11-16 Flashcards
vt. 驅散(霧等), 使消散; 消除, 使消失 dissipate fear 消除恐懼; 浪費, 揮霍 Don’t dissipate your efforts. 不要浪費自己的精力。
vi. 消散; 消失 The crowd soon dissipated when the police arrived. 警察一到現場, 人群便四散離去。; 放蕩; 耽於遊樂
n.[C][U] 沈積, 沈澱; 沈積物 She scooped out the yeasty sediments . 她將發酵的沈澱物舀了出來。
adj having a shape that is rounded and not straight 彎曲的 a sword with a curved blade 彎刀
n. 【地】背斜層
n. 缺點, 毛病, 缺陷[C] Every man has his faults . 人無聖賢, 孰能無過。; 錯誤[C] The teacher found many faults in spelling and grammar in my composition. 老師在我作文中發現許多拼寫和文法錯誤。; (過失的)責任, 咎[U] The fault is entirely mine. 責任全在於我。 It’s no fault of hers. 這不是她的過錯。; 【地】斷層[C]; 故障; 誤差[C]; (網球等)發球失誤[C]
vt. (通常用於疑問句或否定句)挑…的毛病; 找出…的缺點 It was impossible to fault her performance. 她的演出無懈可擊。
vi. 弄錯, 出差錯; 【地】產生斷層
n. [C] 蓄水庫; 貯水池(或槽); 貯存器 This reservoir supplies the entire city with water. 這個水庫為全城供水。; 儲藏所, 倉庫; (知識, 精力等的)儲藏, 蓄積[(+of)] History is a reservoir of human experience. 歷史是人類經歷的總匯。; 【生】儲液囊
vt. (在水庫, 水槽等中)儲藏, 蓄積
a. 地震的; 因地震而引起的
a. 有孔的, 多孔的; 能滲透的; 滲水的; 透風的; 透氣的 This clay pot is porous . 這個泥罐滲水。
n. 【地】頁岩; 泥板岩[U] Oil-yielding organic matter is contained in the shales . 在這些頁岩裡有產油的有機物質。
a. 趨集於一點的; 會聚性的; 【數】收斂的
n. 慷慨[U]; 充沛; 豐富, 大量; 過分[U][S][(+of)] Grapes grow in profusion there. 那裡盛產葡萄。
n. 【地】岩石圈; 陸界
n. 【地】(地球內部的)軟流圈
adj also 又作 crumpled up crushed into a smaller bent shape 皺的; 扭曲的 a crumpled banknote 皺巴巴的鈔票; cloth or clothes that are crumpled have a lot of lines or folds in them 〔布﹑衣服〕有褶皺的 Don’t sit around in your suit. It’ll get crumpled . 不要穿着西服到處亂坐﹐會起皺的。; someone who is crumpled somewhere, is lying still in a strange position after they have fallen 〔人〕歪歪扭扭地倒地不起
vt. [(+up)] 弄皺, 壓皺 crumple one’s clothes 把衣服弄縐; 使一蹶不振 The disease crumpled him. 病魔使他的身體垮了。
vi. [(+up)] 起皺 Some kinds of material crumple more easily than others. 有些衣料比另一些衣料容易起皺。; 倒下; 倒坍; 一蹶不振 The enemy forces crumpled under the bombardment. 敵軍在砲擊下垮了。 The old lady crumpled and fell on the street. 那個老婦人倒在街上。
n. 摺皺, 皺紋[C]
n. [C] 溝, 溝渠 They dug trenches to keep the forest fire from spreading. 他們挖溝以阻止森林大火蔓延。; 戰壕; 塹壕陣地[P] The soldiers fought in trenches for ten days. 士兵們在塹壕陣地上打了十天仗。; 海溝; 地溝
vt. 在…挖溝; 在…挖戰壕 They were busy trenching the fields for draining. 他們忙著在田裡開溝排水。; 築壕防衛 The troops received orders to trench the outpost. 部隊接到命令在前哨周圍築壕加強防衛。; 切; 刻
vi. 挖溝; 挖戰壕; 侵害, 侵佔[(+on/upon)] The local despot trenched on the temple’s property. 當地惡霸侵佔了寺廟的廟產。
vt. 刮, 擦; 括(或擦)乾淨 He scraped the potatoes before frying. 他炸馬鈴薯前先將馬鈴薯刮皮。; 刮落, 擦去, 削掉[O][(+off/away/out)] He scraped the paint from the surface. 他把面上的漆刮掉。; 擦傷; 刮破 Mary scraped her knee when she fell off her bike. 瑪麗從腳踏車上摔下來擦傷了膝蓋。; 刮擦…使發出刺耳聲[(+on/against)] Don’t scrape your feet on the floor. 不要用腳摩擦地板發出刺耳的聲音。; 挖出; 挖成[(+out)] The child scraped a hole in the sand. 這孩子在沙中刨了一個洞。; 【口】(艱難地)湊集, 積攢; 勉強過日子[(+up/together)] He has scraped together enough money to buy a car. 他已湊足了買一輛汽車的錢。
vi. 刮, 擦[(+on/against)] The bamboos scraped against the back wall of the house. 竹子擦著房子的後牆。; 刮(或擦)出刺耳聲[(+on/against)] A chair scraped on the floor. 椅子在地板上拖得吱吱的響。; 貼近而過; 勉強通過[Q][(+along/through)] He heard the scrape of footsteps up the stairs. 他聽到有人上樓的嚓嚓的腳步聲。 He scraped through the narrow opening. 他勉強鑽過狹窄的開口處。; (艱難地)積攢錢財; 勉強過日子[(+ by/along)] They often get into scrapes . 他們常常陷入窘境。 The family could just scrape along but never asked for charity. 這家人只能勉強度日, 但從沒有要過救濟。
n. [C] 刮, 擦; 挖; 擦傷; 擦痕 He fell off the bike and got a scrape on his knee. 他從腳踏車上摔下來, 擦破了膝蓋。; 刮擦聲; 【口】窘境, 困境
vi. 下來, 下降[(+from)] You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot. 你可以搭電梯上去, 但要自己走下來。; 下傾, 下斜 The mountain path descends to the lake. 山路下斜通向湖邊。; 傳下來, 來自於[(+from)] The custom has descended to our day. 這一習俗一直傳到今天。; 突然襲擊; 突然拜訪[(+on/upon)] Bob and his girl friend descended on us for the weekend. 鮑伯和他女友突然來我家過週末。; 屈尊; 墮落[(+to)]; 為…的後裔[H][(+from)] He is descended from Confucius. 他是孔子的後裔。
vt. 走下; 沿…向下
n. 【地】岩漿; 【醫】乳漿劑