07-22 Flashcards
a. 形容詞 佈滿星星的; 被星光照亮的 a starry winter night 一個佈滿星星的寒夜; 閃閃發光的; 明亮的; 星形的; 像星星的; 星球上來的
a. 形容詞 缺乏的; 沒有的[F][(+of)] The house is totally devoid of furniture .
a. 形容詞 星際的
vt. 及物動詞 發…的音; 注…的音 She knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly .
她認識很多法文字, 但發音不準確。; 宣稱; 斷言; 表示[O2][O8][O9][+that] The doctor pronounced that he was recovering nicely .
醫生宣稱他正在順利康復。; 宣判[(+on/upon)] The judge pronounced a sentence of death on the murderer .
vi. 不及物動詞 發音 He pronounces distinctly .
他發音清晰。; (尤指在法庭上)發表意見; 作出判斷[(+on/upon/for/against)] Few people pronounced for his nomination .
a. [B] 構成(全體)的, 組成的 the constituent parts of an atom 原子的組成成分; 選舉的; 任命的; 有憲法制定(或修改)權的; 有組閣權的 a constituent assembly 立憲會議
n. 名詞 [C] 成分, 組成的要素 the constituents of cement 水泥的成分; 選民, 選舉人; 委託人; 【語】成分, 結構成分
a. [B] 地球的; 陸地的 terrestrial gravitation 地球引力; 陸生的; 陸棲的; 人間的; 塵世的 terrestrial interests 名利心; 【天】類地行星的
n. 名詞 地球人; 陸地生物[C]
a. 形容詞 無益的, 無效的, 無用的; 無希望的 His efforts to save the business were futile .
他挽救企業的努力未能奏效。; 不重要的, 微不足道的; 忙於小事的; 缺少目的的 He lived a futile life .
他一生過得庸庸碌碌。; (人)愚蠢的, 沒有出息的 That futile young man does nothing but waste money .
a. 形容詞 新鮮的; 未經加工處理過的 They buy fresh meat .
他們買新鮮肉。; (水等)淡的[Z][B] This kind of fish lives in fresh water .
這種魚生活在淡水中。; 新的; 新到的; 剛發生的[Z][(+from)] The bread is fresh from oven , and the vegetable fresh from garden .
這麵包剛出爐, 這蔬菜剛從院子採摘下來。 She is fresh from university .
她剛從大學畢業。; 另外的; 新穎的[Z][B] He lit a fresh cigarette .
他點燃了另一支煙。; 精力充沛的[F] We all felt fresh after the vacation .
假期過後我們都感到精力充沛。; 氣色好的[B] She has dark hair and a fresh complexion .
她頭髮烏黑, 面色健康。; (空氣)清新的; 涼爽的[B] He opened the window to let in some fresh air .
他打開窗戶放進一些清新的空氣。; (風)強勁的; 【口】(天氣)凜冽的[F]; 無經驗的, 不老練的 She is quite fresh to office work .
她對辦公室工作毫無經驗。; 【口】(對異性)無禮的, 厚顏的[F][(+with)] He started getting fresh with the new secretary .
ad. 副詞 剛, 才 The store was fresh out of eggs .
n. 名詞 一日(年)之初; (河水)暴漲, 泛濫; 【口】(大學)新生; 淡水池
n. 名詞 沈溺; 放縱[U][(+in)] Constant indulgence in gambling brought about his ruin .
經常沈迷於賭博把他毀了。; 縱容; 寬容; 遷就[U] ask for someone’s indulgence 請求某人原諒; 嗜好, 愛好[C] Wine is his only indulgence .
酒是他唯一的嗜好。; 恩惠; 特權; 【商】延期; 延期優惠; 【宗】(天主教的)特赦; 豁免[U]
a. 形容詞 危險的; 冒險的 The journey through the jungle was perilous .
vt. 及物動詞 計劃; 系統化
a. 形容詞 天的, 天空的 celestial bodies 天體; 天國的; 神聖的 Angels are celestial beings .
天使是天神。; 精妙的; 極佳的 celestial music 美妙動聽的音樂; (C-)天朝(指古時中國)的
n. 名詞 神仙, 天堂裡的居民[C]
n. 名詞 羅盤, 指南針[C] The compass was first used in sailing .
羅盤首先用在航海上。; (製圖用的)圓規[P1]; 範圍, 界線; 周圍, 界線[C][S1] Such things aren’t within the compass of my power .
這些事不在我力可能及的範圍之內。 Her actions went beyond the compass of proper social behavior .
她的舉動越出了正當的社交行為的範圍。; 【音】音域
vt. 及物動詞 圖謀, 計劃; 圍繞…而行, 包圍; 達到, 獲得 He did everything within his power to compass his ends .
他竭盡全力以求達到目的。; 理解, 領會
n. 名詞 鴿子[C] A pigeon was cooing up in one of the elms .
一隻鴿子在榆樹上咕咕地叫。; (食用的)鴿肉[U]; (作為射擊目標的)土鴿飛靶[C]; 【俚】傻瓜; 易受騙的人[C] He was a pigeon , a victim of a confidence game .
vt. 及物動詞 (尤指賭博時)詐騙
premise premise
n. 名詞 假定, 假設; 前提[C][(+that)] He acted on the premise that he was absolutely right .
他的行動是以’自己是絕對正確的’為前提的。; 【律】(契約書的)緣起(緣起中述及的)財產; 房屋及其地基; 經營場地[P] The firm moved to its new premises in 1971 .
該公司於一九七一年遷至新址。 Keep off the premises .