07-08 Flashcards
vi. 退, 後退; 遠去; 變模糊, 變淡; 變得渺茫; 縮進, 向後傾斜[(+from)] His hair is beginning to recede from his forehead. 他的頭髮開始從前額往後禿了。; 收回, 撤回[(+from)] recede from a promise 背棄諾言; 降低, 縮減
vt. 掃; 清掃, 打掃[O8] He sweeps the room every day. 他每天打掃房間。; 掃去; 清除[O][(+away/off/from)] The boy helped Mother sweep the dirt away. 男孩幫助母親清除塵土。; (風等)刮起; (浪等)沖走; 席捲[O][(+off/along/away)] The wind swept the leaves away. 風把樹葉刮走。; 猛烈移動, 猛推, 猛拉[O][(+aside/aross)]; 掃蕩; 肅清, 消滅; 環視, 眺望 Her eyes swept the room. 她的目光掃視著房間。; 掃過, 掠過, 擦過 Willow branches swept the river’s surface. 柳枝拂掠著河面。; 【軍】掃射; 掃(雷); 在…中獲全勝; 用電子設備掃查(房屋、建築)有無監聽裝置或炸彈
vi. 掃, 打掃, 掃除; 襲擊, (風等)刮起; 席捲[Q][(+across/over/through)] A cold wind swept through the north. 寒風席捲北方。; 環視, 掃視; 掠過; 急速移動[Q][(+past/to)] Hunter’s keen eyes swept from left to right. 漢特尖銳的目光從左到右掃視了一下。; 衣裙搖曳地走, 堂皇地走動[Q][(+past/out of)]; 連綿, 延伸[Q][(+round/up/down/to)] The broad driveway sweeps around the lake. 這條寬闊的汽車道環湖伸展。
n. [C] 打掃, 清掃 Let’s give our room a good sweep . 讓我們把房間好好打掃一下。; (手等的)一揮; 綿亙, 延伸, 伸展[the S] There was a sweep of glistening snow on the hillside. 山坡上有一片連綿的閃閃發亮的積雪。; 曲線; 轉彎; 彎曲; 彎路[S]; 壓倒性的勝利, 全勝 It’s a clean sweep ; we’ve won all the prizes. 我們大獲全勝; 我們贏得了所有的獎品。; (風, 潮水等的)流動; (物的)蜂擁推進, 突進; 【口】掃煙囪工人
n. [C] 分(鐘)(時間單位); 一會兒, 片刻[S1] I’ll be back in a minute . 我馬上就回來。; 分(角度的單位, 一度的六十分之一); 備忘錄; 筆記; 會議記錄[P] I was told to keep the minutes at the conference. 他們叫我在會議上作記錄。
vt. 將…記錄下來[(+down)]; 將…記入會議記錄 I insisted that my observation be minuted . 我堅持要把我的看法記入議事錄。
a. 沈重的; 笨重的; 粗大的; (文章、談話等)冗長的, 沈悶的, 毫無趣味的 He spoke in a slow, ponderous way. 他的講話緩慢而冗長。
a. 間歇的; 時斷時續的; 週期性的 Today will be mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent showers. 今天大部分時間天氣晴朗, 有間斷陣雨。 intermittent fever 間歇熱
a. 盈滿的
vt. 捐贈; 資助; 向…捐錢(或物) The rich alumnus endowed the college with half of his fortune. 這位富有的校友把其一半的財產捐贈給這所大學。; 賦予[H][(+with)] He is endowed with an inventive mind. 他天生具有發明才能。
a. 有害的; 不利的
n. 有害的人(或物); 【古】不受歡迎的求婚者
vt. 使充滿; 灌輸; 深深影響; 使滲透
a.[Z] 充滿的; 擁擠的; 熱鬧的 We inched through teeming streets. 我們在熙熙攘攘的街道上緩慢行走。; 多產的
vt. 迎面遇到; 面臨; 遭遇 The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp. 士兵們離開營房時, 迎面遇到兩個恐怖分子。; 勇敢地面對; 正視; 對抗 confront danger 勇敢地面對危險; 使面對; 使遭遇; 使對質[(+with)] confront a prisoner with a witness 使囚犯與證人對質; 比較; 對照
a. 未開塞的; 未利用的, 未開發的
a. 不太可能的; 靠不住的[F][+to-v][+that] It seems unlikely that he will come. 他似乎不大可能來。 They are unlikely to marry. 他們不大可能結婚。; 不可能發生的; 不像是真的; 不大有希望的[B] That’s an unlikely story. 這事不像是真的。
ad. 不可能, 未必 She may, not unlikely , go abroad. 她或許會出國, 這未必不可能。
a. 適當的, 恰當的, 相稱的[(+to/for)] She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件適合該場合穿的衣服。
vt. 撥出(款項等)[(+for)] The city will appropriate funds for the new airport. 該市將撥款建造新機場。; 佔用; 盜用, 挪用 The manager was found to have appropriated store money. 那位經理曾經挪用店裡的錢。
a. 沒留下深刻印象的; 未受感動的; 無印記的
a. 精明的; 狡猾的 You made a shrewd investment there. 你在那裡投資極為精明。 Her brother is a shrewd businessman. 她兄弟是個精明的生意人。; 機靈的, 敏銳的, 聰穎的 His shrewd eyes looked across at his wife. 他那敏銳的目光射向他的妻子。
a. 無益的, 無效的, 無用的; 無希望的 His efforts to save the business were futile . 他挽救企業的努力未能奏效。; 不重要的, 微不足道的; 忙於小事的; 缺少目的的 He lived a futile life. 他一生過得庸庸碌碌。; (人)愚蠢的, 沒有出息的 That futile young man does nothing but waste money. 那個沒出息的青年人只會浪費錢。
n. 騷動; 混亂[U][C] The city was in a turmoil . 該城一片混亂。
a. 課外的; 業餘的; 【口】婚外的
