06-30-2 Flashcards
vt. 引導, 帶領 He conducted the members of the audience to their seats. 他引觀眾到他們的座位上。; 實施; 處理; 經營, 管理 They hired agents to conduct their affairs. 他們雇請代理人來處理他們的事務。; 為人, 表現[O]; 指揮(軍隊, 樂隊等) Mr. Green will conduct the orchestra. 格林先生將指揮這支管弦樂隊。; 【物】傳導(熱, 電等) Most metals conduct electricity. 大多數金屬能導電。
vi. 引導, 帶領; 指揮樂隊
a. 骯髒的, 污穢的 They lived in a sordid apartment. 他們住在骯髒的公寓房子裡。; 卑鄙的, 下賤的; 利慾薰心的 He was sick of the sordid deal. 他厭惡這筆骯髒的交易。; 可憐的; 悲慘的 a sordid sight 悲慘的景象; 色彩暗淡的; 灰褐色的
a. 失禮的; 不禮貌的; 粗魯的
n. 家族; 親戚; 同類[K][(+to)] He is no kin to me. 他與我沒有親屬關係。 All our kin came to the family reunion. 我們的親屬全都參加了這次家庭團聚會。
a. 有親屬關係的; 同類的; 類似的[(+to)] Your cousin is also kin to me. 你的堂兄也是我的親戚。
n. [C] 同國人, 同胞 My dear compatriots , it is time that we do something for our country. 親愛的同胞們, 為國效勞的時候到了。; 夥伴; 同事 Jack was one of his old compatriots . 傑克是他的老夥伴之一。
a. 同國的, 同胞的 He believed that he and his compatriot students were the future leaders. 他相信他和他同國的學生是未來的領袖。
n. 認知; 認定; 審理; 【律】審判管轄權; 標誌, 徽號
a. 成熟的; 釀熟的 This is the most mature of his plays. 這是他最成熟的一部劇作。; 成年人的 She has the figure of a mature woman. 她有成年女性的體型。; 穩重的; 慎重的, 周到的 Can’t you behave in a mature way? 你的舉止不能穩重一點嗎?; (票據等)到期的; 應支付的
vi. 變成熟; 長成; 釀成 Wine and judgement mature with age. 酒陳味香, 人老識深。; (票據等)到期 Your deposit matures on April 3rd. 你的存款四月三日到期。
vt. 使成熟; 使長成 Her responsibilities matured her at an early age. 她肩負的責任使她早熟。; 慎重作出; 使完善 He matured his plans for the long trip. 他為這次長途旅行仔細地作了計劃。
vi. 掙扎 We floundered through deep snow to get to the store. 我們費力地踏著厚厚的積雪去那家店裡。; 錯亂地做事(或說話) He floundered through his speech. 他張惶失措地作完了演說。
vt. 一腳踢開[(+away)]; 輕蔑地拒絕; 摒棄, 唾棄 She spurned all offers of help. 她斷然拒絕一切幫助。
vi. 摒棄; 藐視[(+at)]
n. [C] 摒棄; 藐視; 【古】踢
n. 音樂劇; 情節劇; 傳奇劇; 聳人聽聞的事件
n. 緊握; 緊咬; 夾住[C][S1] The child would not let go his grip on Tom. 這孩子緊緊地抓住湯姆不放。; 理解; 掌握; 控制; 吸引力[S] He is just beginning to get a grip of the subject. 他剛剛開始能掌握這一科。; (特定的)握法[C]; 柄, 把; 夾, 鉗[C]; 手提包, 旅行袋[C]; 舞臺工作人員[C]
vt. 握(或咬, 夾)牢 She gripped my hand in fear. 她恐懼地握緊我的手。; 掌握; 控制; 吸引; 抓住(注意力等) His performance gripped the audience. 他的表演深深地吸引住觀眾。
vi. 握(或咬, 夾)得牢
a. 握的; 吸引住人的
a. 有能力的, 能幹的; 能勝任的, 稱職的 Mark proved to be a very competent manager. 馬克證明了自己是一個很能幹的經理。; 充分的, 足夠的; 令人滿意的, 合格的 She has a competent knowledge of English. 她已掌握了足夠的英語知識。; 【律】有法定資格的[F][+to-v]; 屬於某人權制的, 被允許的, 恰當的[F][(+to)]
vt. 使和解, 使和好[(+with)] After each quarrel the children are soon reconciled . 每次吵架之後孩子們很快就會和好。; 調停, 調解 The teacher had to reconcile disputes among her pupils. 老師不得不調解她學生中的糾紛。; 調和; 使一致[(+with)] We must reconcile our statements with our conduct. 我們必須做到言行一致。; 使安於, 使甘心於[H][(+to)] She could not reconcile herself to failure. 她不甘心於失敗。
vt. 修訂, 修改; 訂正 The constitution was amended in 1920 to give women the right to vote. 美國憲法於一九二零年修訂, 賦予婦女投票權。 The motion to amend the club’s constitution was defeated by 20 votes to 15. 修改俱樂部章程的動議以二十票對十五票被否決了。; 改進, 改善
vi. 改進, 改善; 改過自新 He was determined to amend . 他決心改過自新。
n. [C] (科學, 藝術, 運動等的)業餘從事者 Our actors were all enthusiastic amateurs . 我們的演員都是熱心的業餘愛好者。; 外行; 粗通(某一行)的人 The young politician is an amateur at manipulating public opinion. 那個年輕政客在操縱輿論方面是個外行。; 愛好者[(+of)]
a. [Z] 業餘的 The pictures were taken by an amateur photographer. 這些照片是一位業餘攝影師拍的。; 外行的, 不熟練的 Her acting was very amateur . 她的演技很難恭維。
a. 古怪的; 乖僻的 She is a very erratic tennis player. 她是個極其難以捉摸的網球手。; 飄忽不定的; 不穩定的; 無規律的 Our rowboat’s course was erratic after we lost the oars. 丟了槳之後我們划艇的航向飄忽不定。
n. [C] 預感, 直覺[+that] I have a hunch that it will snow soon. 我有快要下雪的預感。; 隆肉; 瘤; 肉峰; 厚片, 大塊
vt. 使(背部)隆起, 使成弓狀[(+up)] She hunched up her shoulders sitting at the desk. 她聳著肩坐在書桌前。
vi. 向前移動; 推進; 隆起, 彎成弓狀 She hunched down in her seat. 她弓著背坐在位子上。
a. 【考古】舊石器時代的
a. (亦作N-)新石器時代的; 早先的; 已經過時的
n. 衰退; 墮落; 【生】退化(作用); 【醫】變性
a.[Z][R] 難以想像的, 不可思議的; 難以置信的 It seemed unthinkable that he should have done such a wicked thing. 他竟幹出這樣的壞事, 真令人難以置信。; 不可能的 Defeat is unthinkable . 戰敗是不可能的。
vt. 使放心, 使消除疑慮; 向…再保證 [(+of/about)][O5] The coach’s confidence reassured the whole team. 教練的信念使全體隊員又有了信心。; 【英】給…再保險
n.[U] 驚恐, 慌張, 不安 I waited for the results in a state of some trepidation . 我有些惶恐不安地等待著結果。; 震顫, 顫抖
vt. 使受喜愛; 使受鍾愛[(+to)] Her kindness endeared her to everyone. 她為人善良, 受人喜愛。 He endeared himself by acts of generosity. 他以其慷慨行為贏得了人們的喜愛。