆[(+of)] A pile of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine. 一堆髒衣服放在洗衣機旁邊。; 【口】大量; 大數目[S][P][(+of)] He’s got piles of work to do this morning. 今天上午他有大量工作要做。; 【口】大筆錢財[S1] Mr. Hunter made a pile of money in the stock market. 漢特先生在股票市場賺了一大筆錢。; 高大的建築物; 建築群; 電池; 核反應堆
vt. 堆積, 疊; 累積[(+up)] He piled the books on top of each other. 他把書一本一本地疊起來。; 把…堆在; 裝(車等)[(+with)] They piled the cart with fruit and vegetables. 他們把水果和蔬菜裝上大車。
vi. 堆積; 累積 Her work is piling up. 她的工作越積越多。 She’s been piling up money ever since she got the job. 自從得了那份工作以來, 她一直在攢錢。; 擁, 擠[(+in/into/out/off)] They piled into my car. 他們擠進我的車。