vt. 妨礙, 阻礙; 阻止 The attempt to rescue the climbers was impeded by bad weather. 救援登山者的努力因天氣惡劣而受阻。
n. 妥協, 和解[C][U][(+between)] I hope we shall come to a compromise . 我希望我們能達成妥協。; 妥協方案, 折衷辦法; 折衷物[C] The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles. 這所房子的內部裝飾是中西兩式的折衷物。; 連累, 危及[S][(+of)] She did it without compromise of her reputation. 她做這事而無損她的名譽。; (原則等的)放棄[S][(+of)]
vt. 互讓解決(分歧等); 連累, 危及 You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people. 你如果與這些人交往就會損害你的好名聲。; 放棄(原則等); 洩露(祕密等) He refused to compromise his principles. 他拒絕放棄原則。
vi. 妥協, 讓步[(+on)] They found it wiser to compromise with her. 他們覺得與她妥協更明智。
a. 折衷的; 不拘一格的; 兼收並蓄的
n. 折衷學派; 折衷主義者
vt. 【文】排除; 防止, 杜絕 preclude the possibility of misunderstanding 防止誤解的可能; 阻止, 妨礙[(+from)] The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting. 糟糕的天氣使我不能出席會議。
vt. 排除, 消除 obviate the possibility of a mistake 消除出錯的可能性
vi. 喋喋不休, 嘮叨[(+about)] She chattered on and on about her recent trip. 她喋喋不休地談她最近的旅行。; (鳥)鳴囀; (松鼠, 猴子等)吱吱叫[(+away)] The sparrows were chattering in the garden. 麻雀在園中啁啾地叫個不停。; (溪流等)潺潺作聲; (發抖時牙齒)格格響; (機槍等)噠噠連發 His teeth chattered . 他的牙齒格格作響。
vt. 喋喋不休地說 She is forever chattering nonsense. 她老是喋喋不休地胡說八道。; 聲音含糊地發出; 使打顫; 使卡嗒卡嗒作聲
n. [U] 嘮叨, 饒舌 Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Roy is saying. 你們的閒談停一停, 聽聽羅伊說什麼。; 啁啾聲; 吱吱聲; 潺潺聲; 格格聲; 噠噠聲
vt. 使著魔, 對…用魔法 The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess. 巫師使漂亮的公主中了魔法。; 使陶醉; 使喜悅; 使入迷[H][(+by/with)] The family was enchanted with the cute little girl. 這一家子非常喜歡這個漂亮的小姑娘。 She enchanted all her friends. 她把她所有的朋友都迷住了。
a. 令人發狂的; 使人惱怒的; 激烈的
a. 殘酷的, 無情的; 不間斷的, 持續的; 堅韌的, 不懈的 a relentless autumnal rain 綿綿秋雨
vt. 毀損; 損傷; 玷污 Nothing marred their happiness. 沒有什麼能破壞他們的幸福。 mar a table top 損壞桌面
n. 污點; 缺點[C]
vt. 縮短 He decided to abridge his stay here after he received a letter from home. 他接到家信後決定縮短在這裡的逗留時間。; 刪節, 節略 This book might be more readable if it is abridged . 這本書如經刪節, 可讀性也許會更強些。; 限制 The freedom of speech should not be abridged . 言論自由不應受限制。
n. 尊敬
n. 【心】神入; 移情
vt. 使遵從習俗(或慣例), 使習俗化
vt. 傳送, 傳達 I will transmit the money by special messenger. 我將專門派人送這筆錢。; 傳(光、熱、聲等); 傳動 They are trying to find a better way of transmitting energy. 他們正試圖尋找一種更好的輸能方法。; 遺傳; 留傳[(+to)] Genes are transmitted from one generation to another. 基因代代相傳。; 發射; 播送[(+to)] The message was transmitted by radio. 這情報是用無線電發送的。; 傳播; 傳染[(+to)] Rats transmit disease. 老鼠傳播疾病。
vi. 播送信號; 發報
vt. 加大; 強化 A country should not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors. 一個國家不應該犧牲鄰國來壯大自己。; 誇張; 吹捧 The sales manager never stops aggrandizing his ability. 這個銷售經理從不停止誇張自己的能力。
a. 務實的; 實幹的; 實用主義的; (依據前因後果)系統論述史實的; 國家大事的; 【古】忙的; 愛管閒事的
vt.[(+by/with)] 困擾, 使苦惱[H] She was beset by doubts. 她疑慮重重。; 圍攻; 包圍住 We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp. 我們在沼澤地遭受蚊蟲圍攻。; 鑲, 嵌 a gown beset with jewels 用寶石鑲嵌的長袍
vt. 使醒悟; 使不再抱幻想; 使…的理想破滅 They had thought that the vacation would be restful, but they were soon disillusioned . 他們原以為假期裡能好好休息, 但過不多久便明白根本不是那回事。
n. 醒悟; 理想破滅[U]
vt. 催促; 加速 Warm weather and showers hastened the growth of the plants. 溫暖的天氣和陣雨加速了植物的生長。
vi. 趕緊, 趕快 I hastened home to tell my family the good news. 我趕緊回家告訴家人這一好消息。; 趕緊做[+to-v] He hastened to apologize. 他趕緊道歉。
a. 悲觀的 This is too pessimistic a view. 這一觀點太悲觀了。; 悲觀主義的
a. 無可指責的; 無可懷疑的; 清白的